Based on the viva voce interview for recruitment of I CT Officer and Cook Post held on 6th January 2025, the College of Science and Technology is pleased to declare the result of the interview as mentioned below:

Sl. #


Phone No.



ICT Officer Post





Not selected

Cook Post












The selected candidate must confirm their availability for the position by sending an email to the address listed below by January 16, 2025, at 4:00 PM at the latest. If the candidate does not confirm by this deadline, the offer may be rescinded. Upon acceptance of the offer, the candidate is expected to report to the College on February 1, 2025, to begin their role.

For further inquiry – Contact No. 17755313, email address – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The College of Science and Technology is glad declare the result of the written test and candidate shortlisted for the VIVA-VOCE Interview which will be conducted very soon.

If any of the information provided is not correct, please do inform the number provided below for clarification. You will also receive a call from the Administration to confirm on your availability.

The candidate is requested to bring all the original Documents during the interview failing which the candidate will not be allowed to sit for VIVA VOCE Interview and also advised to reach the venue building 10 minutes early.

Kindly bring No Objection Certificate, Audit Clearance if the candidate is still working and have not submitted, failing which you will not be allowed to sit for Interview.



Phone No.

Written Test Result





Shortlisted for Viva-Voce Interview 




Not shortlisted for Viva-Voce Interview

The date of VIVA-VOCE Interview will be informed to individual candidates by email and call once the date is confirmed.

Contact – Tshering Wangmo – 17755313

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce that the following candidates have been shortlisted for the Written Test for ICT officer post, scheduled for December 13th  2024, at the specified times listed for each candidate.

Sl. No. CID No. Phone No. Venue Reporting Time
1 11209004700 17832322 Administration Building (Integrity Hall)-CST,Kharbandi,Phuentsholing       9:00 AM
2 11516004084 17386639
3 11606000313 17356558
4 11009001213 17233362
5 11503001803 17860650
6 11502002588 77414331
7 11308005661 17451409
8 11306001436 17339858
9 11109005571 17959721
10 11104003574 17455943


Shortlisting Criteria: 

  1. Candidates must have a minimum aggregate of 60% each in Class X (English + best 4 subject) and Class XII (English + best 3 subjects), 55% in Bachelor’s degree (honors) /60% in Bachelor’s degree. (Note: criteria will not apply for those with minimum of five years of relevant work experience).
  2. Candidates are shortlisted based on merit rank of aggregate marks. ‘Aggregate %’ has been calculated considering performance in academic qualifications: 15% of Class X (English + best 4 subjects), 25% of Class XII (English + best 3 subjects) and 60% of Bachelor Degree qualification.
  3. Candidates with incomplete/invalid documents in line with the requirements of the announcement have not been considered for shortlisting.

Important notes on written examination:

  1. shortlisted candidate must sit for written examination scheduled on 13th December 2024 (9:00 AM) at College of Science and Technology, Kharbandi, Phuentsholing, Bhutan. Candidate must bring along their original Citizenship Identity Card and other items required for the examination.
  2. Written examination will be administered to test the subject knowledge of the candidates.
  3. Candidates must score 50% or more in the written examination.

Please ensure you bring your original documents druing Written Test; failure to do so will result in you not being allowed to participate. Additionally, if you are currently employed and have not submitted your No Objection Certificate and Audit Clearance Certificate, please bring those as well, or you will not be permitted to attend the test.

We recommend arriving at the venue 10 minutes early.

 For any inquiries related to shortlisting or any other, please reach out to 17755313

Sealed bids are invited from the eligible Bhutanese Nationals holding valid Trade License for operating the Wet Canteen inside the College of Science and Technology campus.

The last date of submission of the bid is at 10.00 AM on 18th December 2024 and will be opened on the same date at 10: 30 AM.


Click Here to download the Tender Document

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the following vacancy for recruitment.

Sl. #

Position Title

Position Level

Minimum Qualification


Service Status






Asst. ICT Officer/

ICT Officer/

Sr. ICT Officer

(Position Profile)





B Engg. IT






Pay and Allowance will be paid as per existing regulations


Candidates must have a minimum aggregate of 50% each in Class X (English + best 4 subject) and Class XII (English+3 best subject), 60% in Degree.

NOTE:- Criteria will not apply for those with minimum of five years relevant experience. 







(Fixed Term)


(Position Profile)


Interested candidates meeting the criteria may apply to the College on or before 30th  November 2024.


  1. Should be a Bhutanese National
  2. Must have attained 18 years of age, and not more than 45 years of age.
  3. Documents required
    • Academic Transcript/certificates
    • Valid Copy of citizenship ID Card
    • Valid Security Clearance Certificate (approved online)
    • Valid Medical Fitness Certificate
    • Work Experience Certificate if any
    • Audit Clearance Certificate (If presently employed)
    • No Objection Certificate (from your employer if presently working)
    • Full Present Address and Tele/Mobile No. and email address if possible
  1. Job Specifications and another requirement for the post – Please check Position Profile.
  1. Eligible candidates are requested to submit application via online portal RUB IMS (applicants are required to register and then apply via latest by30th  November 2024. 4:00 PM. Please, follow the step-by-step procedures for online application.


Shortlisted candidates will be announced on the College website and intimated for interview through call.

For further details please contact to Administrative Officer at 17303697/ Administrative Assistant at 17755313 during office hours.

If you have any issues applying online, please contact the ICT at 17 55 13 31, CST.


The College of Science and Technology (CST) is pleased to announce admission to Masters in Construction Management (MCM) commencing from Feb 2025.

The MCM programme is designed to provide theoretical as well as practical knowledge and skills for managing the social, technological, financial, and environmental challenges facing the construction industry of today. It addresses the main concepts and methodologies of construction project management and provides educational opportunities for advanced study for cognate students from a wide range of industries including engineering, architecture, and the real estate and construction sector. (Read More Here)

Admission Process

A total of 10 candidates (with scholarships/sponsorships and/or self-financed) will be selected based on the following criterias. The College will not offer scholarship to the selected candidates.

Eligibility criteria - applicants should have an undergraduate degree in civil / electrical / mechanical engineering or architecture or a four-year degree in construction engineering and management with a minimum score of 55% aggregate.

Selection criteria – applicants will be selected on merit based on the following criterias:

  • An interview – 60%
  • Academic performance based on the degree results – 10%
  • Letter of motivation as per the format attached. Click Here to download.– 30%
  • Recommendation letter from an academic or work supervisor as per the format attached. Click Here to download.

Documents required

  • All applicants must submit copies of academic transcripts dully attested by an authorised person/agency.
  • Applicants who have graduated from the Royal University of Bhutan (RUB) need not attest their documents.
  • The selected applicants will have to produce original transcripts during registration.
  • International applicants from non-native English speaking countries will need to provide evidence of having taken the bachelors programme in English medium.

Interested candidates (both pre & in-service) fulfilling the above criterias may directly apply to the college. The last date to submit application is Nov 29, 2024, and oral interview will be conducted between Dec 1-5, 2024. Selection results will be declared on Dec 10, 2024. The selected candidates for the programme should register by Feb 3, 2025 and classes will commence from Feb 10, 2025.


The candidates will be accommodated in the existing self-catering hostel and will have option to either join the rest of the students for dining in the student mess or arrange their own meals in the common kitchen in the hostel. The candidates will have to pay house rent and other utility bills based on the prevailing college rules and regulations. Those wishing to bring family will have to arrange their own accommodation outside the College campus.

Interested candidates can contact Dr. Ugyen Dorji, Programme Leader at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call @ 1775 2130

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce admission to Master of Engineering in Renewable Energy under self funding commencing from Feb 2025.


Admission Process

A total of 10 candidates (self-funded/ scholarship from agencies) will be selected based on the following criteria.

Entry Requirements

a. Eligibility criteria - To be eligible to apply for the programme, applicants should have a minimum of 55% in a four-year/ Honours degree in either a Bachelor of Engineering/ Bachelor of

Technology or a Bachelor of Science in Engineering or Bachelor of Science (Physics).

b. Selection criteria – Selection criteria include oral and written examinations, degree academic record, letter of motivation, and letter of recommendation to determine whether candidates have the prior knowledge and competencies required to complete the programme.

Applicants will be assessed and selected based on the following marking schemes:

  • An Interview – 60% (30% written examination (MCQ, short answers, duration of one hour) of basic subject knowledge and skills requirements, and 30% oral interview (10-15 minutes/candidate covering professional knowledge, ethics, attitudes, etc.)
  • Academic performance based on the degree results – 20%
  • Letter of motivation (Click Here to download the format.) – 10%
  • Recommendation letter from a professor/supervisor (Click Here to download the format) -10%


Documents Required:

  • All applicants must submit copies of academic transcripts duly attested by an authorised person.
  • The selected applicants will have to produce original transcripts during registration.
  • International applicants from non-native English-speaking countries will need to provide evidence of having undertaken their Bachelor's programme in English medium.

Submission and deadline

Interested candidates (both pre & in-service) fulfilling the above criterias may directly apply to the college. The last date to submit application is Nov 29, 2024, and oral interview will be conducted between Dec 1-5, 2024. Selection results will be declared on Dec 10, 2024. The selected candidates for the programme should register by Feb 3, 2025 and classes will commence from Feb 10, 2025.

Deadline - 29th November 2024.

Contact - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 17862007 for further information.


Applications are invited for the exchange program to UPV Spain for academic staff mobility, lasting 5 days. Please visit the website:

You are requested to submit an application addressed to the President, along with supporting documents (acceptance from a UPV Professor, motivational letter, work plan).

You will need to contact the person responsible for the Department you are interested in at UPV Spain. You can find the contact person at: Your application endorsement must be provided by the relevant Head/PL to avoid complications later.

Preference will be given to those who have not participated in the Erasmus exchange program in the last 10 years and those who have not traveled outside India for more than 1 week in the last 6 months (from the tentative mobility period of May 1st, 2025).

Please submit your application to Sangey Pasang (PhD), Coordinator, on or before December 2, 2024. 

For details contact Sangey Pasang, 77774567. email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Based on the viva voce interview for recruitment of Site Supervising Post held on 8th October 2024, the College of Science and Technology is pleased to declare the result of the interview as mentioned below 

Sl. No.


Phone No.













The selected candidate is required to confirm the availability for this position by sending an email to the address provided below by October 10th, no later than 4:00 PM. If the candidate fails to confirm the availability by this deadline, standby candidates will be considered for recruitment. Upon accepting the offer, the candidate must report to the College on October 15th, 2024, to assume the position.

For further inquiry – Contact No. 17755313, email address – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The College of Science and Technology is organizing an online conference on “SKill Gaps in Higher Education”, by the SQUARES Project on 2nd October 2024. The conference
will be covering the following sessions:


Conference on Skills gaps in Higher education




10.00- 11.00

Session 1: Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Techniques in Civil Buildings

Alejandro Lyons Cerón, Alar Konist

11.00 - 12.00

Session 2: Energy Management for Civil and Industrial Infrastructures

Alejandro Lyons Cerón, Alar Konist

12.00- 13.00

Session 3: Transportation Management

Daniel Kaszubowski, Wojciech Kustra

14.00- 15.00

Session 4: Quality Management for University Governance

Matteo Savino, Marialusia Menanno


Interested participants may join online using the following link: ONLINE CONFERENCE LINK

The College of Science and Technology is glad to inform the following candidates that you are shortlisted for the VIVA-VOCE Interview which will be conducted very soon.


Phone No.




Shortlisted for Viva-Voce Interview 



 Shortlisted for Viva-Voce Interview 



Did not attend the Written Test





If any of the information provided is not correct, please do inform the number provided below for clarification. You will also receive a call from the Administration to confirm on your availability. 

Please bring your original Documents during the interview failing which you will not be allowed to sit for VIVA VOCE Interview. You are also advised to bring your No Objection Certificate, Audit Clearance if you still working and have not submitted, failing which you will not be allowed to sit for Interview.

You are also advised to reach the venue building 10 minutes early.


The date of VIVA-VOCE Interview will be informed to individual candidates by email and call once the date is confirmed.

Contact – Tshering Wangmo – 17755313


The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce that the following candidates have been shortlisted for the Written Test, scheduled for September 25, 2024, at the specified times listed for each candidate.


Phone No.


Reporting Time



Administration Building (Integrity Hall) – CST, Kharbandi, Phuentsholing

9.00 am







Shortlisting Criteria:

  1. Candidates must have a minimum aggregate of 60% each in Class X (English + best 4 subject) and Class XII (English + best 3 subjects), 55% in Bachelor’s degree (honors) /60% in Bachelor’s degree. (Note: criteria will not apply for those with minimum of five years of relevant work experience).
  2. Candidates are shortlisted based on merit rank of aggregate marks. ‘Aggregate %’ has been calculated considering performance in academic qualifications: 15% of Class X (English + best 4 subjects), 25% of Class XII (English + best 3 subjects) and 60% of Bachelor Degree qualification.
  3. Candidates with incomplete/invalid documents in line with the requirements of the announcement have not been considered for shortlisting.

Candidates may appeal to the HR Division latest by 24th September 2024, 4:00 PM, for any grievances related to shortlisting via phone call 17755313 

Important notes on written examination:

  1. shortlisted candidate must sit for written examination scheduled on 25th  September 2024 (9:00 AM) at College of Science and Technology, Kharbandi, Phuentsholing, Bhutan. Candidate must bring along their original Citizenship Identity Card and other items required for the examination.
  2. Written examination will be administered to test the subject knowledge of the candidates.
  3. Candidates must score 50% or more in the written examination.

Please ensure you bring your original documents druing Written Test; failure to do so will result in you not being allowed to participate. Additionally, if you are currently employed and have not submitted your No Objection Certificate and Audit Clearance Certificate, please bring those as well, or you will not be permitted to attend the test. 

We recommend arriving at the venue 10 minutes early.

For inquiries, please contact Tshering Wangmo at 17755313

Dear concerned students,

After evaluating the students’ documents, the following are the admitted and excluded students:

Admitted students: From the following students, the Committee will nominate five students and two stand-by students.
  • 02220194
  • 02220248
  • 02210015
  • 02220047
  • 02220016
  • 02220031
  • 02220050
Excluded students:
  • 02220101
  • 02220122
  • 02220045
  • 02220083

The excluded students are asked to submit their inquiries or questions (if any) latest bySeptember 23, 2024.

Attention: Third Year Students (Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communications Engineering, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Engineering Geology, and Architecture),

The DRIL office would to inform that the application call for the student exchange programme for the Spring Semester 2025 (January to June) at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) in Spain is now open. Please pay close attention to the nomination and selection procedures outlined below. It is crucial that you read the instructions carefully:


  1. Students must submit the required documents (CLICK HERE) in scanned hard copy to the undersigned by September 17, before 6:00 PM. All relevant documents should be compiled in the order specified in Appendix 1. Please note that any missing documents, whether unintentional or deliberate, as well as documents that are not clearly readable, will be assessed as 'zero' against the criteria.
  2. The selection committee will evaluate the merits of the candidates and publish the list of selected students.
  3. The UPV project office has reserved spots for nominations from 'Gyelpoi Tozay' and other disadvantaged students with fewer opportunities.
  4. Selected students will receive a letter via email from the UPV Project Coordinator, which will include instructions on how to process their applications online.
  5. It is essential for selected students to choose their courses at UPV in close consultation with the UPV Project Coordinator and Heads of Departments/Program Leaders.

Should you have any queries kindly reach out to DRIL office @This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the following vacancy for immediate recruitment.

Sl. No. Position Title Position Level Qualification Slot Service Status Remarks
1 Site Supervising Engineer PL-07 and above Minimum of Bachelors in Civil Engineering with two years of experience in relevant field 1   Refer Position Profile for further information of the Post


Application Deadline and Procedure

Interested candidates meeting the following criteria may apply online to the College of Science and Technology (CST) on or before 15th September 2024:

  1. Must be a Bhutanese National
  2. Attained 18 years of age, and not more than 45 years of age
  3. Required documents:
    • Academic Transcript/certificates
    • CV
    • Valid Copy of citizenship ID Card
    • Valid Security Clearance Certificate
    • Valid Medical Fitness Certificate
    • Work Experience Certificate (if any)
    • Audit Clearance Certificate (if presently employed)
    • No Objection Certificate (from your employer if presently working)
    • Full Present Address, Telephone/Mobile Number, and email address (if possible)

        4.Job Specifications and other requirements for the post - Please check the Position Profile 

       5. Eligible candidates are requested to submit application via online portal RUB IMS (applicants are required to register and then apply via latest by 15th September 2024.

Selection Process

Shortlisted candidates will be announced on the College website and intimated for an interview through a call.

Contact Information

For further enquiries, please contact:

  • Administrative Officer at 17303697
  • Administrative Assistant at 17755313
    during office hours

If you have any issues applying online, please contact the ICT Officer at 17 55 13 31, CST.



Based on the interview for the recruitment of DSA post held on 28 th August 2024, the College of Science and Technology is pleased to inform that Mr Kelzang Dorji, Lecturer of the College is selected as a new Dean of Students Affairs of the College.

Based on the viva voce interview for recruitment of contract faculty (Assistant Lecturer) for Civil Engineering Department held on 13th August 2024, the College of Science and Technology is pleased to declare the result of the interview as mentioned below.

Sl. No.


Phone Number





































Not selected





Not selected





Not selected





Not selected





Did not attend the Interview





Did not attend the Interview





Did not attend the Interview





Did not attend the Interview





Did not attend the Interview

The selected candidates must confirm his/her availability for this offer via the email provided below by 14th August 2024 on or before 4.00 PM. Failing to confirm his/her availability on the said date and time, the standby candidates will be recruited. Upon accepting the offer, he/she is required to report to the College on 15th August 2024 to take up the post. 

For further inquiry – Contact No. 17755313, email address – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Based on the viva voce interview for recruitment of Technicians for Mechanical Engineering Department held on 12thAugust 2024, the College of Science and Technology is pleased to declare the result of the interview as mentioned below.



Sl. #


Phone No.

















not selected





not selected





not selected





did not attend





did not attend





did not attend





did not attend





did not attend





did not attend



Sl. #


Phone No.


















The selected candidate must confirm his/her availability for this offer via the email provided below by 13th August 2024 on or before 4.00 PM. Failing to confirm his/her availability on the said date and time, the standby candidates will be recruited. Upon accepting the offer, he/she is required to report to the College on 15th August 2024 to take up the post.


For further inquiry – Contact No. 17755313, email address – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Based on the viva voce interview for recruitment of Assistant Lecturer for Instrumentation and Control Engineering Program on 9th August 2024, the College of Science and Technology is pleased to declare the result of the interview as mentioned below.

Sl. No.



Phone No.




Mani Kumar Powdyel






Kelden Sherab Lhamo






Azmir Tamang




not selected


Chimmi Yangden




Did not attend the interview


Sonam Phuntsho




 The selected candidate must confirm his/her availability for this offer via the email provided below by 10th August on or before 4.00 PM. Failing to confirm his/her availability on the said date and time, the standby candidate will be recruited. Upon accepting the offer, he/she is required to report  to the College (Administration) on 15th August 2024 to process with the Appointment formalities.

 For further inquiry – Contact No. 17755313, email address – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Based on the interview for recruitment for the post of DRIL held on 5th August 2024, the College of Science and Technology is pleased to inform that Dr Sangey Pasang, Assistant Professor of the College is selected as a new DRIL of the College.

The College of Science and Technology, Royal University of Bhutan would like to announce a vacancy for the following position.

  1. Dean, Students Affairs.

 Interested faculties of CST are requested to submit the application to the HR Section of the College on or before 4 pm, 22nd August 2024.

 Please refer to terms of reference for the Deans Selection and Appointments for eligibility criteria and other formalities.

 Dean of Students Affairs- ToR

 Faculties who are having obligations with studies are not eligible to apply.


The College of Science and Technology is glad to inform the following candidates that you are shortlisted for the VIVA-VOCE Interview which will be conducted as per the date/time mentioned in the table.


Sl. No.


Phone No.

Date /Venue








9/8/2024 -

Integrity Hall,

ADM Building

8.30 am

9:00 AM




9:00 AM

9.30 am




9.30 am

10:00 AM




10:00 AM

10.30 am




10.30 am

11:00 AM






9/8/2024 -

Integrity Hall,


1:00 PM

1.30 pm




1.30 pm

2:00 PM




2:00 PM

2.30 pm












12/8/2024 -

Integrity Hall,

ADM Building

8.30 am

9:00 AM




9:00 AM

9.30 am




9.30 am

10:00 AM




10:00 AM

10.30 am




10.30 am

11:00 AM




11:00 AM

11.30 am




11.30 am

12:00 noon




12 noon

12.30 pm




1:00 PM

1.30 pm




1.30 pm

2:00 PM




2:00 PM

2.30 pm


CIVIL ENGINEERING - Assistant Lecturer












13/8/2024 -

Integrity Hall,

ADM Building

8.30 am

9:00 AM




9:00 AM

9.30 am




9.30 am

10:00 AM




10:00 AM

10.30 am




10.30 am

11:00 AM




11:00 AM

11.30 am




11.30 am

12:00 noon




12 noon

12.30 pm




1:00 PM

1.30 pm




1.30 pm

2:00 PM




2:00 PM

2.30 pm




2.30 pm

3:00 PM




3:00 PM

3.30 pm




3.30 pm

4:00 PM




4:00 PM

4.30 pm

If any of the information provided is not correct, please do inform the number provided below for clarification. You will also receive a call from the Administration to confirm on your availability.

 Please bring your original necessary Documents/degree completion certificate/CV during the interview failing which you will not be allowed to sit for VIVA VOCE Interview.

 You are also advised to reach the venue 10 minutes early Contact – Tshering Wangmo – 17755313



Based on the viva voce interview for recruitment of Gardener and Sweeper(wet) held on 16th July 2024, the College of Science and Technology is pleased to declare the result of the interview as mentioned below

Sl. No.


Phone No.


















not selected





not selected





not selected





Did not attend
















not selected





not selected





not selected





Did not attend

The selected candidate must confirm his/her availability for this offer via the email provided below by 17th July 2024 on or before 4.00 PM. Failing to confirm his/her availability on the said date and time, the standby candidates will be recruited. Upon accepting the offer, he/she is required to report to the College on 18th July 2024. For further inquiry – Contact No. 17755313, email address – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



































The selected candidate must confirm his/her availability for this offer via the email provided below by 17th July 2024 on or before 4.00 PM. Failing to confirm his/her availability on the said date and time, the standby candidates will be recruited. Upon accepting the offer, he/she is required to report to the College on 18th July 2024. For further inquiry – Contact No. 17755313, email address – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Based on the viva voce interview for recruitment of Technicians and Plumber held on 15th July 2024, the College of Science and Technology is pleased to declare the result of the interview as mentioned below:

Sl. # CID # Name Contact Number Average Remark
Technician – Electrical Engineering
1 11213000033 Ratna Kumari Ghalley 17769618 62.1 Selected
2 11508000593 Pema Lhamo 77842597 64.9 Selected
Technician – Electronic Communication Engineering
1 10102001872 Sonam Tshomo 77665024 70.9 Selected
2 11504003038 Yeshi Zangpo 17323732 69.8 Selected
3 11803003622 Bal Krishna Pradhan 77792235 66.8 Standby
4 11313001279 Provin Gurung 17408647 65.3 Standby
5 10601002494 Tashi Tenzin 17321546 51.7 Not selected
6 11811003957 Renuka Mothey 17505868 56.6 Not selected
7 11308000513 Ganga Ram Adhikari 77969787 56.9 Not Selected
1 11102000904 Kezang Dorji 17318866 73.3 Selected
2 11312002031 Dawa Tshering 77672202 65.9 Standby
3 11801000731 Bimal Subba 17388772 60.4 Not Selected


The selected candidate must confirm his/her availability for this offer via the email provided below by 16th July 2024 on or before 4.00 PM. Failing to confirm his/her availability on the said date and time, the standby candidates will be recruited. Upon accepting the offer, he/she is required to report to the College on 17th July 2024.


For further inquiry – Contact No. 17755313, email address – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The College of Science and Technology is glad to inform the following candidates that you are shortlisted for the VIVA-VOCE Interview which will be conducted as per the date/time mentioned in the table.

Shortlisted candidates  VIVA VOCE Interview Detailed

Sl. #


Contact No









Integrity Hall, Administration Building, CST

8.00 am

8.30 am




8.30 am

9.00 am




9.00 am

9.30 am




9.30 am

10.00 am




10:00 am

10.30 am




10.30 am

11:00 am






Integrity Hall, Administration Building, CST

11.00 pm





11.30 am

12 noon




12 noon

12.30 pm




12.30 pm

1.00 pm




1.00 pm

1.30 pm




1.30 pm

2.00 pm


If any of the information provided is not correct, please do inform the number provided below for clarification. You will also receive a call from the Administration to confirm on your availability. 

Please bring your original Documents during the interview failing which you will not be allowed to sit for VIVA VOCE Interview.

You are also advised to reach the venue building 10 minutes early


Contact – Tshering Wangmo – 17755313


The College of Science and Technology is please the following vacancies.

Sl. # Position Title Slot Minimum Qualification Requirement Position Level Service Pay and Allowance Remarks

Assistant / Associate/Lecturer

(Position Profile)

1 B.E/B.Tech/M.E/M.Tech/PhD in Instrumentation and Control / Industrial Automation PL 6/PL5/PL4 Contract Pay and Allowance and Contract allowance will be paid as per existing regulations Candidates must have a minimum aggregate of 50% each in Class X (English + best 4 subject) and Class XII (English+3 best subject), 60% in Degree and Diploma. NOTE:- Criteria will not apply for those with minimum of five years relevant experience)

Assistant / Associate/Lecturer

(Position Profile)

1 B.E/B.Tech/M.E/M.Tech/PhD in ECE PL 6/PL5/PL4 Contract

Assistant / Associate/Lecturer

(Position Profile)

3 B.E/B.Tech/M.E/M.Tech in Civil Engineering PL 6/PL5/PL4 Contract


(Position Profile)

1 Diploma in Mechanical Engineering PL9/PL10 Regular

Interested candidates meeting the criteria may apply to the College on or before 25th  July 2024.


  1. Should be a Bhutanese National
  2. Must have attained 18 years of age, and not more than 45 years of age.
  3. Documents required
    • Academic Transcript/certificates
    • Valid Copy of citizenship ID Card
    • Valid Security Clearance Certificate (approved online)
    • Valid Medical Fitness Certificate
    • Work Experience Certificate if any
    • Audit Clearance Certificate (If presently employed)
    • No Objection Certificate (from your employer if presently working)
    • Full Present Address and Tele/Mobile No. and email address if possible
  1. Job Specifications and another requirement for the post – Please check Position Profile.
  1. Eligible candidates are requested to submit application via online portal RUB IMS (applicants are required to register and then apply via latest by 25th  July 2024, 5:00 PM. Please, follow the step-by-step procedures for online application.


 Shortlisted candidates will be announced on the College website and intimated for interview through call.

 For further details please contact to Administrative Officer at 17161635/ Administrative Assistant at 17755313 during office hours.

The College of Science and Technology would like to inform that the college will conduct drug testing for all the staff and students during the first week of the Autumn Semester 2024. The CST Drug Policy and its implementation were approved by the College Management Committee.

The policy is attached herewith (CLICK HERE) and all are requested to read the policy carefully.

Sealed bids are invited from the eligible suppliers holding valid Trade License, issued by the MTI for the supply of following items to the College of Science and Technology (Rinchending), Phuntsholing : Bhutan. The following tender packages are on sales:

The submission of bids is at 1.30 PM on 29thJuly 2024 and will be publicly opened on the same day at 2.00 PM. The payment for the bid documents should be made during the time of submission of bids.

The College of Science and Technology, Royal University of Bhutan, Rinchending, would like to announce a vacancy for the following position for an immediate appointment.


 1. Dean, Research and Industrial Linkages (Dean RIL ToR)

Interested faculties of CST are requested to submit the application to the HR section of the College latest by 4 PM, 21st July 2024.


Please refer to terms of reference for the Dean Selection and Appointment for eligibility criteria and other formalities.

Faculties who are having obligations with studies are not eligible to apply.

The College of Science and Technology is glad to inform the following candidates that you are shortlisted for the VIVA-VOCE Interview which will be conducted as per the date/time mentioned in the table. 

Shortlisted candidates  VIVA VOCE Interview Detailed


Sl. #


Phone No.








Integrity Hall, Administration Building, CST

8.30 am




9.00 am




9.30 am




Sl. #


Phone No.








Integrity Hall, Administration Building, CST

10.00 am




10.30 am




11.00 am




11.30 am




12.00 noon




12.30 pm




1.00 pm




1.30 pm



Sl. #


Phone No.








Integrity Hall, Administration Building, CST





2.30 pm




3.00 pm




3.30 pm




4.00 pm


If any of the information provided is not correct, please do inform the number provided below for clarification. You will also receive a call from the Administration to confirm on your availability.

Please bring your original Documents during the interview failing which you will not be allowed to sit for VIVA VOCE Interview.

You are also advised to bring your No Objection Certificate, Audit Clearance and Diploma Completion Certificate (Convocation) if you still working and have not submitted, failing which you will not be allowed to sit for Interview.


You are also advised to reach the venue building 10 minutes early


Contact – Tshering Wangmo – 17755313

1. Reporting Date

All selected students for 2024 admission to the College of Science and Technology are hereby notified that they must report to the College on 15-16th July 2024. The tentative schedule for the registration and orientation program is given below.

NOTE: The college will conduct mandatory drug testing during registration time (17 and 18the July) during registration. The testing fees of Nu 500/- will be borne by the individual students.

2. Registration

New students Registration (all first-year programme): Venue : CR-13


Registration Time*



17th July,2024


9:00-11:00 AM

Civil Engineering

12–1:00 PM

Bachelor of Architecture

2–4:00 PM

Information Technology (IT Engineering)


 18th July ,2024 (Thursday)

9-10:30 AM

Instrumentation & Control Engineering (ICE)

10:30–12:00 noon

Engineering Geology & Water Resources Engineering

1–2:30 PM

Electrical Engineering

2:30-4:00 PM

Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE) & Mechanical Engineering

Note: Software Engineering Programme cohort (First Year Students) are instructed to follow GCBS Website for reporting date.


During the registration, please submit the following documents:

  1. Citizenship Identity Card (Photocopy):
  2. Class X (BCSE) Mark Sheet (Photocopy):
  3. Class XII (BCSE) Mark Sheet (Photocopy):
  4. School Leaving Certificate (Original and Photocopy)
  5. Character Certificate (Original and Photocopy)
  6. Two Passport Size Photographs
  7. 2  nos. legal stamps

3. Orientation Program is scheduled from 19-20 July 2024

The orientation program is a crucial set of activities designed to provide new students with valuable information and support their adjustment to college life. It serves as an introduction or ice-breaking stage, where students gain familiarity with their responsibilities and the benefits associated with their engagement, including programmes offered. This program plays a vital role in helping students understand the College structure, as well as the important rules, policies, and procedures that must be adhered to.

4. Fee Structure :AS2024

The fee details for Self-Financed students are given below:

Tuition (Nu.) Hostel & Mess Fee (Nu.) CDF Fee (Nu.) Security Deposit (refundable) (Nu.) College T-shirt, Cap, SWS, College Card (Nu.) Total (Nu.) Mode of Payment
46,740 12,500 750 2000 1000 62,990

Demand Draft/MoB during registration


The fee details for Government Scholarship students are given below:

CDF Fee (Nu.) Security Deposit (Refundable) (Nu.) College T-shirt, Cap, SWS, College Card (Nu.) Total (Nu.) Mode of Payment
750 2000 1000 3750 Demand Draft / MoB during registration


4. Required things (For Personal Use)

  1. Gho / Kria
  2. Kabney / Rachu
  3. Big Size Sickle (1 each)
  4. Medium Size Bucket (1 each)
  5. Toilet Brush (1 each)
  6. Wiper (1 each for Toilet Cleaning)
  7. Mopping Stick (1 each for Room Floor Cleaning)
  8. Bed Clothes (Mattress, quilt/blanket, bed sheets, Bed size 3’ by 6’)
  9. Plates, Cups & spoon
  10. Broom (Hard / Soft)
  11. Umbrella
  12. Mosquito Nets (one each)
  13. Window Curtains – 1 Pair each
  14. One 10-digit Scientific Calculator

     Please contact the following officials for any queries:

  1. Chimi Dem, Student Service Officer - 17379976
  2. Purna Bdr Mongar, Student Service Officer-1736212
  3. Leki Dorji, Dean of Student Affairs – 17785193


Fee Structure :AS2024

The fee details for Self-Financed students are given below:

Tuition (Nu.) Hostel & Mess Fee (Nu.) CDF Fee (Nu.) Security Deposit (refundable) (Nu.) College T-shirt, Cap, SWS, College Card (Nu.) Total (Nu.) Mode of Payment
46,740 12,500 750 2000 1000 62,990

Demand Draft/MoB during registration


The fee details for Government Scholarship students are given below:

CDF Fee (Nu.) Security Deposit (Refundable) (Nu.) College T-shirt, Cap, SWS, College Card (Nu.) Total (Nu.) Mode of Payment
750 2000 1000 3750 Demand Draft / MoB during registration


Kindly address the DEMAND DRAFT to the “College of Science and technology” if you decide to pay in Demand Draft.

Recommendation: The College strongly recommends students to have their own bank account (Preferable BoB) for the transaction of their stipend, whenever required.

 Please contact the following officials for any query,

  1. Chimi Dem, Student Service Officer - 17379976
  2. Purna Bdr Mongar, Student Service Officer-1736212
  3. Leki Dorji, Dean of Student Affairs – 17785193

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the following vacancies:


Position Title

No. of Slot

Minimum Qualification Requirement

Position Level



Lab Technician

(Position Profile)


Diploma in in Electrical Engineering


Candidates must have a minimum aggregate of 50% each in Class X (English + best 4 subject) and Class XII (English+3 best subject), 60% in Diploma.


NOTE:- Criteria will not apply for those with minimum of five years relevant experience)


Lab Technician

(Position Profile)


Diploma in Electronics and Communication Engineering




(Position Profile)


VTI Certificate in Plumbing


Candidates must have minimum aggregate of 60% in VTI training and 40% in class X (English +best 4 subject)



(Position Profile)







(Position Profile)





Interested candidates meeting the criteria may apply to the College on or before 21st  June 2024.


  1. Should be a Bhutanese National
  2. Must have attained 18 years of age, and not more than 45 years of age.
  3. Documents required
    • Academic Transcript/certificates
    • Valid Copy of citizenship ID Card
    • Valid Security Clearance Certificate (approved online)
    • Valid Medical Fitness Certificate
    • Work Experience Certificate if any
    • Audit Clearance Certificate (If presently employed)
    • No Objection Certificate (from your employer if presently working)
    • Full Present Address and Tele/Mobile No. and email address if possible
  1. Job Specifications and another requirement for the post – Please check Position Profile.
  1. Eligible candidates are requested to submit application via online portal RUB IMS (applicants are required to register and then apply via latest by  21st  June 2024, 5:00 PM. Please, follow the step-by-step procedures for online application.

  President, College of Science and Technology, Richending: Phuentsholing.

 Shortlisted candidates will be announced on the College website and intimated for interview through call.

 For further details please contact to Administrative Officer at 17161635/ Administrative Assistant at 17755313 during office hours.

College of Science and Technology is pleased to re-announce the second round of admission (SELF FUNDING) for July 2024 intake for Class XII graduates of 2023 for the following programmes:

  1. Bachelor of Architecture - 1                                                            
  2. Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering - 5
  3. Bachelor of Engineering in Instrumentation and Control Engineering - 1
  4. Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering - 2
  5. Bachelor of Engineering in Software Engineering - 2 

To register kindly email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. latest by 26th May 2024 at 5:00 PM.

ONLY the students who have appeared for CST Entrance Exam are eligible for the admission. The admission is based on full SELF FUNDING mode.

Should you have any queries, kindly contact Ms. Pema Zangmo at +975-17396533 during office hours.

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce that DrukSmart Private Ltd. has generously offered to sponsor one candidate for a full scholarship covering the entire Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology programme per the RUB regulations for RGoB Scholarships.

The scholarship is awarded to the candidate based on the selection of candidates on the waiting list under the Bhutan National Bank (BNB) Scholarship selection result declared on 27th April 2024. The following candidate is selected for the DrukSmart scholarship:


Sl. #

Index Number








The College of Science and Technology (CST) is pleased to announce the convocation of the CST graduates of 2019 to 2023 will be held at the Conventional Hall, CST campus on 26th May 2024.

The graduates are kindly requested to register by 15th May 2024 through link provided.


For more information, contact Ms. Pema Zangmo at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 17396533

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the selection results for the BNB Scholarships.

Selected students are requested to follow the College website and social media for further information, along with other selected students.

Sl. # Index Number Citizenship ID Remarks
1 12230590027 119****1114 Selected
2 12231360049 115****4759 Selected
3 12230330033 103****3178 Standby
4 12231400454 111****2466 Standby

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the rank list for admission to the college. The selection for the programme will be confirmed by the phone calls.

The selection for the architecture programme will start from today afternoon and for the selection for the engineering will be starting from 9 AM tomorrow (25th April 2024).

All the applicants are requested to keep your mobile phone ON and reachable. In case if we cannot contact you, we will offer your seat to the next eligible candidates.







The College of Science and Technology would like to announce two scholarships sponsored by Bhutan National Bank to pursue a Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology for intake 2024 to financially disadvantaged students.



  • Applicants must have taken the CST Entrance Exam for Engineering and registered as self-funding in the IT Programme.

  • Applicants must come from a financially disadvantaged background.


Selection Process:

Background checks will be conducted to verify financial status. Selection will be based on Entrance Exam performance and financial need. 


Deadline for Applications: 25th April 2024


Contact the Head, IT or DAA for further details and application procedures. Apply Here.

The College of Science and Technology would like to inform the students to take note of the following for the entrance exam scheduled for 18th (Engineering Programmes & Software Engineering Programme) and 19th (Architecture Programme) April 2024.

There is a slight change in the test center due to limited capacity. Selection of the test center is done randomly. No changes in the test center will be entertained.

The morning aptitude for both Engineering and Architecture programme will commence at 10:00 AM on 18th and 19th April 2024 and the students must arrive before 9:30 AM to the test centers.

The afternoon session for Software Engineering programme will commence at 1 PM on 18th April 2024 and the students must arrive before 12:30 PM to the test centers.

Note: The applicants who are selected for SCE, PCE, GCIT and RGoB Scholarship are removed from the list. 







The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for the entrance Exam under the Software Engineering Program (SELF FINANCED) for AS2024.

Click here to view/download the shortlisted candidate list.


The entrance exam is scheduled for 18th April and the shortlisted candidates will be informed through their registered email address. 


Entrance Examination

The entrance examination for eligible candidates under the Software Engineering Program will be held on 18th April 2024 in the SECOND session of the day. 


  1. Science candidates who are eligible for the Software Engineering Program AND ANY OTHER engineering programs at CST are required to:


  1. Attend the FIRST session on 18th April 2024 for:
    1. Aptitude test, and 
    2. General Engineering Essay.




  1. Attend the SECOND session on 18th April 2024 for:
    1. Software Engineering Essay, and
    2. Math Proficiency test.


  1. Science, Commerce & Arts candidates who are eligible for the Software Engineering Program and are NOT eligible for any other engineering programs at CST are required to:


  1. Attend the SECOND session on 18th April 2024 for:
    1. Aptitude test,
    2. Software Engineering Essay, and
    3. Math Proficiency test. 


The exact time for the above-mentioned sessions will be announced at a later date. 


Math Proficiency Test Bridging Course Materials

The math proficiency test materials are available at the following link:

Click here to view/download the math materials.

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for entrance Exam for AS2024. 


Please note that the list is not based on merit ranking. 


Click here to view/download the shortlisted candidate list.


The entrance examination is scheduled on 18-19th April 2024 and the shortlisted candidates will be informed through their registered email address.


If you have any further enquiries, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


For Software Engineering Progamme, the eligible list of students to write the entrance exam will be announced soon.


For any further queries, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..






The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the list of selected In-Service students:


Sl. # Name CID. No. Programme Status
1 Amir Ghalley 11303000278 BE. Civil Engineering  Selected
2 Prabin Rai 11202002761 BE. Civil Engineering 
3 Sangay Choden 10706001187 BE. Civil Engineering 
4 Tshering Yangden 11513003409 BE. Civil Engineering 
5 Ugyen Tshomo 11504000605 BE. Civil Engineering 
6 Jit Bahadur Limboo 11805000807 BE. Electrical Engineering
7 Pelchuki Dema 10905004244 BE. Electrical Engineering
8 Santosh Kumar Subba 11109000082 BE. Electrical Engineering
9 Wangchuk Dorji 10203004238 BE. Electrical Engineering
10 Tenzin Dorji 11602001818 BE. Electronics & Communication Engg.


Registration of the selected candidates for the programme should be completed by April 5, 2024 (along with the payment of Nu 5000.00 as an advance tuition fee which is non-refundable if a candidate withdraws after registration). Failure to register, the seat will be allocated to the other candidates.

For clarification, kindly contact Dr. Tashi, Dean of Academic Affairs +975-17929365, Passang Dema +975-17652414


All eligible applicants for the Software Engineering Program (Academic Year 2024-25) to prepare for the entrance exam which includes the following three sections:

  1. Aptitude test
  2. Essay type question
  3. Math test


For the math test, materials for preparation will be made available for access to all eligible applicants by 30th March 2024. The relevant subject matter for the math test is as follows:


A. Inequalities – solving inequalities involving rational functions and absolute-value functions.

B. Trigonometry – graphs, identities, equations.

C. Complex Numbers – real and imaginary part, conjugate, modulus, argument, operations on complex numbers, Argand diagram, polar form of complex numbers.

D. Differentiation – chain, product and quotient rules, derivatives of composition of algebraic, trigonometric,exponential and logarithmic functions, derivatives of functions defined implicitly or parametrically.

E. Applications of differentiation – equations of tangents and normals to curves, curve sketching, problems involving connected rates of change, small increments, maxima and minima.

F. Integration – integrals involving a combination of algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions,

integration involving the use of partial fractions, integration involving trigonometric identities, integration by substitution, integration by parts.

G. Applications of integration – area under a curve, volume of solid of revolution.


For any further queries, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The College of Science and Technology is please the following vacancy.


Sl. No.

Position Title

No. of Slot

Qualification Requirement

Position Level


Position Profile


Assistant Student Service Officer cum Health Assistant (HA)




Certificate/Diploma in Community Health Service or above relevant field


10 (May increase Position Level depending upon the number of working experiences in the relevant field)

Candidates must have a minimum aggregate of 50% each in Class X (English + best 4 subject) and Class XII (English+3 best subject), 60% in Diploma.

NOTE:- Criteria will not apply for those with minimum of five years relevant experience)

Click Here


Interested candidates meeting the criteria may apply to the College on or before 9th April 2024.



  1. Should be a Bhutanese National
  2. Must have attained 18 years of age, and not more than 45 years of age.
  3. Documents required
    • Employment Application Form (RUB) (uploaded separately)
    • Academic Transcript/certificates
    • CV
    • Valid Copy of citizenship ID Card
    • Valid Security Clearance Certificate
    • Valid Medical Fitness Certificate
    • Work Experience Certificate if any
    • Audit Clearance Certificate (If presently employed)


    • No Objection Certificate (from your employer if presently working)
    • Full Present Address and Tele/Mobile No. and email address if possible
  1. Job Specifications and another requirement for the post – Please check Position Profile.

(Uploaded separately)

  1. Submit the Application/Documents in hard copy to the following address

  President, College of Science and Technology, Richending-Phuentsholing.


 Shortlisted candidates will be announced on the College website and intimated for interview through call.


For further details please visit to College Website or contact to Administrative Officer at17161635/ Administrative Assistant at 17755313 during office hours.

The Royal University of Bhutan (RUB) will be carrying out admissions to the Colleges of the University online as in the past. Admission to each of the programmes will be based on merit ranking as per the eligibility criteria and ability rating as detailed against each programme.

The online application for both Government Scholarship as well as Self-Financed students in College of Science and Technology will open from 1st March 2024 and will close on 22nd March 2024 at 5pm.

The applicants are requested to visit for registration.

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the following admission of In-Service Students

 The College of Science and Technology is offering 12 seats in BE Civil Engineering, 10 seats Electrical Engineering, and 5 seats each in BE Electronics & Communication Engineering for the 2024-2025 academic session to In-Service candidates with Diploma in Civil, Electrical, Electronics & Communication, and Information Technology respectively. The duration of the programme is 3 years full-time. The tuition fees will be charged based on RUB directives. Accommodation will be provided as per college policy. Interested candidates from the government/corporate/private sector should send their application to the College along with a letter of recommendation from the employer. The selection will be based on the entrance examination.

Entrance Examination will be conducted online and will comprise of:

  1. Civil Engineering:- Mathematics, Engineering Science (Physics and Chemistry), Strength of Materials, Surveying and Fluid Mechanics
  2. Electrical Engineering:- Mathematics, Engineering Science (Physics and Chemistry), Electrical Engineering Circuits and Electronics.
  3. Electronics and Communication Engineering:- Mathematics, Engineering Science (Physics and Chemistry), Electronics & Circuit Devices and Communication Engineering

Applications will be received no later than 15th March 2024 along with a non-refundable entrance examination fee of Nu.1000/- which should be paid online.

The Applicants are requested to send the applications to this email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Examination Details:

  1. Issuance of user name and password: March 18, 2024
  2. Date of examination: March 19, 2024 (9:00 – 11:00 am)
  3. Mode of examination: Online
  4. Result Declaration: March 22, 2024

Registration of the selected candidates for the programme should be completed by April 1, 2024 (along with the payment of Nu 5000.00 as an advance tuition fee which is non-refundable if a candidate withdraws after registration). Failure to register by April 8, 2024, the seat will be allocated to the other candidates.

For clarification, kindly contact Dr. Tashi, Dean of Academic Affairs +975-17929365, Passang Dema +975-17652414

Based on the viva voce interview for the recruitment of Assistant Research Officer, the College of Science and Technology is pleased to declare the result of the interview as mentioned below.

Sl. # CID Email ID Score Remarks
1 11407000601 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 75.1 Selected
2 11105002754 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 66 Standby
3 11508003554 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 65.9 Not selected


For further inquiry, please call – 17303697 during office hours.

The following candidates have been shortlisted for the Viva Interview for the post Assistant Research Officer:

Sl.# CID Email ID Remarks  Interview Time
1 11407000601 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted 10:30 AM
2 11105002754 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted 11:00 AM
3 11508003554 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted 11:30 AM


Interview Date: 12th February, 2024 (Monday)

Venue: Integrity Hall, Administrative Building, CST

For further inquiry if any, please, contact to Assistant Administrative Officer at 17303697 during the office hours.

Based on the viva voce interview for the recruitment of Laboratory Assistant (Physics) held on 1st Feb 2024, the College of Science and Technology is pleased to declare the result of the interview as mentioned below.

stand by​

Sl.# CID No. Contact No. Marks Remark
1 1117007803 17712938 64.3 Selected
2 10209001095 17504652 63.8 Standby 
3 11103001436 17528939 61.7 Not Selected

For further inquiry, please call – 17303697 during office hours.

As per the vacancy announcement via Kuensel Media for the various positions, please note the following:


1. For the post of Assistant Research Officer, the following candidates are shortlisted for the written test.

Sl. # CID No. Contact No. Email ID
1 11503002419 17742605/77695470
2 11508003554 17542664 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
3 1090500983 17547759/ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
4 11407000601 17668669 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
5 11105002754 17690389 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
6 11505001014 17472026 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
7 12005000138 17389266 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The written exam for Asst.Research Officer will be held on 29th January 2024 at 11:00 Am at Enterprise Hall in the Administrative Building.

Shortlisted Candidates are required to bring your CID card, pen, calculator, and eraser. 



2. The interview for Asst. Lab Technician and Wet sweeper will be conducted on 1st Feb 2024 in Integrity Hall.

a. Asst. Lab Technician

Sl.# CID No. Contact No. Email ID Time
1 10209001095 17504652 / 77844323 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 1:00 PM
2 11103001436 17528939 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 1:30 PM
3 1117007803 17712938 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 2:00 PM


b. Wet Sweeper

Sl. # CID No. Contact No. Time
1 11506005405 17694201 2:30 PM


 For further inquiry, please call – 17303697 during office hours.

You will also receive a call from the Office. If you are not able to attend the Written test/Interview, please inform us at the number provided above.


The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the following vacancies under Contract/Regular Service.


Sl. # Position Title Position Level Minimum Qualification Requirement Slot Service Type Duration

Assistant Lecturer/Associate Lecturer/Lecturer

(Position Profile)

PL6/PL5/PL4 B.E/B.Tech in Electrical Engineering/ Masters / Ph.D. in Renewable Energy fields. 1 Contract 6 Months

Assistant Lecturer/Associate Lecturer/Lecturer

(Position Profile)

PL6/PL5/PL4 Bachelors/Masters/PhD in IT, Computer Science, Computer Engineering 1 Contract 6 months

Assistant Lecturer/Associate Lecturer/Lecturer

(Position Profile)

PL6/PL5/PL4 B.E/B.Sc./M.E/M.Sc. Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Data Science, Information Security, Cyber Security 1 Contract 1 year

Assistant Research Officer

(Position Profile)

P8 Bachelors in Science/Technology/Engineering/Business Studies/English (Honors).  1 Regular -

Laboratory Assistant (Physics)

(Position Profile)

P-13 Class XII passed (60 aggregate in Class X and XII) 1 Regular -
5 Wet Sweeper GSS N/A (however preference will be given to academic/experience certificate holders) 1 GSS -

 Interested candidates meeting the criteria may apply to the College on or before 15th January 2024  latest by  5PM.


  1. Should be a Bhutanese National
  2. Must have attained 18 years of age, and not more than 45 years of age.
  3. Documents required
    • Employment Application Form (RUB) (Click Here to Download)
    • Academic Transcript/certificates
    • CV
    • Valid Copy of citizenship ID Card
    • Valid Security Clearance Certificate
    • Valid Medical Fitness Certificate
    • Work Experience Certificate if any
    • Audit Clearance Certificate (If presently employed)
    • No Objection Certificate (from your employer if presently working)
    • Full Present Address and Tele/Mobile No. and email address if possible
  1. Job Specifications and another requirement for the post – Please check Position Profile (Uploaded with position title)

Submit the Application/Documents in hard copy to the following address:

            President, College of Science and Technology, Richending, Phuentsholing.


Shortlisted candidates will be announced on the College website and intimated for interview through call.

For further inquiry if any, please, contact to Assistant Administrative Officer at 17303697 or Sr Administrative Assistant at 17755313 during the office hours.


The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the following vacancies under contract service:


Sl. #

Position Title

Position Level

Qualification/Area of Specialization:

Slot/Employment Type


Assistant Lecturer/Associate Lecturer/Lecturer

(Position profile download)


BE/B.Tech/Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering with specialization in Robotic and Automation, Thermal Science, Control Engineering, Mechatronics, Geothermal Systems, Material Science, Industrial Engineering, Design

01 slot on contract for a period of 1 year, extendable depending upon performance and requirement


Interested candidates meeting the criteria may apply to the College on or before 25th December 2023  - 5PM.


  1. Should be a Bhutanese National
  2. Must have attained 18 years of age, and not more than 45 years of age.
  3. Documents required
    • Employment Application Form (RUB) (Click Here to Download)
    • Academic Transcript/certificates
    • CV
    • Valid Copy of citizenship ID Card
    • Valid Security Clearance Certificate
    • Valid Medical Fitness Certificate
    • Work Experience Certificate if any
    • Audit Clearance Certificate (If presently employed)
    • No Objection Certificate (from your employer if presently working)
    • Full Present Address and Tele/Mobile No. and email address if possible

        4. Job Specifications and another requirement for the Lecturer post – Please check Position Profile (Uploaded separately)

        5. Submit the Application/Documents in hard copy to the following address:

            President, College of Science and Technology, Richending-Phuentsholing.

Shortlisted candidates will be announced on the College website and intimated for interview through call.

For further enquiry if any, please, contact to Administrative Officer at 17303697 or Administrative Assistant at 17755313 during office hours.

Sealed bids are invited from the eligible suppliers holding valid trade license, issued by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Employment (MoICE) for the supply of following items to the College of Science and Technology (Rinchending), Phuentsholing: Bhutan.


  1. PKG-1: Purchase of Civil Engineering, Engineering Geology and Water Resource Engineering Lab Equipment
  2. PKG-2: Purchase of Electrical lab Hardware
  3. PKG-3: Purchase of ICE/ECE/ITD Lab Equipment
  4. PKG-4: Supply of Mechanical and Architecture Lab Hardware
  5. PKG-5: Supply of ICT Equipment
  6. PKG-6: Supply of Computer Lab Table and Accessories

The bidder may participate through the website . The tender will be closed by 27th November, 2023.



Based on the viva voce interview for the recruitment of Assistant Administrative Officer held on 21st October 2023, the College of Science and Technology is pleased to declare the result of the interview as mentioned below.

Sl. #.


Phone No.

Total /Average
















Not selected





Not selected





Not selected





Not selected





Not selected

The selected candidate must confirm his/her availability for this offer via the email provided below by 26th October 2023. Upon accepting the offer, he/she is required to report/join the College on 2nd November 2023 to take up the post.

For further inquiry – Contact No. 1775531, email address – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The College of Science and Technology is glad to inform the following candidates that you are shortlisted for the VIVA-VOCE Interview which will be conducted as per the date/time mentioned in the table.


Sl. #.


Phone No.









Integrity Hall, Administration Building, CST

8.30 am




9.00 am




9.30 am




10.00 am




10.30 am




11 am






If any of the information provided is not correct, please do inform the number provided below for clarification. You will also receive a call from the Administration.

Please bring your original Documents during the interview failing which you will not be allowed to sit for VIVA VOCE Interview.

You are also advised to reach the venue building 10 minutes early


Contact – Tshering Wangmo – 17755313

As per the vacancy announcement via Kuensel Media on 15th September 2023 for the post of Assistant Administrative Officer, the following candidates are shortlisted for the written test.


Sl. #


Phone No.

Sl. #


Phone No.






























































Please report for the written exam on the specified date, time, and venue:

Date: 12th October 2023
Time: 9:00 AM (Exam Start)
Venue: Enterprise Hall, Administrative Building, College of Science and Technology, Rinchending, Phuentsholing.

The Written Test will consist of the following papers:

  1. Dzongkha
  2. English
  3. Analytical
  4. Management

Shortlisted Candidates are required to bring your CID card, pen, calculator, and eraser. The examination will last for 1.5 hours.

For further inquiry, please call – 17755313

You will also receive a call from the Office. If you are not able to attend the Written test, please inform us at the number provided above.


The College of Science and Technology, Rinchending, Royal University of Bhutan announces the sale of obsolete items through public auction at CST through sealed bid quotation on 13th October 2023 in the GNH Hall at 2:00 PM. The bidders are requested to inspect the items prior to bidding from 4th - 10th October 2023 from 8:00 AM to 3:30 P.M. The auction will be on “as is where is basis’’ status. The complaints whatsoever after the auction shall not be entertained.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Each bidder will have to deposit earnest money up to Nu. 20,000 (Ngultrum Twenty Thousand) only in cash on the day of the auction on 13th October 2023 not later than 01:30 PM to qualify for the auction.
  2. No bidder will be allowed to retract the bid(s) after acceptance. All sales are final and binding.
  3. The highest bidder, whose bid(s) are accepted, will have to deposit a spot payment of 25% of the auctioned value and the balance within 10 days from the day of the auction, failing which the accepted bid will be canceled and the earlier deposits will be forfeited.
  4. The earnest money of the highest bidder will be retained until the auction is completed as a security deposit for the subsequent bid to be offered by the bidder in respect of the remaining items.
  5. Earnest money of the unsuccessful bidder will be refunded immediately after completion of the Auction.
  6. The highest bidder accepted by the auctioneer will have to collect the item at their own cost within 20 days from the date of the auction against full payment of the auctioned value (cash). Failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of the deposit.
  7. The auctioneer reserves the right to accept the bid on the spot or at any subsequent date. In case of dispute or problem with regard to the auction, the decision of the auctioneer will be final and binding.
  8. The interested bidder shall be deemed to have inspected the items prior to the auction and the bid offered is at their own liberty and judgment. No complaints will be entertained and the decision of the auctioneer shall be final and binding.
  9. The Auction will be on the basis of The winning Bidders will have to make a collection of all the items irrespective of their value.
  10. All bidders are required to submit the bidding documents along with a CID Copy with the proper postal address.

For further information, please contact the Store In-charge at 17649668 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dear Concerned Students,
After the completion of the inquiry period, based on the scores and evaluation by the Selection Committee, the following students are selected (along with the stand-by students) for the exchange programme at UPV Spain Spring Semester (2023-2024):
Selected students:
  • 02210166
  • 02210267
  • 02210185
  • 02210296
Stand-by students:
  • 02210299
  • 02210121
The selected students are notified to prepare the documents as previously informed to you earlier. Submit the documents as individual folders to the undersigned latest by September 19, 12noon, Tuesday.

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the following vacancy as follows:

Sl. #

Position Title

No. of Slots

Qualification Requirement

Position Level

Employment types

Position Profile


Assistant Administrative Officer


Bachelor Degree (General)



(Position profile download)

Eligible candidates are requested to submit your documents to the Office of College Administration, College of Science and Technology, Rinchending, Phuentsholing latest by 28th September 2023, 4:00 PM.


A candidate must:

  1. Be a Bhutanese citizen
  2. Have attained at least 18 years of age, and not more than 45 years of age
  3. Candidates must have a minimum aggregate of 60% in Degree, 60% in Cl. XII (English + Best 3 subjects), 60% in Cl. X (English + Best 4 subjects). However, the benchmark criteria will not apply to those with minimum of five years of relevant experience.
  4. Meet qualification, experience, and other requirements as specified in the position profile of the position.

Documents required:

  1. RUB Employment Application Form (Click here to download)
  2. CV
  3. Academic Certificates and Transcripts,
  4. Valid Security Clearance Certificate (approved online)
  5. Medical Fitness Certificate (6 months’ validity)
  6. Audit Clearance Certificate, if employed
  7. Citizenship ID Card
  8. No Objection Certificate duly signed and sealed on the letterhead of the employer indicating that the candidate will be relieved to join the college as per the date specified by the office from the employer, if employed.
  9. Experience Certificate(s) if any.


  1. The two references in the application form should both be professional referees from two different organizations if employed. If there is only one or no past employment record, one or both referees can be from the College/University where the highest qualification was obtained.
  2. Applications with incomplete documents or incomplete information in their application will be directly rejected during the time of scrutiny. Please, note that it is the sole responsibility of applicants to ensure that all mandatory documents as mentioned above are submitted to the college within the specified deadline.

For further information, please contact the at +975-17160460 during office hours.

Dear concerned students,
After evaluating the students documents (since there were no applications from the disadvantaged students), the following are the admitted and excluded students:
  • Admitted students: From the following students, the Committee will nominate four students and two stand-by students. 
    • 02210299
    • 02210185
    • 02210166
    • 02210296
    • 02210121
    • 02210267
  • Excluded students:
    • 02210298
    • 02210287
    • 02210265
    • 02210154
    • 02210254
The excluded students are asked to submit their inquiries or questions (if any) latest by September 15, Friday, 2023.

Dear Third Year (3rd) Students:

(Civil, Electrical, Electronics and Communications, Instrumentation and Control, Engineering Geology, and Architecture):


An application call is invited for the student exchange programme in Spring Semester 2024 (Jan-June) at UPV (Polytechnic University) in Spain.


The nomination and selection procedures are as follows. There has been a slight change in the selections based on the information received from the UPV Spain Project Coordinator. 


Please read the instructions very carefully:

  1. The students shall submit the files/applications in hard copy mentioned in the checklist attached (Appendix 1 attached here) to the undersigned latest by September 11, Monday, before 4:00 PM. The students shall compile the relevant documents in the sequence of nomination criteria listed in Appendix 1. Any missing documents (unintentional/deliberate) and/or documents that are not 'clearly readable' will be evaluated as 'zero' against the criteria.
  2. After September 11, the list of admitted and excluded applicants will be published. The excluded students will be allowed to submit their inquiries by the weekend. After resolving the inquiries, the final list of admitted students will be published.
  3. The selection committee will evaluate the merits of the admitted candidates and publish the list of selected students according to the scores obtained.
  4. This time, with a total of four mobilities for students, the selection committee will nominate two students and two standby students. 
  5. Important: As a reservation from the UPV project office, two students and two standby students will be nominated from 'Gyelpoi Tozay' as reservations for disadvantaged students with fewer opportunities. To maintain uniformity of scale, these students will be nominated from the Third/Second Years. Students in this reserved group are asked to submit official documentation. 
  6. Then, these four nominated students will send their nominations to the UPV Spain Project Coordinator for acceptance before Wednesday, September 20.
  7. The selected students shall receive a letter through the mail from the UPV Project Coordinator with instructions on how to process their application online.
  8. The selected students should choose the courses to study at UPV in close consultation with the UPV Project Coordinator and HoDs/PLs.


College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the selection results for the posts of Assistant Lecturers:

Result of Selection Interview of Assistant Lecturers held on 2nd August 2023
Result of Selection Interview of Assistant Lecturers of Architecture Department
Sl.# CID No VIVA-VOCE Score Remark
1 11703000543 73.1 Selected
2 11810000292 70.6 Selected
3 11608001744 70.3 Standby
Result of Selection Interview of Assistant Lecturer of ECE Department
Sl.# CID No VIVA-VOCE Score Remark
1 11004001088 72.83 Selected
2 11303001773 68 Standby
Result of Selection Interview of Assistant Lecturers of Mechanical Engineering
Sl.# CID No VIVA-VOCE Score Remark
1 11202000066 70.45 Selected
2 10905004057 67.53 Selected
Result of Selection Interview of Assistant Lecturers held on 3rd August 2023
Result of Selection Interview of Assistant Lecturer of IT
Sl.# CID No VIVA-VOCE Score Remark
1 11503000486 60.6 Selected
Result of Selection Interview of Assistant Lecturer of Physics
Sl.# CID No VIVA-VOCE Score Remark
1 11505000750 72.88 Selected
2 11505001014 70.88 Standby
Result of Selection Interview of Assistant Lecturer of Dzongkha
Sl.# CID No VIVA-VOCE Score Remark
1 11102000960 77.38 Selected
2 11516001313 76.25 Standby
Result of Selection Interview of Assistant Lecturer of Geology
Sl.# CID No VIVA-VOCE Score Remark
1 10202000875 76.1 Selected
2 10709003832 75 Standby
Result of Selection Interview of Assistant Lecturers held on 4th August 2023
Result of Selection Interview of Assistant Lecturers of Civil Engineering
Sl.# CID No VIVA-VOCE Score Remark
1 11705000906 68.3 Selected
2 10605000666 64.6 Selected


If the selected candidate fails to confirm within 10 days from the date of declaration of the selection interview result, the next candidate on standby will be considered.



The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidate for the VIVA Interview for the position of Assistant Lecturer.  The interview will be conducted at the College of Science and Technology, Rinchending, Phuentsholing.

Sl. # CID No. Cell. No. Email ID Date Time Remarks
Assistant Lecturer - Physics   Important Note:

You are must to be ready anytime on the day to sit for the interview. The scheduled timing will be changed if applicants withdraws or fails to come. 
1 11505000750 77318059 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 3rd August 2023 (Thursday) 8:30 - 9:00 AM
2 11505001014 17472026 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 9:00 - 9:30 AM
3 11607001272 77662286 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 9:30 - 10:00 AM
4 11508002130 17970016 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 10:00 - 10:30 AM
5 10211000148 17915229 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 10:30 - 11:00 AM
Assistant Lecturer - IT  
1 11503000486 17947964 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 3rd August 2023 (Thursday) 11:00 - 11:30 AM
Assistant Lecturer - Dzongkha  
1 11516001313 17553769 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 3rd August 2023 (Thursday) 11:30 - 12:00 
2 11006000672 17628630 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 1:00 - 1:30 PM
3 11106004663 17981600 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 1:30 - 2:00 PM
4 11102000960 17387011 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 2:30 - 3:00 PM
5 12005003357 17806580 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 3:00 - 3:30 PM
Assistant Lecturer -Geology  
1 11211001637 17469837 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 3rd August 2023 (Thursday 3:30 - 4:00 PM
2 10202000875 77321610 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 4:00 - 4:30 PM
3 10709003832 77251270 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 4:30 - 5:00 PM
4 11912001638 17452967 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 5:00 - 5:30 PM
Assistant Lecturer -Civil Engineering  
1 11209000088 77463222 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 4th August 2023 (Friday) 8:30 - 9:00 AM
2 11303000057 17790652/17405041 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 9:00 - 9:30 AM
3 11203004913 16900026 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 9:30 - 10:00 AM
4 11004003051 17810687 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 10:00 - 10:30 AM
5 11213004930 17304564 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 10:30 - 11:00 AM
6 10710001247 17887359 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 11:00 - 11:30 AM
7 11705000906 17489771 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 11:30 - 12:00 
8 11107001032 17468232 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 1:00 - 1:30 PM
9 11204004835 17343552 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 1:30 - 2:00 PM
10 11515001205 17996837 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 2:30 - 3:00 PM
11 11501002640 17634802 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 3:00 - 3:30 PM
12 10605000666 17823046 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 3:30 - 4:00 PM
13 10901000802 17492063 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 4:00 - 4:30 PM
14 11808001071 17994501 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 4:30 - 5:00 PM
Assistant Lecturer -ECE  
1 11004001088 77259256 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 5th August 2023 (Saturday) 8:30 - 9:00 AM
2 11602002449 17960092 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 9:00 - 9:30 AM
3 11606001010 17241076 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 9:30 - 10:00 AM
4 11303001773 17421688 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 10:00 - 10:30 AM
5 11909000891 77402401 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 10:30 - 11:00 AM
Assistant Lecturer -Architecture  
1 11502003467 17935105 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 5th August 2023 (Saturday) 11:00 - 11:30 AM
2 11608001744 77767579 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 11:30 - 12:00 
3 11810000292 17736634 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 1:00 - 1:30 PM
4 11703000543 17895849 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 1:30 - 2:00 PM
Assistant Lecturer -Mechanical Engineering  
1 10905004057 77233759 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 5th August 2023 (Saturday) 2:30 - 3:00 PM
2 11202000066 17754315 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 3:00 - 3:30 PM
3 11202006374 77600119 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 3:30 - 4:00 PM
4 11904000417 17342100 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 4:00 - 4:30 PM
5 11108000458 17636401 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 4:30 - 5:00 PM


Please bring all your original documents during the time of the Interview.

If any of the information provided is not correct, please do contact and inform us at +975-7160538/17160460 during office hours for clarification.



a. Reporting Date

All selected students for 2023 admission to the College of Science and Technology are hereby notified that they must report to the College on 23rd July 2023. The tentative schedule for the registration and orientation program is given below:

b. Registration


Registration Time*



24th July 2023


9:00 AM to 11:00 AM

Civil Engineering

12noon – 1 PM

Bachelor of Architecture

2 PM – 4 PM

Information Technology (IT Engg)


25th July 2023 (Tuesday)

9 AM to 10:30 AM

Instrumentation & Control Engg (ICE)

10:30 AM – 12 noon

Engg. Geology & Water Resources Engineering

1 PM – 2:30 PM

Electrical Engineering

2:30-4 PM

Electronics & Communication Engg (ECE) & Mechanical Engg. 


Note: First Year Students

During the registration, please submit the following documents:

  1. Citizenship Identity Card (Photocopy):
  2. Class X (BCSE) Mark Sheet (Original) or Equivalent:
  3. Class XII (BCSE) Mark Sheet (Original) or Equivalent:
  4. School Leaving Certificate (Original) & (Photocopy)
  5. Character Certificate (Original) & (Photocopy)                                                
  6. Two Passport Size Photographs:


 Old students Registration (all second, third-year, and fourth year & Fifth-year architecture):


Registration Time*


 26th July 2023 (Wednesday)

9:00 AM to 12:00 noon

Civil Engineering, Engg Geology,

12 noon – 1 PM

Bachelor of Architecture, Electrical Engg


2 PM – 4 PM

Information Technology (IT Engg), Electronics & Communication Engg (ECE), Instrumentation & Control Engg (ICE)

c. Orientation Program

The orientation program is a crucial set of activities designed to provide new students with valuable information and support their adjustment to college life. It serves as an introduction or ice-breaking stage, where students gain familiarity with their responsibilities and the benefits associated with their engagement, including programmes offered. This program plays a vital role in helping students understand the College structure, as well as the important rules, policies, and procedures that must be adhered to. The list of sessions is as follows:





27th  July 2023

09:00 - 10:00

Vision, Mission, Key Strategy, and Core Values of CST by the President

Teamwork Hall

10:00 - 10:15


10:15 - 11:15

Academic Rules and Regulations by the Dean of Academic Affairs (DAA)

Teamwork Hall

11:15 - 12:15

Hostel Rules and Regulations and Services by the Dean of Students Affairs (DSA)

Teamwork Hall

12:15 - 13:15

Lunch Break

13:15 - 14:15

Research in CST by the Dean of Research and Industrial Linkages (DRIL)

Teamwork Hall

14:15 - 15:15

Familiarization with library policies and Services by the librarian

Teamwork Hall


d. Tuition Fees and Accommodation for Self-Financed Students

The annual tuition fee for the College is set at Nu. 89,849. This amount is payable at the beginning of each semester during the registration process, with a rate of Nu. 44,925 per semester. Furthermore, students are required to pay an accommodation fee of Nu. 12,500 per semester in addition to the tuition fee.

e. Value Education

In addition, the College will provide Value Education to all newcomer students. Value Education is an essential component of holistic development, focusing on imparting core principles and ethics to individuals. It instills moral values, empathy, and social responsibility in students, guiding them to become well-rounded individuals. By emphasizing qualities such as honesty, integrity, respect, and compassion, value education cultivates a strong character and ethical decision-making abilities. It also promotes inclusivity, tolerance, and appreciation for diversity, fostering harmonious relationships in society. Value Education equips individuals with life skills, enabling them to navigate challenges, make ethical choices, and contribute positively to their communities. It plays a vital role in shaping individuals' attitudes, behavior, and outlook toward themselves and others, fostering a better and more compassionate world. The detail scheduled will be shared one day before the program.

Please contact the following officials for any queries:

  1. Chimi Dem, Student Service Officer - 17379976
  2. Leki Dorji, Dean of Student Affairs - 17785193


The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the following vacancies under contract service:


Sl. #

Position Title

Position Level

Qualification/Area of Specialization:

Slot/Employment Type


Assistant Lecturer/Associate Lecturer/Lecturer

(Position profile download)


BE/B.Tech/Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering with specialization in Robotic and Automation, Thermal Science, Control Engineering, Mechatronics, Geothermal Systems, Material Science, Industrial Engineering

02 slots on contract for a period of 1 year, extendable depending upon performance and requirement


Assistant Lecturer/Associate Lecturer/Lecturer

(Position profile download)


Bachelor’s Degree in IT/CS/CE/SE or Master’s Degree’s in IT/CS/CE/SE or Ph.D in IT/CS/CE/SE

01 slot.  on contract for a period of 1 year  extendable depending upon performance and requirement


Eligible candidates are requested to submit an application along with required documents as mentioned below to College of Science and Technology on or before 20th July 2023, 5.00 PM.


  1. Should be a Bhutanese National
  2. Must have attained 18 years of age, and not more than 45 years of age.
  3. Documents required
    • Employment Application Form (RUB) (Click Here to Download)
    • Academic Transcript/certificates
    • CV
    • Valid Copy of citizenship ID Card
    • Valid Security Clearance Certificate
    • Valid Medical Fitness Certificate
    • Work Experience Certificate if any
    • Audit Clearance Certificate (If presently employed)
    • No Objection Certificate (from your employer if presently working)
    • Full Present Address and Tele/Mobile No. and email address if possible

        4. Job Specifications and another requirement for the Lecturer post – Please check Position Profile (Uploaded separately)

        5. Submit the Application/Documents in hard copy to the following address:

            President, College of Science and Technology, Richending-Phuentsholing.

Shortlisted candidates will be announced on the College website and intimated for interview through call.

For further enquiry if any, please, contact to Administrative Officer at 17160538 or Administrative Assistant at 17755313 during office hours.

Sealed bids are invited from the eligible suppliers holding valid Trade License, issued by the MTI for the supply of following items to the College of Science and Technology (Rinchending), Phuntsholing : Bhutan. The following tender packages are on sales:

The submission of bids is at 1.30 PM on 24thJuly 2023 and will be publicly opened on the same day at 2.00 PM. The payment for the bid documents should be made during the time of submission of bids.

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the following vacancies:


Sl. #

Job Specification/Position Title

Position Level


Qualification/Area of Specialization:

Employment Type


Assistant Lecturer

(Position Profile download)



Bachelor of Science in Physics

Contract (1 year)



(Position Profile download)




M.A. in Buddhist philosophy, M.A. in Language and Literature, B.A. in language and literature, B.A. in language and culture studies, B.A. in Dzongkha

Contract (6 months)


Assistant Lecturer

(Position Profile download)



The minimum education required is Bachelors in Electronics and Communication Engineering

Contract (6 months)


Assistant Lecturer

(Position Profile download)



M. Sc./ M. Tech or B. Sc /B. Tech in Engineering Geology / Geologist

Contract (1 year)


Assistant Lecturer

(Position Profile download)



M.E. / M. Tech or B.E. / B. Tech in Civil Engineering

Contract (Two for 6 months and one for 1 year)



(Position Profile download)



B. Arch / M. Arch/ M. Plan/ MUD/ PhD (Architecture, Urban Design, Urban Planning & Housing)

 Contract (6 months)


Eligible candidates are requested to submit an application along with required documents to the College of Science and Technology on or before 14th July 2023, 5.00 PM.


  1. Should be a Bhutanese National
  2. Must have attained 18 years of age, and not more than 45 years of age.
  3. Documents required
    • Employment Application Form (RUB) (Click Here to Download)
    • Academic Transcript
    • CV
    • Valid Copy of citizenship ID Card
    • Valid Security Clearance Certificate
    • Valid Medical Fitness Certificate
    • Work Experience Certificate if any
    • Audit Clearance Certificate (If presently employed)
    • No Objection Certificate (from your employer if presently working)
    • Full Present Address and Tele/Mobile No. and email address if possible
  1. Job Specifications and another requirement for the Lecturer post – Please check Position Profile. (Click Here to Download )
  1. Submit the Application/Documents in hard copy to the following address President, College of Science and Technology, Richending-Phuentsholing.


 Shortlisted candidates will be announced on the College website and intimated for interview through call.

For further inquiries if any, please, contact to Administrative Officer at 17160538 or Administrative Assistant at 17755313 during office hours.

The College request the first-year architecture students joining the college to kindly go through the list of items they are required to bring when joining the college.

CLICK HERE to view the list

Based on the viva voce interview for recruitment of Student Service Officer held on 24th June 2023, the College of Science and Technology is pleased to declare the result of the interview as mentioned below:

Sl. #

CID No.#

Contact Number












Not Selected





Not Selected


The selected candidate must confirm his availability for this offer via the email provided below by 28th June 2023. Upon accepting the offer, he is required to report to the College on 3rd July 2023.

For further inquiry – Contact No. 1775531, email address – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Based on the viva voice interview for recruitment of Assistant Lecturer for the Software Engineering Program held on 22nd June 2023, the College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce that the following candidates are selected for the post of Assistant Lecturer.


Sl. # CID # Phone Number
1 12005000243 17548176
2 11102004692 17268138
3 11508002990 17241261
4 10802000348 17651868
5 (DCRC-28)2020/004967 17608088
6 11211002060 17523988


The selected candidates must respond to this offer via email by 11:59 AM on 26th June 2023. Upon accepting the offer, they are required to report to the college on 3rd July 2023. The remuneration will be provided in accordance with the current RUB Regulations.

Dear Bachelor of Engineering (Software Engineering) Programme Students of 2023/2024,

I hope this notice finds you well. We are writing to inform you about an important change in the location of the Bachelor of Engineering (Software Engineering) Programme matriculation for the academic year 2023/2024. Due to a shortage of hostel rooms and classroom resources and upgrading works to increase the college’s capacity at the current location, the College of Science and Technology (CST), we have made the decision to relocate the programme temporarily.


The registration exercise for the Bachelor of Engineering (Software Engineering) Programme will now take place at:

Venue: Gedu College of Business Studies, Student Service Office

Date: 18th July 2023

Time: 9 a.m. onwards


This relocation is a necessary measure to ensure that all students are provided with appropriate accommodation and sufficient resources for an optimal learning experience. Gedu College of Business Studies has graciously offered their facilities to accommodate our programme during this period.

Please make the necessary arrangements to report to Gedu College of Business Studies on the specified dates and timings mentioned above. We understand that this change may cause some inconvenience, and we apologize for any disruptions it may cause. However, we assure you that we are committed to making the relocation process as smooth as possible.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this relocation matters, please do not hesitate to contact:

Dean of Student Affairs, Dawala This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Student Service Officer, Dawa Gyeltshen 17-377-659

Student Service Officer, Chimi Yangden 17-314-921

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. We believe that this temporary relocation will help us address the challenges we currently face and ensure a successful start to your academic journey.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Software Engineering Programme.

Based on the written test for recruitment of Students Service Officer on 19th June 2023, the College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce that the following candidates are shortlisted for the VIVA VOCE interview which will be held on 24/6/2023.

Sl. #


Phone Number





9:00 AM




9:30 AM




10:00 AM



 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 10:30 AM


The candidates are advised to report to the College as mentioned:

    1. Venue – Integrity Hall – Administration Building
    2. Time – as mentioned against each name
    3. Date  -24/6/2023

 The candidates are also advised to bring all the original documents during the interview

The fee details for Self-Financed students are given below:


Tuition (Nu.)

Hostel & Mess Fee (Nu.)

CDF Fee (Nu.)

Security Deposit (refundable)(Nu.)

College T-shirt, Cap, SWS, College Card (Nu.)

Total (Nu.)

Mode of Payment







Demand Draft/MoB during registration


The fee details for Government Scholarship students are given below:


CDF Fee (Nu.)

Security Deposit (Refundable)(Nu.)

College T-shirt, Cap, SWS, College Card (Nu.)

Total (Nu.)

Mode of Payment





Demand Draft/MoB during registration


Fee details for students with other scholarship (other than RGOB, eg DAHE etc.)


Tuition (Nu.)

Hostel & Mess Fee (Nu.)

CDF Fee (Nu.)

Security Deposit (Refundable)(Nu.)

College T-shirt, Cap, SWS, College Card (Nu.)

Total (Nu.)

Mode of Payment

Scholarship covers (Show proof during registration)






Demand Draft/MoB during registration


Kindly address the DEMAND DRAFT to the “College of Science and technology” if you decide to pay in Demand Draft.

Recommendation: The College strongly recommends students to have their own bank account (Preferable BoB) for the transaction of their stipend, whenever required.

 Please contact the following officials for any query,

  1. Passang Dema, Adm Assist-17652414
  2. Chimi Dem, Student Service Officer(female)-17379976
  3. Leki Dorji, Dean Student Affairs-17785193


Important Requirement:                                                                                                                             

All the students are requested to bring the following documents for registration:

  1. Citizenship Identity Card or Letter received from Immigration/Census and Civil Registration (Original andCopy)
  2. Class X Mark sheet and Pass Certificate (Original and copy).
  3. Class XII Mark sheet and Pass Certificate (Original and copy).
  4. School Leaving Certificate/Transfer certificate (Original and copy).
  5. Character Certificate (Original and copy).
  6. Information on House No. and Thram
  7. Recent Passport Size Photos (4 Nos).


All the students are required to bring the following things for personal use:

  1. Gho/Kira
  2. Rachu/Kabney
  3. Big Size Sickle (1 each).
  4. Medium Size Bucket (1 each)
  5. Toilet brush (1 each)
  6. Floor wiper (1 each)
  7. Bed Clothes (Mattress, quilt/blanket, bed sheets, Bed size 3’x6’).
  8. Plates, Cups, and Spoons
  9. Umbrella
  10. Mosquito Nets
  11. Window curtains -1 Pair
  12. 10 digits Scientific Calculator - 1 No.

The students selected for Architecture programme are asked to check the college website for list of things they need to buy while reporting.

Recommendation: The College strongly recommends students to have their own bank account (Preferable BoB) for the transaction of their stipend, whenever required.

Please contact the following officials for any query,

  1. Pema Zangmo, Exam OC-17396533
  2. Chimi Dem, Student Service Officer-17379976
  3. Leki Dorji, Dean Student Affairs-17785193


a. Reporting Date

All selected students for 2023 admission to the College of Science and Technology are hereby notified that they must report to the College on 23rd July 2023. The tentative schedule for the registration and orientation program is given below:

b. Registration


Registration Time*



24th July 2023


9:00 AM to 11:00 AM

Civil Engineering

12noon – 1 PM

Bachelor of Architecture

2 PM – 4 PM

Information Technology (IT Engg)


25th July 2023 (Tuesday)

9 AM to 10:30 AM

Instrumentation & Control Engg (ICE)

10:30 AM – 12 noon

Engg. Geology & Water Resources Engineering

1 PM – 2:30 PM

Electrical Engineering

2:30-4 PM

Electronics & Communication Engg (ECE) & Mechanical Engg. 


Note: First Year Students

During the registration, please submit the following documents:

  1. Citizenship Identity Card (Photocopy):
  2. Class X (BCSE) Mark Sheet (Original) or Equivalent:
  3. Class XII (BCSE) Mark Sheet (Original) or Equivalent:
  4. School Leaving Certificate (Original) & (Photocopy)
  5. Character Certificate (Original) & (Photocopy)                                                
  6. Two Passport Size Photographs:


 Old students Registration (all second, third-year, and fourth year & Fifth-year architecture):


Registration Time*


 26th July 2023 (Wednesday)

9:00 AM to 12:00 noon

Civil Engineering, Engg Geology,

12 noon – 1 PM

Bachelor of Architecture, Electrical Engg


2 PM – 4 PM

Information Technology (IT Engg), Electronics & Communication Engg (ECE), Instrumentation & Control Engg (ICE)

c. Orientation Program

The orientation program is a crucial set of activities designed to provide new students with valuable information and support their adjustment to college life. It serves as an introduction or ice-breaking stage, where students gain familiarity with their responsibilities and the benefits associated with their engagement, including programmes offered. This program plays a vital role in helping students understand the College structure, as well as the important rules, policies, and procedures that must be adhered to. The list of sessions is as follows:





27th  July 2023

09:00 - 10:00

Vision, Mission, Key Strategy, and Core Values of CST by the President

Teamwork Hall

10:00 - 10:15


10:15 - 11:15

Academic Rules and Regulations by the Dean of Academic Affairs (DAA)

Teamwork Hall

11:15 - 12:15

Hostel Rules and Regulations and Services by the Dean of Students Affairs (DSA)

Teamwork Hall

12:15 - 13:15

Lunch Break

13:15 - 14:15

Research in CST by the Dean of Research and Industrial Linkages (DRIL)

Teamwork Hall

14:15 - 15:15

Familiarization with library policies and Services by the librarian

Teamwork Hall


d. Tuition Fees and Accommodation for Self-Financed Students

The annual tuition fee for the College is set at Nu. 89,849. This amount is payable at the beginning of each semester during the registration process, with a rate of Nu. 44,925 per semester. Furthermore, students are required to pay an accommodation fee of Nu. 12,500 per semester in addition to the tuition fee.

e. Value Education

In addition, the College will provide Value Education to all newcomer students. Value Education is an essential component of holistic development, focusing on imparting core principles and ethics to individuals. It instills moral values, empathy, and social responsibility in students, guiding them to become well-rounded individuals. By emphasizing qualities such as honesty, integrity, respect, and compassion, value education cultivates a strong character and ethical decision-making abilities. It also promotes inclusivity, tolerance, and appreciation for diversity, fostering harmonious relationships in society. Value Education equips individuals with life skills, enabling them to navigate challenges, make ethical choices, and contribute positively to their communities. It plays a vital role in shaping individuals' attitudes, behavior, and outlook toward themselves and others, fostering a better and more compassionate world. The detail scheduled will be shared one day before the program.

Please contact the following officials for any queries:

  1. Chimi Dem, Student Service Officer - 17379976
  2. Leki Dorji, Dean of Student Affairs - 17785193


College of Science and Technology is delighted to extend an invitation to all the stakeholders for the campus recruiting of graduating students in June 2023.

We sincerely thank the valued stakeholders for expressing interest in recruiting our graduates through CAMPUS RECRUITMENT. The CST is happy to render unconditional support. It would be more convenient for the employers to carry out selection from June 21-25 (as there is Driglam Namzha course for the final year students on June 26-27).
June 30 is the Graduation Day as per our academic calendar.
Contact details are shared in the flyer here for necessary information and support.





The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce that the following candidates have been shortlisted for the Written Test for the position of Assistant Student Service Officer.

Sl No


Contact Number












77751163 or17480154












17736745 or 77770345











Please report for the written exam on the specified date, time, and venue:

Date: 19th June 2023
Time: 9:00 AM (Exam Start)
Venue: Enterprise Hall, Administrative Building, College of Science and Technology, Rinchending, Phuentsholing.

The Written Test will consist of the following papers:

  1. Dzongkha
  2. English
  3. Analytical
  4. Management

Shortlisted Candidates are required to bring your CID card, pen, calculator, and eraser. The examination will last for 1.5 hours.

The College of Science and Technology hereby announces the result for the following post. The selection interview was held on 31st May 2023 at the college.

Result of Selection Interview of Mechanical Technician.

Sl.# CID No.# Contact # VIVA-VOCE Score Remark
1 10906002327 17772336 63.8 Selected

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidate for the VIVA Interview for the position Mechanical Technician. The interview will be conducted at the College of Science and Technology, Rinchending, Phuentsholing.

Sl. #

CID Number

Contact #

Email ID





This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The date and time of the interview will be communicated to you through your registered email ID, and the College Administration will also call you on the interview date. Please ensure that you bring all your original documents with you at the time of the interview.

If any of the provided information is incorrect, please contact us at +975-17160538 for clarification.

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the following vacancies as follows:

Sl. #

Position Title

No. of Slots

Qualification Requirement

Position Level

Employment types

Position Profile


Assistant Student Service Officer (Male)


Bachelor's Degree



Click here




Diploma in Mechanical Engineering or Equivalent



Click here




Class X with 2 years Certificate (VTI) in plumbing or equivalent



Click here

Eligible candidates are requested to submit applications via the online portal RUB IMS (applicants are required to register and apply via latest by 26th May 2023, 5:00 PM.


A candidate must:

  1. Be a Bhutanese citizen
  2. Have attained at least 18 years of age, and not more than 45 years of age
  3. Meet qualification, experience, and other requirements as specified in the position profile of the position
  4. Benchmark criteria as follows:
  1. For Assistant Student Service Officer's position:
    Candidates must have minimum of 60% aggregate (English + best 4 subjects) in Class X; 60% aggregate (English + best 3 subjects) in Class XII; and 60% aggregate in Bachelor degree.

  2. For Technician’s positions:
    Candidates must have a minimum aggregate of 60% in Diploma and 50% each in Class X (English + best 4 subjects) and Class XII (English + best 3 subjects)

  3. For Plumber’s positions:
    Candidates must have minimum aggregate of 60% in VTI training and 40% in Class X (English + best 4 subjects)

 Documents required:

    1. Academic Certificates &Transcripts
    2. Valid Security Clearance Certificate (approved online)
    3. Medical Fitness Certificate (6 months validity)
    4. Audit Clearance Certificate, if employed
    5. Citizenship ID Card
    6. Relevant Training Certificates, if any
    7. No Objection Certificate and applicant needs to upload it duly signed and sealed on the letterhead of the employer indicating that the candidate will be relieved to join the college as per the date specified by the office from the employer, if employed
    8. Experience Certificate(s)/documentary evidence(s) for current and previous employment records


  1. The two references in the application form should both be professional referees from two different organizations if employed. If there is only one or no past employment record, one or both referees can be from the College/University where the highest qualification was obtained.
  2. Applications with incomplete documents or incomplete information in their application will be directly rejected during the time of scrutiny. Please, note that it is the sole responsibility of applicants to ensure that all mandatory documents as mentioned above are uploaded and submitted to the college.

 For further information, please contact the college Administrative Officer at +975-17160538 during office hours.


The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce admission to Master of Engineering in Renewable Energy under self funding commencing from July 2023.

Aims of the programme

The Master of Engineering in Renewable Energy aims to provide meaningful education on the design, analysis and implementation of renewable energy systems and energy management. It will enhance the technical and analytical competency of engineers who are working or intend to work in renewable energy and associated fields.

Specific Objectives of Masters Programme

Master of Engineering in Renewable Energy graduates will be able to:

  • Communicate information in a clear and structured way in both oral and written forms
  • Analyse and evaluate environmental, social, and economic impacts of renewable energy infrastructure.
  • Evaluate constraints and commercial risks related to renewable energy.
  • Initiate, plan and design new renewable energy infrastructure.
  • Evaluate and optimise renewable energy systems using modelling techniques.
  • Assess range of problems related to renewable energy and apply new emerging technologies to solve these complex problems.
  • Identify areas of unexplored questions and recognize different approaches to problems.
  • Enhance innovation and entrepreneurship in renewable energy.
  • Demonstrate a critical awareness of theoretical design concepts and their practical implementation within renewable energy system.
  • Use appropriate software packages and IT skills for modelling and simulation of renewable energy systems.
  • Integrate knowledge and research skills to address a research question and continue toward a research career.
  • Advise clients on renewable energy projects.

Career-related opportunities

The graduates of Master of Engineering in Renewable Energy would be able to work as project engineer, energy specialist, energy engineer, energy designer, energy analyst, energy manager, energy modeller, energy policy analyst, energy systems maintenance engineer and researcher. They would be ideal candidates for jobs in organisations emphasising on energy systems design or applications, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal technologies, hydropower, biomass, biofuels, wind energy system and emerging technologies; and graduates could also work as private consultant and strategists.

Admission Process

A total of 10 candidates will be selected based on the following criteria.

  • Eligibility criteria - applicants should have a minimum of 55% in a four year/honours degree in either a Bachelor of Engineering/ Bachelor of Technology/or a Bachelor in Physics.
  • Selection criteria – applicants will be selected on merit based on the following criteria:
    i. An interview – 60%
    ii. Academic performance based on the degree results – 20%
    iii. Letter of motivation ( Click Here to download the format.)– 10%
    iv. Recommendation letter from a professor/supervisor ( Click Here to download the format) – 10%
  • Documents required
    i. All applicants must submit copies of academic transcripts duly attested by an authorised person.
    ii. Applicants who have graduated from the Royal University of Bhutan need not attest their documents.
    iii. The selected applicants will have to produce original transcripts during registration.


Fee Structure:

Please refer to the following link for fee details (Click here).

Note: Tuition fee waiver may be available for a few selected candidates.


Submission and deadline

Submit the complete application document via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Deadline - 30th May 2023.

Contact - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at 17862007 / 16552690 for further information.


The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce admission to Master in Construction Management under self funding commencing from July 2023.

The Masters in Construction Management programme is designed to provide theoretical as well as practical knowledge and skills for managing the social, technological, financial, and environmental challenges facing the construction industry of today. Addressing the principal and emerging concepts and methodologies of construction project management it provides advanced educational opportunities for cognate students from a wide range of industries/backgrounds including engineering, architecture, and the real estate and construction sector.\

Drawing references to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK), and other international benchmarks and frameworks for project management the course will produce project managers capable of managing constraints in time, resource, and quality, as well as the social, environmental, and regulatory challenges in the construction industry.

a. Eligibility Criteria:
Have an undergraduate degree in civil, electrical, mechanical engineering, or architecture or a four-year degree in construction engineering and management with a minimum score of 55% aggregate.

b. Documents Required
i. Cover letter with contact details addressed to the President (phone number and email address)
ii. Attested copies of academic transcripts and certificates by an authorized person/agency. (Applicants who have graduated from the Royal University of Bhutan need not attest their documents.)
iii. Copy of National Citizenship Card
iv. Motivation letter as per the format attached. Click Here to download.
v. Referee letter as per the format attached. Click Here to download.

c. Selection Criteria -
Applicants will be selected on merit, based on the following criteria:
i. Interview – 60%

ii. Letter of Motivation - 30%

iii. Academic performance (Undergraduate Degree) - 10%

Shortlisted candidates will be called for an oral Interview. A total of 10 candidates will be accepted for each intake.

d. Fee Structure:

Please refer to the following link for fee details (Click here).

Note: Tuition fee waiver may be available for a few selected candidates.

e. Submission and deadline
Submit the complete application document via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Deadline - 30th May 2023.

Contact - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at 17113252 for further information.


Result of Estate Manager Interview

Sl. #


Phone Number















Stand by


Result of Driver Interview

Sl. #


Phone Number









The selected candidates for both the post (Estate Manager and Driver) are hereby requested to join the College on 1st May 2023.


If the selected candidates fail to confirm within 10 days from the date of declaration of the selection interview result, the candidates on standby will be considered.

Announcement to Prospective Students on BE. Software Engineering

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new degree program in Software Engineering at the Royal University of Bhutan, College of Science and Technology. This interdisciplinary programme aims to equip students with a solid foundation in mathematics, computer science, and engineering.

Programme Overview

Our software engineering courses will build on this foundation and introduce disciplined development processes, technical documentation, software design principles, project management, and quantifiable analysis. In addition, non-technical requirements such as teamwork, technical presentations, reports, peer evaluations, and co-op work experience will be emphasized.


Furthermore, we are excited to announce that students in our Software Engineering programme will have the opportunity to major in three exciting and rapidly growing fields: Artificial Intelligence, Software Security, and Dev Ops. These majors will allow students to focus their studies and gain specialized knowledge and skills in these high-demand areas.

  1. The Artificial Intelligence major will provide students with a deep understanding of machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and other AI-related technologies. Students will learn how to design and develop intelligent systems that can learn and adapt to new data.
  2. The Software Security major will equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to protect digital systems and networks from cyber-attacks. Students will learn about security policies, risk management, cryptography, and cyber defense strategies.
  3. The Dev Ops major will focus on the integration of software development and IT operations, enabling students to create and deploy software applications more efficiently and reliably. Students will learn about continuous integration and delivery, infrastructure automation, and monitoring and logging tools. 

We are confident that these majors will provide our students with valuable skills and knowledge that will set them apart in the job market and prepare them for successful careers in these rapidly evolving fields. We look forward to welcoming you to our Software Engineering programme at the College of Science and Technology.


Potential Job Opportunities

As a software engineering graduate, you will be well-prepared to pursue a career in this field. Some potential job opportunities include working as a software engineer at DHI group of companies, Runa Capital portfolio companies, or the Royal University of Bhutan itself. These positions offer competitive salaries and excellent growth opportunities.


RUB-CST Co-Operative Education Programme

A Work-Study scheme with multiple internships with domestic & international organizations

Our co-op programme is an integral part of the Software Engineering programme and will provide you with relevant work experience. Our programme integrates academic studies with relevant work experience, allowing you to apply what you have learned in the classroom to real-life work settings. You will have the opportunity to work at attached companies for multiple internships, allowing you to gain up to two years of meaningful, relevant work experience on your résumé. Additionally, you will improve your interview skills, create connections through networking with employers and coworkers, explore alternate career paths, and earn money to help pay for tuition and costs of living.

We believe that this programme will provide you with the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to excel in the field of software engineering.

Interested students can register here.

The last date of registration is 17th April 2023.

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for the VIVA Interview for the following positions: Estate Manager and Driver. The interview will be conducted at the College of Science and Technology, Rinchending, Phuentsholing.

For Estate Manager’s Post

Sl. #

CID Number

Contact #

Email ID





This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



For Driver’s Post

Sl. #

CID Number

Contact #

Email ID





This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The date and time of the interview will be communicated through your registered email ID, and the College Administration will also call you on the date of the interview. Please bring all your original documents at the time of the interview.

If any of the provided information is incorrect, please contact us at +975-17160538 for clarification.

The College of Science and Technology hereby announces the result for the following post. The selection interview was held on 27th March 2023 at the college.

Result of Selection Interview of Driver held on 27th March 2023

Sl.# CID No.# Contact # VIVA-VOCE Score Remark
1 10305000203 17504784 65.7 Selected

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce that the following candidate has been shortlisted for the VIVA Interview for the position of Driver (vacancy announced as on . The interview will be conducted on March 27th, 2023.

Sl. # CID Number Contact No.  Remarks
1 10305000203 17504784 Shortlisted

For clarification, kindly contact us at 17160538 during office hours.

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the following vacancies as follows:


Sl. #

 Position Title

No. of Slots

 Qualification Requirement

 Position Level

Employment type

Position Profile


Estate Manager


Diploma in Civil Engineering/Electrical/ or Equivalent



Click Here




 Minimum Class VIII with Professional Driving (PD) license for light regular vehicle and bus



Click Here

Eligible candidates are requested to submit applications via the online portal RUB IMS (applicants are required to register and apply via latest by 3rd April 2023, 5:00 PM.


 A candidate must:

  1. Be a Bhutanese citizen
  2. Have attained at least 18 years of age, and not more than 45 years of age
  3. Meet qualifications, experience, and other requirements as specified in the position profile of the position.

 Documents required:

    1. Academic Transcripts: 
    2. Valid Professional Driving (PD) license for the post of Driver
    3. Valid Security Clearance Certificate (approved online)
    4. Medical Fitness Certificate (6 months validity)
    5. Audit Clearance Certificate, if employed
    6. Citizenship ID Card
    7. No Objection Certificate and the applicant needs to upload it duly signed and sealed on the letterhead of the employer indicating that the candidate will be relieved to join the college as per the date specified by the office from the employer if employed.
    8. Experience Certificate(s)/documentary evidence(s) for current and previous employment records


  1. The two references in the application form should both be professional referees from two different organizations if employed. If there is only one or no past employment record, one or both referees can be from the College/University where the highest qualification was obtained.
  2. Applications with incomplete documents or incomplete information in their application will be directly rejected during the time of scrutiny. Please, note that it is the sole responsibility of applicants to ensure that all mandatory documents as mentioned above are uploaded and submitted to the college.

 For further information, please contact the college Administrative Officer at +975-17160538 during office hours.

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the list of shortlisted candidates for the entrance test for admission to the following programmes:

  1. Shortlisted candidates for the Architecture progarmme - Click Here
  2. Shortlisted candidates for the Engineering progarmmes - Click Here

All the shortlisted candidates are required to undertake entrance test on dates as follows:

  • Entrance Test for Architecture Programme: 3rd April 2023
  • Entrance Test for Engineering Programmes: 4th April 2023.

The shortlisted candidates will be contacted through registered email address individually with the required details.

For any inquiry or clarification, kindly contact Dr. Tashi, Dean of Academic Affairs +975-17929365 during office hours.

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the time extension for the following vacancy:


Sl. #

Position Title

No. of Slots

Qualification Requirement

Position Level

Employment types

Position Profile




Minimum Class VIII with Professional Driving (PD) license for light regular vehicle and bus

Position Level:17


Click Here


Eligible candidates are requested to submit applications via the online portal RUB IMS (applicants are required to register and apply via latest by  22nd March 2023, 5:00 PM.


 A candidate must:

  1. Be a Bhutanese citizen
  2. Have attained at least 18 years of age, and not more than 45 years of age
  3. Meet qualifications, experience, and other requirements as specified in the position profile of the position.

 Documents required:

    1. Academic Transcripts: 
    2. Valid Professional Driving (PD) license for the post of Driver
    3. Valid Security Clearance Certificate (approved online)
    4. Medical Fitness Certificate (6 months validity)
    5. Audit Clearance Certificate, if employed
    6. Citizenship ID Card
    7. No Objection Certificate and the applicant needs to upload it duly signed and sealed on the letterhead of the employer indicating that the candidate will be relieved to join the college as per the date specified by the office) from the employer, if employed.
    8. Experience Certificate(s)/documentary evidence(s) for current and previous employment records


  1. The two references in the application form should both be professional referees from two different organizations if employed. If there is only one or no past employment record, one or both referees can be from the College/University where the highest qualification was obtained.
  2. Applications with incomplete documents or incomplete information in their application will be directly rejected during the time of scrutiny. Please, note that it is the sole responsibility of applicants to ensure that all mandatory documents as mentioned above are uploaded and submitted to the college.

 For further information, please contact the college Administration at +975-17160538 during office hours.

The College of Science and Technology hereby announces the result for the following posts. The selection interview was held on 10th February 2023 at the college.

Result of Selection Interview of Asst SSO cum Health Assistant



Contact #







Not Selected







Result of Selection Interview of Sweeper



Contact #









The College of Science and Technology is offering 12 seats in BE Civil Engineering, 10 seats Electrical Engineering, 5 seats in BE Electronics & Communication Engineering, and 10 seats in BE Information Technology for the 2023-2024 academic session to In-Service candidates with Diploma in Civil, Electrical, Electronics & Communication, and Information Technology respectively.

The duration of the programme is 3 years full-time. The tuition fees will be charged based on RUB directives. Accommodation will be provided as per College policy.

Interested candidates from the government/corporate/private sector should send their application to the College along with a letter of recommendation from the employer.

Selection will be based on the entrance examination.

Entrance Examination will be conducted online and will comprise of:

  1. Civil Engineering: - Mathematics, Engineering Science (Physics and Chemistry), Strength of Materials, Surveying and Fluid Mechanics
  2. Electrical Engineering: - Mathematics, Engineering Science (Physics and Chemistry), Electrical Engineering Circuits and Electronics.
  3. Electronics and Communication Engineering: - Mathematics, Engineering Science (Physics and Chemistry), Electronics & Circuit Devices and Communication Engineering
  4. Information Technology: - Mathematics, Engineering Science (Physics and Chemistry), Programming Fundamental, Databases, and networking.

Applications will be received no later than 15th March 2023 along with a non-refundable entrance examination fee of Nu.1000/- which should be paid online.

The Applicants are requested to send the applications to this email address:

                        This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Examination Details:

  1. Issuance of user name and password: March 17, 2023
  2. Date of examination: March 18, 2023 (9:00 – 11:00 am)
  3. Mode of examination: Online
  4. Result Declaration: March 21, 2023

Registration of the selected candidates for the programme should be completed by April 10, 2023 (along with the payment of Nu 5000.00 as an advance tuition fee which is non-refundable if a candidate withdraws after registration).

Failure to register by April 10, 2023, the seat will be allocated to the other candidates.

For clarification, kindly contact Dr. Tashi, Dean of Academic Affairs +975-17929365, Passang Dema +975-17652414 during office hours.

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the following vacancy as follows:


Sl. #

Position Title

No. of Slots

Qualification Requirement

Position Level

Employment types

Position Profile




Minimum Class VIII with Professional Driving (PD) license for light regular vehicle and bus

Position Level:17


Click Here


Eligible candidates are requested to submit applications via the online portal RUB IMS (applicants are required to register and apply via latest by 19th February 2023, 5:00 PM.


 A candidate must:

  1. Be a Bhutanese citizen
  2. Have attained at least 18 years of age, and not more than 45 years of age
  3. Meet qualification, experience, and other requirements as specified in the position profile of the position.

 Documents required:

    1. Academic Transcripts: 
    2. Valid Professional Driving (PD) licence for the post of Driver
    3. Valid Security Clearance Certificate (approved online)
    4. Medical Fitness Certificate (6 months’ validity)
    5. Audit Clearance Certificate, if employed
    6. Citizenship ID Card
    7. No Objection Certificate and applicant needs to upload it duly signed and sealed on the letterhead of the employer indicating that the candidate will be relieved to join the college as per the date specified by the office) from the employer, if employed.
    8. Experience Certificate(s)/documentary evidence(s) for current and previous employment records


  1. The two references in the application form should both be professional referees from two different organizations if employed. If there is only one or no past employment record, one or both referees can be from the College/University where the highest qualification was obtained.
  2. Applications with incomplete documents or incomplete information in their application will be directly rejected during the time of scrutiny. Please, note that it is the sole responsibility of applicants to ensure that all mandatory documents as mentioned above are uploaded and submitted to the college.

 For further information, please contact the college Administration at +975-17160538 during office hours.

The College of Science and Technology is glad to announce the shortlisted Candidates for the VIVA Interview for the following posts. The interview will be conducted at the College of Science and Technology, Rinchending, Phuentsholing.

For Assistant SSO Cum Health Assistant's Post
Sl # CID Number Contact # Email ID Remarks
1 11102001721 17526801 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted
2 11803003479 17923132 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted


For Wet Sweeper's Post
Sl # CID Number Contact # Email ID Remarks
1 10905002392 17839584 --- Shortlisted


The date and time of the interview will be notified through your registered email ID and you will also receive a call from the College Administration on the date of the interview.

Please bring all your original documents during the time of the Interview.

If any of the information provided is not correct, please do inform us at +975-17160538 for clarification.

The College of Science and Technology, Royal University of Bhutan is notifying all interested bidders to participate in the public re-auction for used/exhausted tubular-type batteries (solar and UPS batteries).

The bidders are requested to inspect the items prior to auction “As and where is basis’’ and tender their bid from the given base price.

Sl. #

Item Name



Base price (Nu.)


Solar Battery

Sukham 12V, 150 Ah

16 nos.



UPS Battery

Exide 12 V, 150 Ah

16 nos.


The re-auction will be held on 20th January 2023 at 10 am at the College of Science and Technology, Rinchending, Phuentsholing.

The bidders may contact Procurement Officer at 17160538 during office hours.


The College of Science and Technology, Royal University of Bhutan is notifying all interested bidders to participate in the public auction for used/exhausted tubular-type batteries (solar and UPS batteries).

The bidders are requested to inspect the items prior to auction “As and where is basis’’ and tender their bid from the given base price.

Sl. #

Item Name



Base price (Nu.)


Solar Battery

Sukham 12V, 150 Ah

16 nos.



UPS Battery

Exide 12 V, 150 Ah

16 nos.


The auction will be held on 12th January 2023 at 10 am at the College of Science and Technology, Rinchending, Phuentsholing.

The bidders may contact Procurement Officer at 17160538 during office hours.


The College of Science and Technology is pleased to extend the deadline for the following vacancies announce as follows:

Sl. #

 Position Title

No. of Slots

 Qualification Requirement

 Position Level

Employment types

Position Profile


Assistant Student Service Officer cum Health Assistant (HA)


Certificate/ Diploma in Community Health Service, OR above with relevant field  

Position Level:-10(Commensurate with Experience)


Click Here


Sweeper (Wet)



 Position Level: GSS

2 Year Fixed term appointment and extendable based on performance

Click Here

Eligible candidates are requested to submit applications via the online portal RUB IMS (applicants are required to register and apply via latest by 12th December 2022, 4:00 PM.


 A candidate must:

  1. Be a Bhutanese citizen
  2. Have attained at least 18 years of age, and not more than 45 years of age
  3. Meet qualifications, experience, and other requirements as specified in the position profile of the position.
  4. Bench Mark Criteria:
  • For positions with Diploma qualification requirements:

          candidates must have a minimum aggregate of 60% in Diploma and 50% each in Class X (English + best 4 subjects) and Class XII (English + best 3 subjects)

 Documents required:

  1. For the Assistant Student Service Officer/Health Assistant’s post:
  1. Academic Transcripts: (i) Certificate/Diploma certificate and Mark sheets, (ii) Mark sheets and certificates of Class XII and Class X
  2. Valid Security Clearance Certificate (approved online)
  3. Medical Fitness Certificate (6 months validity)
  4. Audit Clearance Certificate, if employed
  5. Citizenship ID Card
  6. No Objection Certificate and the applicant needs to upload it duly signed and sealed on the letterhead of the employer indicating that the candidate will be relieved to join the college as per the date specified by the office) from the employer, if employed.
  7. Experience Certificate(s)/documentary evidence(s) for current and previous employment records


      2. For Wet Sweeper’s post: (Submit hardcopy documents to the college and no need to apply online):

  1. Copy of Filled RUB employment form (Click here to download form)
  2. Copy of Valid Security Clearance Certificate (approved online)
  3. Copy of Medical Fitness Certificate (6 months validity)
  4. Copy of Citizenship ID Card
  5. No Objection Certificate and the applicant needs to upload it duly signed and sealed on the letterhead of the employer indicating that the candidate will be relieved to join the college as per the date specified by the office) from the employer, if employed.
  6. Copy of Experience Certificate(s)/documentary evidence(s) for current and previous employment records if any.



  1. The two references in the application form should both be professional referees from two different organizations if employed. If there is only one or no past employment record, one or both referees can be from the College/University where the highest qualification was obtained.
  2. Applications with incomplete documents or incomplete information in their application will be directly rejected during the time of scrutiny. Please, note that it is the sole responsibility of applicants to ensure that all mandatory documents as mentioned above are uploaded and submitted to the college.

 For further information, please contact the Administrative Officer at +975-17160538 during office hours.


The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the following vacancies as follows:

Sl. #

 Position Title

No. of Slots

 Qualification Requirement

 Position Level

Employment types

Position Profile


Assistant Student Service Officer cum Health Assistant (HA)


Certificate/ Diploma in Community Health Service, OR above with relevant field  

Position Level:-10(Commensurate with Experience)


Click Here


Sweeper (Wet)



 Position Level: GSS

2 Year Fixed term appointment and extendable based on performance

Click Here

Eligible candidates are requested to submit applications via the online portal RUB IMS (applicants are required to register and apply via latest by 4th December 2022, 4:00 PM.


 A candidate must:

  1. Be a Bhutanese citizen
  2. Have attained at least 18 years of age, and not more than 45 years of age
  3. Meet qualifications, experience, and other requirements as specified in the position profile of the position.
  4. Bench Mark Criteria:
  • For positions with Diploma qualification requirements:

          candidates must have a minimum aggregate of 60% in Diploma and 50% each in Class X (English + best 4 subjects) and Class XII (English + best 3 subjects)

 Documents required:

  1. For the Assistant Student Service Officer/Health Assistant’s post:
  1. Academic Transcripts: (i) Certificate/Diploma certificate and Mark sheets, (ii) Mark sheets and certificates of Class XII and Class X
  2. Valid Security Clearance Certificate (approved online)
  3. Medical Fitness Certificate (6 months validity)
  4. Audit Clearance Certificate, if employed
  5. Citizenship ID Card
  6. No Objection Certificate and the applicant needs to upload it duly signed and sealed on the letterhead of the employer indicating that the candidate will be relieved to join the college as per the date specified by the office) from the employer, if employed.
  7. Experience Certificate(s)/documentary evidence(s) for current and previous employment records


      2. For Wet Sweeper’s post: (Submit hardcopy documents to the college and no need to apply online):

  1. Copy of Filled RUB employment form (Click here to download form)
  2. Copy of Valid Security Clearance Certificate (approved online)
  3. Copy of Medical Fitness Certificate (6 months validity)
  4. Copy of Citizenship ID Card
  5. No Objection Certificate and the applicant needs to upload it duly signed and sealed on the letterhead of the employer indicating that the candidate will be relieved to join the college as per the date specified by the office) from the employer, if employed.
  6. Copy of Experience Certificate(s)/documentary evidence(s) for current and previous employment records if any.



  1. The two references in the application form should both be professional referees from two different organizations if employed. If there is only one or no past employment record, one or both referees can be from the College/University where the highest qualification was obtained.
  2. Applications with incomplete documents or incomplete information in their application will be directly rejected during the time of scrutiny. Please, note that it is the sole responsibility of applicants to ensure that all mandatory documents as mentioned above are uploaded and submitted to the college.

 For further information, please contact the Administrative Officer at +975-17160538 during office hours.


The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce admission to Master of Engineering in Renewable Energy commencing from February 2022.

Aims of the programme

The Master of Engineering in Renewable Energy aims to provide meaningful education on the design, analysis and implementation of renewable energy systems and energy management. It will enhance the technical and analytical competency of engineers who are working or intend to work in renewable energy and associated fields.

Specific Objectives of Masters Programme

Master of Engineering in Renewable Energy graduates will be able to:

  • Communicate information in a clear and structured way in both oral and written forms
  • Analyse and evaluate environmental, social, and economic impacts of renewable energy infrastructure.
  • Evaluate constraints and commercial risks related to renewable energy.
  • Initiate, plan and design new renewable energy infrastructure.
  • Evaluate and optimise renewable energy systems using modelling techniques.
  • Assess range of problems related to renewable energy and apply new emerging technologies to solve these complex problems.
  • Identify areas of unexplored questions and recognize different approaches to problems.
  • Enhance innovation and entrepreneurship in renewable energy.
  • Demonstrate a critical awareness of theoretical design concepts and their practical implementation within renewable energy system.
  • Use appropriate software packages and IT skills for modelling and simulation of renewable energy systems.
  • Integrate knowledge and research skills to address a research question and continue toward a research career.
  • Advise clients on renewable energy projects.

Career-related opportunities

The graduates of Master of Engineering in Renewable Energy would be able to work as project engineer, energy specialist, energy engineer, energy designer, energy analyst, energy manager, energy modeller, energy policy analyst, energy systems maintenance engineer and researcher. They would be ideal candidates for jobs in organisations emphasising on energy systems design or applications, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal technologies, hydropower, biomass, biofuels, wind energy system and emerging technologies; and graduates could also work as private consultant and strategists.

Admission Process

A total of 10 candidates will be selected based on the following criteria.

  • Eligibility criteria - applicants should have a minimum of 55% in a four year/honours degree in either a Bachelor of Engineering/ Bachelor of Technology/or a Bachelor in Physics.
  • Selection criteria – applicants will be selected on merit based on the following criteria:
    i. An interview – 60%
    ii. Academic performance based on the degree results – 20%
    iii. Letter of motivation ( Click Here to download the format.)– 10%
    iv. Recommendation letter from a professor/supervisor ( Click Here to download the format) – 10%
  • Documents required
    i. All applicants must submit copies of academic transcripts duly attested by an authorised person.
    ii. Applicants who have graduated from the Royal University of Bhutan need not attest their documents.
    iii. The selected applicants will have to produce original transcripts during registration.


Fee Structure:

Please refer to the following link for fee details (Click here).

Note: Tuition fee waiver may be available for a few selected candidates.


Submission and deadline

Submit the complete application document via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Deadline - 10th December 2022.

Contact - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at 17862007 / 16552690 for further information.


The Masters in Construction Management programme is designed to provide theoretical as well as practical knowledge and skills for managing the social, technological, financial, and environmental challenges facing the construction industry of today. Addressing the principal and emerging concepts and methodologies of construction project management it provides advanced educational opportunities for cognate students from a wide range of industries/backgrounds including engineering, architecture, and the real estate and construction sector.\

Drawing references to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK), and other international benchmarks and frameworks for project management the course will produce project managers capable of managing constraints in time, resource, and quality, as well as the social, environmental, and regulatory challenges in the construction industry.

a. Eligibility Criteria:
Have an undergraduate degree in civil, electrical, mechanical engineering, or architecture or a four-year degree in construction engineering and management with a minimum score of 55% aggregate.

b. Documents Required
i. Cover letter with contact details addressed to the President (phone number and email address)
ii. Attested copies of academic transcripts and certificates by an authorized person/agency. (Applicants who have graduated from the Royal University of Bhutan need not attest their documents.)
iii. Copy of National Citizenship Card
iv. Motivation letter as per the format attached. Click Here to download.
v. Referee letter as per the format attached. Click Here to download.

c. Selection Criteria -
Applicants will be selected on merit, based on the following criteria:
i. Interview – 60%

ii. Letter of Motivation - 30%

iii. Academic performance (Undergraduate Degree) - 10%

Shortlisted candidates will be called for an oral Interview. A total of 10 candidates will be accepted for each intake.

d. Fee Structure:

Please refer to the following link for fee details (Click here).

Note: Tuition fee waiver may be available for a few selected candidates.

e. Submission and deadline
Submit the complete application document via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Deadline - 10th December 2022.

Contact - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at 17113252 for further information.

Fee Structure for Masters Students: 2023 Cohort

The fee details for Masters students are given below:




Hostel & Mess Fee


Security Deposit (refundable)

College T-shirt, Cap, SWS, Student Card


Mode of Payment







Demand Draft/ MoB during registration


Kindly address the DEMAND DRAFT to the “College of Science and technology” if you decide to pay in Demand Draft.

Recommendation: The College strongly recommends students have their own bank account (Preferable BoB) for the transaction of their stipend, whenever required.

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the following vacancies as follows:

Sl. #

 Position Title

No. of Slots

 Qualification Requirement

 Position Level

Employment types

Position Profile


Assistant Student Service Officer cum Health Assistant (HA)


Certificate/ Diploma in Community Health Service, OR above with relevant field  

Position Level:-10(Commensurate with Experience)


Click Here


Sweeper (Wet)



 Position Level: GSS

2 Year Fixed term appointment and extendable based on performance

Click Here

Eligible candidates are requested to submit applications via the online portal RUB IMS (applicants are required to register and apply via latest by 10th October 2022, 5:00 PM.


 A candidate must:

  1. Be a Bhutanese citizen
  2. Have attained at least 18 years of age, and not more than 45 years of age
  3. Meet qualification, experience, and other requirements as specified in the position profile of the position.
  4. Bench Mark Criteria:
  • For positions with Diploma qualification requirements:

          candidates must have a minimum aggregate of 60% in Diploma and 50% each in Class X (English + best 4 subjects) and Class XII (English + best 3 subjects)

 Documents required:

  1. For Assistant Student Service Officer/Health Assistant’s post:
  1. Academic Transcripts: (i) Certificate/Diploma certificate and Mark sheets, (ii) Mark sheets and certificates of Class XII and Class X
  2. Valid Security Clearance Certificate (approved online)
  3. Medical Fitness Certificate (6 months validity)
  4. Audit Clearance Certificate, if employed
  5. Citizenship ID Card
  6. No Objection Certificate and applicant needs to upload it duly signed and sealed on the letterhead of the employer indicating that the candidate will be relieved to join the college as per the date specified by the office) from the employer, if employed.
  7. Experience Certificate(s)/documentary evidence(s) for current and previous employment records


      2. For Wet Sweeper’s post: (Submit hardcopy documents to the college and no need to apply online):

  1. Copy of Filled RUB employment form (Click here to download form)
  2. Copy of Valid Security Clearance Certificate (approved online)
  3. Copy of Medical Fitness Certificate (6 months validity)
  4. Copy of Citizenship ID Card
  5. No Objection Certificate and applicant needs to upload it duly signed and sealed on the letterhead of the employer indicating that the candidate will be relieved to join the college as per the date specified by the office) from the employer, if employed.
  6. Copy of Experience Certificate(s)/documentary evidence(s) for current and previous employment records if any.



  1. The two references in the application form should both be professional referees from two different organizations if employed. If there is only one or no past employment record, one or both referees can be from the College/University where the highest qualification was obtained.
  2. Applications with incomplete documents or incomplete information in their application will be directly rejected during the time of scrutiny. Please, note that it is the sole responsibility of applicants to ensure that all mandatory documents as mentioned above are uploaded and submitted to the college.

 For further information, please contact the Administrative Officer at +975-17160538 during office hours.


Attention: 3rd-year students (Civil, Electrical, Engineering Geology) and 3rd-year Architecture students:

The nomination and selection procedures are as follows. There has been a change in the procedures based on the information received from the UPV Spain Project Coordinator.

Please read the instructions very carefully:

  1. The students shall submit the files/applications in hard copy mentioned in the checklist attached (Appendix 1 attached here) to the undersigned latest by September 24, Saturday, before 12:00 PM. The relevant documents shall be compiled on the sequence of nomination criteria listed in Appendix 1. Any missing documents (unintentional/deliberate) or not clearly readable will be evaluated as zero against the criteria.
  2. After September 24, the list of admitted and excluded applicants will be published. The excluded students will be allowed to submit their allegations within the time frame, which will be notified after September 24 by the undersigned. After resolving the claims will be published the final list of admitted students.
  3. The selection committee will evaluate the merits of the candidates and will publish the list of selected students according to the scores obtained.
  4. The selection committee will nominate two students & three standby students and will send their nominations to the UPV Spain Project Coordinator for their acceptance before September 30 Friday.
  5. The selected students shall receive mail from UPV Project Coordinator with the instructions to process their application online.
  6. The selected students should choose the courses to study at UPV in close consultation with UPV Project Coordinator and HoDs/PLs.

College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the selection result for the post of Assistant Lecturer of Instrumentation and Control Engineering (ICE).



Contact #

VIVA Score
















The selected candidate is advised to join the College with effect from 1st August 2022 and is requested to contact the programme leader. 

If the selected candidates fail to confirm within 5 days from the date of declaration of the selection interview result, the next candidate on standby will be considered.


The College of Science and Technology is pleased to inform the following candidates are shortlisted for the post of Assistant Lecturer of Instrumentation and Control Engineering (ICE) of CST:

Sl. # CID Contact # Email Address Time Date
1 10712000965 17445775 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 9.00 to 9.30 am 22nd July 2022
2 11514001517 17481334 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 9.30 to 10 am
3 10907002476 17507011 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 10 to 10.30 am
4 11106003086 17446438 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 10.30 to 11 am
5 11608000722 17509134 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 11 to 11.30 am
The interview will be conducted online (virtual through Zoom) on 22nd July 2022. You will receive a call from the Administration and email on the date of the interview as well.

If any of the information provided is not correct, please do inform the undermentioned person for clarification. shortlisted for the post of Assistant Lecturer of Instrumentation and Control Engineering(ICE) of CST

For any clarification, contact – Kinzang Namgay, Administrative Officer at 17160538/17160460 during office hours.

College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the following selection result for the post of Assistant Lecturers:


Civil Engineering Department







































Architecture Department:





















The selected candidates are advised to join the College on 15th July 2022 and are requested to contact the respective programme leaders. 

If the selected candidates fail to confirm within 5 days from the date of declaration of the selection interview result, the next candidate on standby will be considered.


The College of Science and Technology is glad to announce that the following candidates are shortlisted for the VIVA-VOCE Interview for Assistant Lecturer for the Civil Engineering
Department and Architecture Department of the College as follows:


Sl. #


Contact Number

Email Address





This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

8 to 8.30 am




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8.30 -9 am




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9 – 9.30 am




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9.30 – 10 am




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10 – 10.30 am




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10.30 – 11 am




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11 – 11.30 am




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11.30 – 12 noon




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12 -12.30 pm




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12.30 to 1 pm




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1.30 – 2 pm




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2 – 2.30 pm




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2.30 -3 pm




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3 – 3.30 pm




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3.30 – 4 pm




Sl. #


Contact Number

Email Address





This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

9.00 to 9.30 am 




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9.30 to 10 am 




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10 to 10.30 am 




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10.30 to 11 am 




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11 to 11.30 am 


The interview will be conducted online (virtual mode) on 12th and 13th  July respectively. You will receive a call from the Administration and email on the date of the interview as well.

If any of the information provided is not correct, please do inform the undermentioned person for clarification.


Contact – Tshering Wangmo –17160460/17755313 or Kinzang Namgyal – 17160538



The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the following vacancy for immediate recruitment on a contract basis as follows:






Position Title

No. of Slots

Qualification Requirement

Position Level

Contract Duration




Instrumentation and Control Engineering (ICE)

(Position Profile download)

Assistant Lecturer/Associate Lecturer/Lecturer


Bachelors in Instrumentation and Control Engineering/ Electrical Engineering/Industrial Instrumentation/Industrial Automation. OR

Preferable for Master in Electrical Engineering with major in Control System and Instrumentation/ Industrial Automation/ Industrial Control and Instrumentation. OR

PhD in Electrical Engineering with Major in Control System and Instrumentation/Industrial Automation/ Industrial Control and Instrumentation.

Position level 6/5/4

Six Months & extendable on conditions

Candidates must have a minimum aggregate of 55% in Degree, 60% in Cl. XII (English + best 3 subjects) & 60% in CL X (English + best 4 subjects)

For position level 6:


Pay scale:28315-570-36865


Teaching allowance: 15,575/-


No Contract allowance will be paid


  1. Should be a Bhutanese National
  2. Must have attained 18 years of age, and not more than 50 years of age.

Documents required

  • Employment Application Form (Click here to download)
  • CV
  • Copy of citizenship ID Card
  • All Academic Transcripts and mark sheets (Cl.X, XII, Degree/Master/PhD)
  • Security Clearance Certificate
  • Medical Fitness Certificate
  • Work Experience Certificate if any
  • Audit Clearance Certificate (If presently employed)
  • No Objection Certificate (from your employer if presently working)
  • Full Present Address and Tele/Mobile No. and email address.

Shortlisted candidates will be announced on the College website and intimated for interview through call.

Eligible and interested candidates may apply to the Administrative Section, College of Science and Technology, Rinchending, Phuentsholing, Chhukha on or before 9th July 2022 along with copies of the required documents.

 For any clarification, please call Administrative Officer at 17160538 during office hour.


College of Science and Technology, Rinchending is pleased to announce the list of students selected for the 2022 Cohort under Self Finance.

  1. Bachelor of Architecture - Click Here to view
  2. Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering - Click Here to view
  3. Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology - Click Here to view

Please note the reporting dates published on our website. The architect cohort is requested to go through the list of materials required to be brought while reporting to the college.


Should you have any queries, kindly contact the following officials:

  1. Inchu Dorji, Student Service Officer (Male) - 17734846
  2. Chimi Dem, Student Service Officer (Female) - 17379976
  3. Leki Dorji, Dean of Student Affairs - 17785193


The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the following vacancies on a contract basis as follows:




Position Title

No. of Slots

Qualification Requirement

Position Level

Contract Duration





Assistant Lecturer/Associate Lecturer/Lecturer

(Position Profile download)


B.Arch/ M.Arch/ M.Plan/ MUD/ PhD (Architecture, Urban Design, Urban Planning and Housing)

Position level 6/5/4

Six Months & extendable on conditions

Candidates must have a minimum aggregate of 55% in Degree, 60% in Cl. XII (English + Best 3 subjects) & 60% in CL X (English + Best 4 subjects)


For position level 6:


Pay scale: 28315-570-36865

HRA: 5,665/-

Teaching allowance: 15,575/-


No Contract allowance will be paid


 Civil Engineering

Assistant Lecturer/Associate Lecturer

(Position Profile download)




ME/MTech or BE/BTech in Civil Engineering

Position level 6/5

(Two posts for Six Months duration, and One post for One-year duration).

Extendable on conditions


1. Should be a Bhutanese National
2. Must have attained 18 years of age, and not more than 50 years of age.

Documents required:

  • Employment Application Form (RUB) - Click Here to Download.
  • CV
  • Copy of citizenship ID Card
  • All-Academic Transcripts and mark sheets (Cl.X, XII, Degree/Master/Ph.D.)
  • Security Clearance Certificate
  • Medical Fitness Certificate
  • Work Experience Certificate if any
  • Audit Clearance Certificate (If presently employed)
  • No Objection Certificate (from your employer if presently working)
  • Full Present Address and Tele/Mobile No. and email address.

(Shortlisted candidates will be announced on the College website and intimated for an interview through call).

Eligible and interested candidates may apply to the Administrative Section, College of Science and Technology, Rinchending, Phuentsholing, Chhukha on or before 27th June 2022 along with copies of the required documents.

For any clarification, please call the Administrative Officer at 17160538 during office hours.


This is to inform all the selected students for 2022 admission to the College of Science and Technology that they are required to report to the College on 17th July 2022 for the registration and orientation programme. The tentative schedule and details for registration, orientation programme, and fee structures are as follows:

New students Registration (all first-year programme):


Registration Time*


18th July 2022

9:00 AM to 12:00 noon

Civil Engineering

12 noon – 1 PM

Bachelor of Architecture

2 PM – 4 PM

Information Technology (IT Engg)

19th July 2022

9 AM to 10:30 AM

Instrumentation & Control Engg (ICE)

10:30 AM – 12 noon

Engg. Geology

1 PM – 2:30 PM

Electrical Engineering

2:30-4 PM

Electronics & Communication Engg (ECE)


Old student's Registration (all second, third year, and fourth-year & Fifth-year architecture)


Registration Time*


20th July 2021

9:00 AM to 12:00 noon

Civil Engineering, Engg Geology,

12 noon – 1 PM

Bachelor of Architecture, Electrical Engg


2 PM – 4 PM

Information Technology (IT Engg), Electronics & Communication Engg (ECE), Instrumentation & Control Engg (ICE)

Orientation program

The orientation program is a series of activities that give the new students and/or employees information to help them adapt to the college and realize their responsibility towards it. It is often a program held at the introduction or ice-breaking stage.

The program familiarizes the students with the duties and benefits that spar from the foreseeable engagement along with courses. This orientation enables students to know more about organizational structure and important rules, policies, and procedures that are to be followed. 

The College of Science and Technology Orientation program provides the opportunity to introduce the new students to life at CST and also to facilitate the smooth transition of the new life. This program will even let the students to adjust the campus environment through a series of activities and sessions.

Tentative Orientation Programme

Sl. #





1 Orientation Programme Team Work Hall July 20 President (9AM), DAA (9:30), DSA (1PM), Library (2PM), ICT (3PM)


Please contact the following officials for any query:

  1. Inchu Dorji, Student Service Officer (Male) - 17734846
  2. Chimi Dem, Student Service Officer (Female) - 17379976
  3. Leki Dorji, Dean of Student Affairs - 17785193

Fee Structure for New Students, 2022 Cohort


The fee details for Self-Financed students are given below:


 Tuition (Nu.)

 Hostel & Mess Fee (Nu.)

CDF Fee (Nu.)

Security Deposit (refundable) (Nu.)

 College T-shirt, Cap, SWS, College Card (Nu.)

 Total (Nu.)

 Mode of Payment







Demand Draft/MoB during registration


The fee details for Government Scholarship students are given below:


CDF Fee (Nu.)

Security Deposit (Refundable) (Nu.)

College T-shirt, Cap, SWS, College Card (Nu.)

Total (Nu.)

Mode of Payment





Demand Draft/MoB during registration


Fee details for students with other scholarships (other than RGOB, eg DAHE, etc.)


Tuition (Nu.)

Hostel & Mess Fee (Nu.)

CDF Fee (Nu.)

Security Deposit (Refundable) (Nu.)

College T-shirt, Cap, SWS, College Card (Nu.)

Total (Nu.)

Mode of Payment

Scholarship covers (Show proof during registration)






Demand Draft/MoB during registration

Kindly address the DEMAND DRAFT to the “College of Science and technology” if you decide to pay in Demand Draft.


Recommendation: The College strongly recommends students have their own bank account (Preferable BoB) for the transaction of their stipend, whenever required.


Please contact the following officials for any queries:

  1. Inchu Dorji, Student Service Officer (Male) - 17734846
  2. Chimi Dem, Student Service Officer (Female) - 17379976
  3. Leki Dorji, Dean of Student Affairs - 17785193

Important Requirement:

All the students are requested to bring the following documents for registration:

  1. Citizenship Identity Card or Letter received from Immigration/Census and Civil Registration (Original and Copy)
  2. Class X Mark sheet and Pass Certificate (Original and copy).
  3. Class XII Mark sheet and Pass Certificate (Original and copy).
  4. School Leaving Certificate/Transfer Certificate (Original and copy).
  5. Character Certificate (Original and copy).
  6. Information on House No. and Thram no.
  7. Recent Passport Size Photos (4 Nos).

All the students are required to bring the following things for personal use:

  1. Face mask (surgical)
  2. Gho/Kira
  3. Rachu/Kabney
  4. Big Size Sickle (1 each).
  5. Medium Size Bucket (1 each)
  6. Toilet brush
  7. Floor wiper.
  8. Bed Clothes (Mattress, quilt/blanket, bed sheets, Bed size 3’x6’).
  9. Plates, Cups, and Spoons.
  10. Umbrella
  11. Mosquito Nets.
  12. Window curtains-1 Pair
  13. One 10 digits Scientific Calculator.

The students selected for the Architecture programme are asked to check the college website for a list of things they need to buy while reporting.

Recommendation: The College strongly recommends students have their own bank account (preferable BoB) for the transaction of their stipend, whenever required.

Please contact the following officials for any queries:

  1. Mr. Inchu Dorji, Student Service Officer (Male): 17734846
  2. Ms. Chimi Dem, Student Service Officer (Female): 17379976
  3. Mr. Leki Dorji, Dean of Student Affairs: 17785193

College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the selection result for the post of Assistant Finance Officer.


Sl.# CID No. Contact # VIVA-VOCE Score Remarks
1 10502000633 77745649 65.9 Selected
2 11315000263 17263920 62.2 Standby


The selected candidate is advised to join the College with effect from 15th June 2022.

If the selected candidate fails to confirm within 10 days from the date of declaration of the selection interview result, the next candidate on standby will be considered.

In continuation to Admission Criteria and Tuition Fee for the academic year 2022 announced on 8 April 2022, the college would like to announce that the reserved in-service seats for B.E in Civil Engineering and B.E in Electrical Engineering will not be offered to pre-service candidates under self-financed. 

The College of Science and Technology is glad to announce that the following candidates are selected for the admission into the college for the year 2022 as following.

1.Bachelor of Architecture

2.Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering

3.Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering

4.Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology

5.Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Communication Engineering

6.Bachelor of Engineering in Engineering Geology

7.Bachelor of Engineering in Instrumentation and Control Engineering


The reporting date for all the courses are on 15th July 2022.

Documents required to submit during the registration are :

1. Passport size photo 2 numbers.

2. Class XII TC (original and photo copy)

3. Class X & XII mark sheets (photo copy)

4. CID Copy





The College of Science and Technology is glad to announce that the following candidates are shortlisted for the VIVA Interview for Assistant Finance Officer. The interview will be conducted offline at the College of Science and Technology Campus.

Sl. #


Contact Number

Email ID





 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The date of the interview will be announced very soon. You will receive a call from the college administration on the date of the interview and you will be also notified through your registered email.

Please bring all your original documents during the time of the Interview.

If any of the information provided is not correct, please do inform the undermentioned person for clarification.

Contact – Tshering Wangmo –17160460/17755313 or Kinzang Namgyal – 17160538

College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce that the following candidates are shortlisted for Written Test for the post of Assistant Finance Officer.

Sl. # CID Number Contact Number
1 11214001636 17933883
2 10502000633 77745649
3 11602001819 17841403
4 11315000263 17263920
5 11212000601 17911697
6 10502000625 17949788
7 11216004448 17999525
8 10201003732 17886877/77438738
9 10706001879 17685709
10 11513005130 17358495
11 10907002477 17339633
12 11111002589 17885697
13 11202000669 77735427
14 11411001755 17249075
15 10307000600 17475986
16 11006001324  
17 10709001233 17555806
18 11303000790 17950682
19 11502002633 17747902
20 11903000922 17521656


 Please report for written exam on the date, time, and venue as follows:

Date: 18th May 2022

Time: 9:00 AM

Venue: College of Science and Technology (CR-17,Library Building), Rinchending, Phuentsholing. 

The Written Test will be conducted on the following papers.

  1. Dzongkha
  2. English
  3. Basic on Finance

You need to bring a CID card, pen, calculator, and eraser. The examination is for 2 hours.

Result for Engineering Incubation Manager VIVA Interview held on 24 th April 2022.

Sl. #  CID No. Contact Number Aggregate Remarks
1 11407000601 17668669 76.37 Selected
2 11005001691 77743693 70.62 Standby

The selected candidate is hereby advised to join/report to the College with effect from 3rd May 2022.

If the selected candidate fails to confirm the acceptance of post within 7 days from date of declaration of the selection interview result, the next candidates on standby will be considered.


As per the Vacancy Announcement made via Kuensel on 9th March 2022, for the post of ENGINEERING INCUBATION MANAGER, the College of Science and Technology is glad to announce that the following candidates are shortlisted for the VIVA Interview which will be conducted on 23rd April 2022 as per the time mentioned against each. The interview will be conducted through VIRTUAL. All the candidates will be sent a LINK to your email provided in your application. You will also receive a call from the Administration.

Sl. # CID Contact Number Email Address Time/Date
1 11704001641 17977124 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 10:30 am to 11:00 am
2 11005001691 77743693 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 11:30 am to 12 noon
3 11506006027 77735955 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 12:00 noon to 12:30 am
4 11407000601 17668669 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 12:30 noon to 1:00 pm
6 10706000420 17939288 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 1:00 pm to 1:30 pm


If any of the information provided is not correct, please do inform the undermentioned person for clarification.

Contact – Tshering Wangmo –17160460 or Kinzang Namgyal – 17160538



The Royal University of Bhutan (RUB) will be carrying out admissions to the Colleges of the University online as in the past. Admission to each of the programmes will be based on merit ranking as per the eligibility criteria and ability rating as detailed against each programme.

The online application for both Government Scholarship as well as Self-Financed students in RUB Colleges will open on 10th May 2022 and will close on 24th May 2022 at midnight. To apply online, please visit the RUB website ( Students can apply from any place where there is an internet facility.

Tuition fees and accommodation for Self-Financed Students:

  • The tuition fee is Nu. 89,849 per year for Science and Engineering programmes. The tuition fee will increase at the rate of 2% per year.
  • The tuition fee is payable at the time of registration at the beginning of each semester at the rate of Nu. 44,925 for Science and Engineering programmes.
  • Requirements for admission to RUB Programmes
    • All eligible students seeking admission will have to produce the following documents:
      • Citizenship Identity Card
      • Class 12 Mark Sheet and Pass Certificate

Eligibility criteria for the different programmes and the number of seats available are listed below:


Sl # Programme Eligibility Criteria Ability rating points Seats
Government scholarship Self-Financed
1 BE in Civil Engineering Class XII pass students with a minimum of 50% each in Physics, Chemistry, Maths, English and pass in Dzongkha


Maths – 5

Physics – 5

Chemistry – 4

English – 3

1 other subject – 1



48 12
2 BE in Electrical Engineering 45 5
3 BE in Engineering Geology 24 6
4 BE in Instrumentation and Control Engineering 24 6
5 BE in Electronics and Communication Engineering 28 7
6 BE in Information Technology 40 10
7 Bachelor of Architecture Class XII pass students with a minimum of 50% each in Physics, Chemistry, Maths, English and pass in Dzongkha


Maths – 5

Physics – 5

Chemistry – 2

English – 3


23 7
Reporting date for the 1st year students: 15/07/2022 Total In-take 232




  1. 20 additional seats each in Bachelor of Civil Engineering and Bachelor of Electrical Engineering will be reserved for in-service candidates. However, if the seats remain vacant, the remaining seats will be offered to pre-service candidates under self-financed.


 For admission details on other member colleges please visit this link.

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the following vacancies:

Sl. #

Position Title

No. of Slots


Position Level

Employment types

Position Profile


Assistant Finance Officer


BBA/B. Com (Finance) or equivalent

Position level: 8


Click Here


Assistant Student Service Officer cum Health Assistant (HA)


Certificate/ Diploma in Community Health Service, OR above in relevant field  

Position Level:-10(Commensurate with Experience)


Click Here


Engineering Incubation Manager


Bachelor’s Degree (preferred specialization in Entrepreneurship or Business or Business with IT or Economics) OR Any Bachelor’s degree with experience of leading Entrepreneurship/Innovation/Business Development.

Position Level : 8/7/6 entry

1 Year Fixed term appointment with fixed term allowance (renewable based on need and performance)

Click Here


 A candidate must:

  1. Be a Bhutanese citizen
  2. Have attained at least 18 years of age, and not more than 45 years of age
  3. Meet qualification, experience, and other requirements as specified in the position profile of the position.
  4. Bench Mark Criteria:
  • For positions with Bachelor’s degree qualification requirement; Candidates must have an aggregate of 60% each in Class X (English + best 4 subject) and Class XII (English + best 3 subjects), and 60% in Bachelor’s degree (General)/55% in honors/technical categories. (Note: criteria will not apply for those with minimum of five years relevant experience at professional positions).

Eligible candidates are requested to submit applications via the online portal RUB IMS (applicants are required to register and apply via latest by 25th March 2022, 5:00 PM.

 Documents required:

  1. Academic Transcripts: 
    1. For Assistant Finance Officer & Engineering Incubation Manager: (i) Degree Certificate and Marksheets of Bachelor’s degree and above (Grade Conversion of the mark sheets MUST also be submitted if the marks are awarded in CGPA), (ii) Marksheets and certificates of Class XII and Class X
    2. For Assistant Student Service Officer/Health Assistant: (i) Certificate/ Diploma certificate and Marksheets, (ii) Marksheets and certificates of Class XII and Class X
  2. Valid Security Clearance Certificate (approved online)
  3. Medical Fitness Certificate
  4. Audit Clearance Certificate, if employed
  5. Citizenship ID Card
  6. No Objection Certificate and applicant needs to upload it duly signed and sealed on the letterhead of the employer indicating that the candidate will be relieved to join the college as per the date specified by the office) from the employer, if employed
  7. Experience Certificate(s)/documentary evidence(s) for current and previous employment records


  1. The two references in the application form should both be professional referees from two different organizations if employed. If there is only one or no past employment record, one or both referees can be from the College/University where the highest qualification was obtained.

Applications with incomplete documents or incomplete information in their application will be directly rejected during the time of scrutiny.

Please, note that it is the sole responsibility of applicants to ensure that all mandatory documents as mentioned above are uploaded and submitted to the college.

For further information, please contact the Administrative Officer at +975-17160538 during office hours.

College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the selection result for the post of Assistant Lecturer for the ICE, ECE Department on Fixed-term appointment.

Result of Selection Interview for Assistant Lecturer for ICE held on 25/02/2022

Sl.# CID No. Contact No. Remark
1 11214002888 17581696 Selected
2 10605002671 17473037 Standby

The selected candidate is advised to submit the joining letter to the College on 1st March 2022 during office hours and requested to contact the Program Leader, ICE. 

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to inform the following candidates are shortlisted for the post of Assistant Lecturer:

Sl. # CID Contact Number Email ID Remarks Interview Date
1 11806002937 17809145 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted Date:
25th February 2022

Note: Time will be notified through email
2 11809000521 17974213 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted
3 11214002888 17581696 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted
4 10605002671 17473037 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted
5 10807000364 17834271 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted
For any clarification, contact – Kinzang Namgay, Administrative Officer at 17160538 during office hours.

The College of Science and Technology is offering 12 seats in BE Civil Engineering, 10 seats Electrical Engineering5 seats each in BE Electronics & Communication Engineering, and 10 seats in BE Information Technology for the 2022-2023 academic session to In-Service candidates with Diploma in Civil, Electrical, Electronics & Communication, and Information Technology respectively. The duration of the programme is 3 years full-time. The tuition fees will be charged based on RUB directives. Accommodation will be provided as per College policy. Interested candidates from the government/corporate/private sector should send their application to the College along with a letter of recommendation from the employer. Selection will be based on the entrance examination.

Entrance Examination will be conducted online and will comprise of:

  1. Civil Engineering: - Mathematics, Engineering Science (Physics and Chemistry), Strength of Materials, Surveying and Fluid Mechanics
  2. Electrical Engineering: - Mathematics, Engineering Science (Physics and Chemistry), Electrical Engineering Circuits and Electronics.
  3. Electronics and Communication Engineering: - Mathematics, Engineering Science (Physics and Chemistry), Electronics & Circuit Devices and Communication Engineering
  4. Information Technology: - Mathematics, Engineering Science (Physics and Chemistry), Programming Fundamental, Databases, and networking.

Applications will be received no later than 15th March 2022 along with a non-refundable entrance examination fee of Nu.1000/- which should be paid online.

The Applicants are requested to send the applications to this email address:

                        info.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Examination Details:

  1. Issuance of user name and password: March 17, 2022
  2. Date of examination: March 18, 2022 (9:00 – 11:00 am)
  3. Mode of examination: Online
  4. Result Declaration: March 21, 2022

Registration of the selected candidates for the programme should be completed by April 9, 2022 (along with the payment of Nu 5000.00 as an advance tuition fee which is non-refundable if a candidate withdraws after registration).

Failure to register by April 9, 2022, the seat will be allocated to the other candidates.

For clarification, kindly contact Dr. Tashi, Dean of Academic Affairs +975-17929365, Passang Dema +975-17652414 during office hours.

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the following vacancies as follows:




Position Title

No. of Slots

Qualification Requirement

Position Level

Employment types




Instrumentation and Control Engineering

Assistant Lecturer/Associate Lecturer/Lecturer


Bachelors in Instrumentation and Control Engineering/ Electrical Engineering/Industrial

Instrumentation/Industrial Automation. OR

Preferable for Master in Electrical Engineering with major in Control System and Instrumentation/

Industrial Automation/ Industrial Control and Instrumentation. OR

PhD in Electrical Engineering with Major in Control System and Instrumentation/Industrial Automation/

Industrial Control and Instrumentation.

Position level: 6/5/4

Fixed-term appointment for one semester & extendable on conditions

Candidates must have a minimum aggregate of 55% in Degree, 60% in Cl. XII (English + Best 3 subjects) & 60% in CL X (English + Best 4 subjects)

For Assistant Lecturer (position level 6):


Payscale: 28315-570-36865

HRA: 5,665/-


Teaching allowance: 15,575/-


No Contract allowance will be paid



Assistant Student Service Officer cum Health Assistant (HA)


Certificate/ Diploma in Community Health Service, OR above in the relevant field   

Position Level:-10(Commensurate with Experience)


Certificate/ Diploma in Community Health Service and above can apply.

For position level 10:

Pay scale: 18,095-365-23,570

HRA: 3,620/-

NTA: 2,715/-




 A candidate must:

  1. Be a Bhutanese citizen
  2. Have attained at least 18 years of age, and not more than 45 years of age
  3. Meet qualification, experience, and other requirements as specified in the position profile of the position.

 Eligible candidates are requested to submit applications via the online portal RUB IMS (applicants are required to register and apply via latest by 14th February 2022, 4:00 PM.

 Documents required:

  1. Academic Transcripts: 
    1. For Faculty(i) Degree Certificate and Marksheets of Bachelors degree and above (Grade Conversion of the mark sheets MUST also be submitted if the marks are awarded in CGPA), (ii) Marksheets and certificate of Class XII and Class X
    2. For Assistant Student Service Officer/Health Assistant:  (i) Certificate/ Diploma certificate and Marksheets,  (ii) Marksheets and certificate of Class XII and Class X
  2. Valid Security Clearance Certificate (approved online)
  3. Medical Fitness Certificate
  4. Audit Clearance Certificate, if employed
  5. Citizenship ID Card
  6. No Objection Certificate and applicant needs to upload it duly signed and sealed on the letterhead of the employer indicating that the candidate will be relieved to join the college as per the date specified by the office) from the employer, if employed
  7. Experience Certificate(s)/documentary evidence(s) for current and previous employment records


  1. The two references in the application form should both be professional referees from two different organizations if employed. If there is only one or no past employment record, one or both referees can be from the College/University where the highest qualification was obtained.

 Applications with incomplete documents or incomplete information in their application will be directly rejected during the time of scrutiny.

 Please, note that it is the sole responsibility of applicants to ensure that all mandatory documents as mentioned above are uploaded and submitted to the college.

 For further information, please contact the Administrative Officer at +975-17160538 during office hours.

Students reporting date to college campus has been postponed until further notice due to the current surge in covid cases in the country. 

The final year classes will begin from 7th February 2022 and the rest from 3rd February 2022. All classes in February month for the Spring Semester 2022 will be through online mode, as informed through email.

Reporting, registration, assessment, reassessment and mode of operation after February will be intimated later. 

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the following vacancies on a contract basis as follows:

Position Title
No. of Slots
Qualification Requirement
Position Level
Contract Duration



Assistant Lecturer/Associate Lecturer/Lecturer

(Position Profile Download)


B.Arch/ M.Arch/ M.Plan/ MUD/ PhD (Architecture, Urban Design, Urban Planning and Housing)

Position level 6/5/4

6 months

Candidates must have a minimum aggregate of 55% in Degree, 60% in Cl. XII (English + best 3 subjects) & 60% in CL X (English + best 4 subjects)

For position level 6:

Pay scale: 28315-570-36865

HRA: 5,665/-

Teaching allowance: 15,575/-

No Contract allowance will be paid





Multi Skills


Initial Appointment for 2 years extendable depending on performance)

 Preference will be given to multi skills holders

Will be recruited under GSS (General Service Staff)

Pay scale: 10505-210-13655

NTA = 1575



Interested candidates meeting the criteria may apply to the College on or before 24th January 2022  through email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or hard copy by post to the address provided:


College of Science and Technology,




  1. Should be a Bhutanese National
  2. Must have attained 18 years of age, and not more than 45 years of age.
  3. Documents required
    • Employment Application Form (RUB) - Click Here to Download.
    • All Academic Transcripts and mark sheets (Cl.X, XII, Degree/Master/PhD) for Lecturer Post. Optional for Mason Post
    • CV
    • Copy of citizenship ID Card
    • Security Clearance Certificate
    • Medical Fitness Certificate
    • Work Experience Certificate if any
    • Audit Clearance Certificate (If presently employed)
    • No Objection Certificate (from your employer if presently working)
    • Full Present Address and Tele/Mobile No. and email address if possible
  1. Job Specifications and Other requirement for Lecturer post – Please check Position Profile (Uploaded separately)


Shortlisted candidates will be announced on the College website and intimated for interview through call.

For further details/clarification, please contact to 17160460/17160538


The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the vacancy for the following vacant slot as follows:


 Job   Specification



Qualification/Area of specialization:


Lecturer (Position Profile download)

1 year (contract)

1 no

·         PhD in the areas of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems/Electrical or Power System; or.

·         Minimum 8 years of teaching experiences at the University level with Master in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems/Electrical or Power System; or.

·         Minimum 8 years of Industrial experience in the relevant area with Masters in of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems/Electrical or Power System.




1 no

Preference will be given to experience/trained


Interested candidates meeting the criteria may apply to the College on or before 30th  December 2021 through email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or hard copy by post to the address provided

President, College of Science and Technology, Richending-Phuentsholing.



  1. Should be a Bhutanese National
  2. Must have attained 18 years of age, and not more than 45 years of age.
  3. Documents required
    • Employment Application Form (RUB)
    • Academic Transcript (optional for Mason post)
    • CV
    • Copy of citizenship ID Card
    • Security Clearance Certificate
    • Medical Fitness Certificate
    • Work Experience Certificate if any
    • Audit Clearance Certificate (If presently employed)
    • No Objection Certificate (from your employer if presently working)
    • Full Present Address and Tele/Mobile No. and email address if possible
  1. Job Specifications and Other requirement for Lecturer post – Please check Position Profile.

(Uploaded separately)

      5. Application Form download


 Shortlisted candidates will be announced on the College website and intimated for interview through call.

For further details contact to 17160460/17160538

The Conference on Engineering Science and Technology (ICSciEnTec) is an annual international conference organized by College of Science and Technology, Royal University of Bhutan. The conference is organized by IEEE R10 Bhutan subsection in collaboration with the Centre for Renewal and Sustainable Energy Development (CRSED) and the Centre for Disaster Risk Reduction and Community Development Studies (CDRRCDS).

The first Conference ICSciEnTec2020 was a successful event with participants from various institutions in Bhutan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Australia. The event although initially planned as an offline event was later postponed to an online conference due to the travel restrictions imposed by COVID-19. The second conference ICSciEnTec2022 is scheduled for 2nd May 2022 coinciding with Teacher’s Day in Bhutan.

The College of Science and Technology is one of the premier engineering colleges under the Royal University of Bhutan. It is located at Rinchending in Phuentsholing, Chukha, Bhutan.

 Contributions are invited in any of the broad thematic areas

Science, Mathematics and Environment, Civil Engineering, Architecture and Structure Electrical Engineering, Power system and Enegry Computer Science, Electronics and Communication 

Broad categories including but not limited to

Embedded System Design and VLSI Speech, Audio and Image Processing Communications and Networking Power SystemCloud Computing
Internet of Things(IOTs)
Big Data and Analytics
Computer, Network Security and Management Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Digital Forensics
Ethical Hacking
Mobile Computing
Natural Language Processing
Pattern Recognition and Analysis
Data Visualization
Modeling, Synthesis and Software Engineering Green Architecture
Energy Efficient Building
Building Physics
Sustainable Urban Planning and Design
Landscape Planning
Architecture Conservation and Renovation Technologies for Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure
Construction Technologies and Management Practices
Sustainable Building and Construction Materials Technologies for Highway and Transportation System Design and Management
Water and Waste Treatment and Management Geotechnical and Ground Improvement Techniques Landslide, Flood and Slope Stabilization Measures


For full details visit the link here 


Sealed bids are invited from the eligible Bhutanese Nationals holding valid Trade License for operating the Wet Canteen inside the College of Science and Technology campus.

The last date of submission of the bid is at 10.00 AM on 15th December 2021 and will be opened on the same date at 10: 30 AM.

Click Here to download the Tender Document

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce admission to Master of Engineering in Renewable Energy commencing from February 2022.

Aims of the programme

The Master of Engineering in Renewable Energy aims to provide meaningful education on the design, analysis and implementation of renewable energy systems and energy management. It will enhance the technical and analytical competency of engineers who are working or intend to work in renewable energy and associated fields.

Specific Objectives of Masters Programme

Master of Engineering in Renewable Energy graduates will be able to:

  • Communicate information in a clear and structured way in both oral and written forms
  • Analyse and evaluate environmental, social, and economic impacts of renewable energy infrastructure.
  • Evaluate constraints and commercial risks related to renewable energy.
  • Initiate, plan and design new renewable energy infrastructure.
  • Evaluate and optimise renewable energy systems using modelling techniques.
  • Assess range of problems related to renewable energy and apply new emerging technologies to solve these complex problems.
  • Identify areas of unexplored questions and recognize different approaches to problems.
  • Enhance innovation and entrepreneurship in renewable energy.
  • Demonstrate a critical awareness of theoretical design concepts and their practical implementation within renewable energy system.
  • Use appropriate software packages and IT skills for modelling and simulation of renewable energy systems.
  • Integrate knowledge and research skills to address a research question and continue toward a research career.
  • Advise clients on renewable energy projects.

Career-related opportunities

The graduates of Master of Engineering in Renewable Energy would be able to work as project engineer, energy specialist, energy engineer, energy designer, energy analyst, energy manager, energy modeller, energy policy analyst, energy systems maintenance engineer and researcher. They would be ideal candidates for jobs in organisations emphasising on energy systems design or applications, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal technologies, hydropower, biomass, biofuels, wind energy system and emerging technologies; and graduates could also work as private consultant and strategists.

Admission Process

A total of 10 candidates will be selected based on the following criteria. The college will offer full scholarship to seven candidates based on merit.

  • Eligibility criteria - applicants should have a minimum of 55% in a four year/honours degree in either a Bachelor of Engineering/ Bachelor of Technology/or a Bachelor in Physics.
  • Selection criteria – applicants will be selected on merit based on the following criteria:
    i. An interview – 60%
    ii. Academic performance based on the degree results – 20%
    iii. Letter of motivation ( Click Here to download the format.)– 10%
    iv. Recommendation letter from a professor/supervisor ( Click Here to download the format) – 10%
  • Documents required
    i. All applicants must submit copies of academic transcripts duly attested by an authorised person.
    ii. Applicants who have graduated from the Royal University of Bhutan need not attest their documents.
    iii. The selected applicants will have to produce original transcripts during registration.


Selected candidates will be offered a tuition fee waiver and monthly stipend at a government-approved rate.

Submission and deadline

Submit the complete application document via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Extended Deadline - 10th December 2021.

Contact - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at 17862007 / 16552690 for further information.


The Masters in Construction Management programme is designed to provide theoretical as well as practical knowledge and skills for managing the social, technological, financial, and environmental challenges facing the construction industry of today. Addressing the principal and emerging concepts and methodologies of construction project management it provides advanced educational opportunities for cognate students from a wide range of industries/backgrounds including engineering, architecture, and the real estate and construction sector.\

Drawing references to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK), and other international benchmarks and frameworks for project management the course will produce project managers capable of managing constraints in time, resource, and quality, as well as the social, environmental, and regulatory challenges in the construction industry.

a. Eligibility Criteria:
Have an undergraduate degree in civil, electrical, mechanical engineering or architecture or a four-year degree in construction engineering and management with a minimum score of 55% aggregate.

b. Documents Required
i. Cover letter with contact details addressed to the President (phone number and email address)
ii. Attested copies of academic transcripts and certificate by an authorized person/agency. (Applicants who have graduated from the Royal University of Bhutan need not attest their documents.)
iii. Copy of National Citizenship Card
iv. Motivation letter as per the format attached. Click Here to download.
v. Referee letter as per the format attached. Click Here to download.

c. Selection Criteria -
Applicants will be selected on merit, based on the following criteria:
i. Interview – 60%

ii. Letter of Motivation - 30%

iii. Academic performance (Undergraduate Degree) - 10%

Shortlisted candidates will be called for an oral Interview. A total of 10 candidates will be accepted for each intake.

d. Scholarship
Selected candidates will be offered a tuition fee waiver and monthly stipend at a government-approved rate.

e. Submission and deadline
Submit the complete application document via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Extended Deadline - 20th December 2021.

Contact - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at 17113252 for further information.

Sealed bids are invited from the eligible suppliers holding valid Trade License, issued by the MTI for the supply of the following items to the College of Science and Technology (Rinchending), Phuentsholing: Bhutan.

The bidder may participate in the supply of the following packages through the website w.e.f. from 1st October 2021.

Open Tendering Packages:

  1. PKG-01: Supply of Library Books
  2. PKG-02: Supply of Lab Equipment
  3. PKG-03: Supply of Furniture
  4. PKG-04: Supply of ICT Equipment

   Limited Tendering Package;

  1. PKG-01: Supply of Office Tools

The bidders are encouraged to visit the EGP website regularly for any additional information or changes made in connection with this bidding process.

The College of Science and Technology is seeking offers for the provision, delivery, installation, and support of Desktop Computers, Wi-Fi access points, Printers, TVs, and Laptops, etc. We are inviting quotations for the proposed hardware equipment.


  1. RFQ for Desktop Computers, Wi-Fi access points, Printers, TVs and Laptop, etc.
  2. Pricing Template of RFQ


The maximum budget allocated for this procurement is 6129 Euros equivalent to Nu. 547000.00 (Taxes/VAT Included).

This Request for Quotation (RFQ) is required by 13:59 6th October 2021 (UTC+06:00).

  1. Event Title: System Administration and Network Monitoring
  2. Target audience: School Lab assistants and ICT Officers.
  3. When: October 13-15, 2021, Time: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
  4. Where: Thimphu, Bhutan
  5. Organizer: College of Science and Technology, Royal University of Bhutan, Phuentsholing
  6. Details Information about the Event:
    The workshop on “System Administration and Network Monitoring” is supported by Asi@Connect which will be held from October 13th -15th, 2021 from 9 AM to 5.00 PM organized by the College of Science and Technology, Royal University of Bhutan in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Department of Information Technology and Telecom. This workshop is designed for school lab assistants and ICT officers working at schools, district office, and Ministry of Education especially involved with system management, network monitoring and management, troubleshooting, and Moodle LMS. The main objective of the program is to train the IT lab assistants and ICT officers who will be responsible for the management of systems and networks for supporting e-Learning in schools.

      The Expected Outcomes of the training programme:
      At the end of the program, the participants are expected to be able to:

  • Learn basics of computer networking and implement campus network
  • Use basic and useful command-line commands for managing and troubleshooting network
  • Setup and manage network systems in the campus network
  • Operate and monitor a campus network
  • Act as an administrator for Moodle as the learning management system


  1. Event Title: e-Learning/LMS/VLE Content Development
  2. Target audience: School teachers and education technologists.
  3. When: October 13-15, 2021, Time: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
  4. Where: Thimphu, Bhutan
  5. Organizer: College of Science and Technology, Royal University of Bhutan, Phuentsholing
  6. Details Information about the Event:
    The training programme on “e-Learning/LMS/VLE Content Development” is supported by Asi@Connect which will be held from October 13th -15th, 2021 from 9 AM to 5.00 PM organized by the College of Science and Technology, Royal University of Bhutan in collaboration with Ministry of Education and Department of Information Technology and Telecom. The main objective of the program is to train the school teachers and education officers to create content for
    the e-Learning/Learning management system/Virtual Learning Environment.

     The Expected Outcomes of the training programme:  
     At the end of the program, the participants are expected to be able to.

  •  Identify the different types of e-learning platforms with an understanding of different terminologies such as e-learning, Learning Management System (LMS), Virtual Learning Management (VLE), and Content
    Management System (CMS).
  • Use Moodle LMS system with different roles: Moodle as a student, Moodle teachers, and Moodle as administrator.
  • Customize the course by designing and developing the page to give an aesthetic view.
  • Enroll students into the course[s] by auto-enrolment and manual enrolment methods.
  • Manage and monitor courses (subjects) by adding activities and resources.
  • Design quizzes and lessons for students to learn lessons through adaptive learning.
  • Use collaborative learning tools such as chat, message, forum, and wikis.
  • Create interactive e-content using H5P, SCORM, and IMS packages.
  • Create different types of assignments incorporating peer feedback and rubrics.
  • Create different types & levels of questions and save them in the question bank by categorizing them.
  • Create a grade book and apply advanced grading methods using rubrics.
  • Perform import and export of questions, grades and take backup of the course[s] for future use and restore it.
  • Provide the accessibility of various resources to specific groups of students by dividing the students into different groups using the concepts of group and grouping.
  • Identify and add the required plugins in order to manage and add additional functionalities to the course.


Result for Assistant Examination and student record officer VIVA Interview held on 4th September 2021.


Sl. No. CID No. Average Remarks Contact No.
1 10203002454 75.88 Selected 17396533
2 11508004460 71.88 Standby 77383283


The selected candidate is hereby advised to join the College with effect from 15th September 2021. If the selected candidate fails to confirm within 7 days from date of declaration of the selection interview result, the next candidate on standby will be considered.

Based on the written test for recruitment of Assistant Exam and Student Record Officer on 27th August 2021, the College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce that the following candidates are shortlisted for the VIVA-VOCE Interview.

The interview will be conducted through VIRTUAL. All the candidates will be sent LINK to your registered email to attend the Interview. You will also receive a call from the College Administration.


Shortlisted Candidates for VIVA-VOCE (Assistant Exam and Student Record Officer)

Sl.# CID Contact # Email address Remarks Interview Date
1 11208001765 17666360 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted

4th Sept.2021

Note: Time will be notified through email

2 11913001227 77456213 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted
3 11502002889 17330428 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted
4 10203002454 17396533 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted
5 11001000982 17958018 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted


Important Note: Shortlisted candidates for the VIVA VOCE will require a Laptop/Desktop with good internet connectivity to attend the Interview.

For any clarification, please contact the Administrative Officer at 17160538 during office hours.

The College is pleased to announce the following candidates have been shortlisted for the written examination (online) for the post of Exam and Student Record Officer:


Sl.# CID Contact Number Email ID Remarks
1 11214001218 77883256 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted
2 10903002802 17646936 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted
3 11705002075 17469702 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted
4 10707001347 77800194 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted
5 10211000866 17490409 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted
6 11508002532 77494301 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted
7 10211005728 17440604 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted
8 11208001765 17666360 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted
9 10905003185 17399767 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted
10 11502002889 17330428 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted
11 12008002267 17626835 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted
12 11913001227 77456213 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted
13 11004002868 17510460 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted
14 10203002454 17396533 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted
15 11602002286 17825107 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted
16 11508004460 77383283 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted
17 11001000982 17958018 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted
18 11602000854 17502722 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted
19 11108001865 17715315 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted
20 11008000312 77702591 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Shortlisted


Please note the following important details:

  1. The written examination will be conducted online on 27th August 2021 from 10 AM. The candidates are requested to log in to the system 30 minutes earlier.
  2. The login details (system credentials and URL) will be emailed to your registered email address latest by 2 PM on 26th August 2021.
  3. The candidates are required to have access to the following items for the examination:
    • Laptop or Desktop with good internet connectivity
    • MS Office Package (Excel) installed on their laptop or desktop.

For any clarification, please call 17160538 during office hours.



College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce that the following candidates have been selected for the post of Assistant lecturer on fixed term appointment:


Result of Interview for the post of Assistant Lecturer, Architecture Department
Sl.# CID No Average Rank Remark Phone
1 10907000792 80.7 1 Selected 17396958
2 11811000364 78.4 2 Selected 17441788
3 11306000037 77.4 3 First Standby  
4 11805000970 76.4 4 Second Standby  


Result of Interview for the Post of Assistant Lecturers of ECED
Sl.# CID No Average Rank Remark Phone
1 10905001700 82.5 1 Selected 17425621
2 11105004528 72.3 2 Selected 17471189
3 10304000908 72 3 First Standby  
4 11111000279 70.7 4 Second Standby  


The selected candidates are advised to submit the joining letter online to the College Administration on 1st August 2021 and requested to contact the respective Program Leaders.

The College would like to notify all those students who are required to report to the college for Autumn Semester 2021 the following;

  1. All students including first-year coming from High-Risk areas will have to report to the College on 24th July 2021 for self-quarantine on the campus.
  2. Those students traveling from Samtse, Gomtu, and other areas having problems to transit Amochu Bridge on 24th July 2021 will be collected from Amochu at 2 pm sharp. College is also exploring means to collect all students from Samtse on 24th July 2021 and currently, works are underway to compile a total number of students. Kindly contact Mr. Inchu Dorji, Student Service Officer, Phone No: 17734846.
  3. The reporting dates for other students are 27th and 28th July 2021.
  4. All students are advised to travel by bus from Thimphu in order to avoid shifting of vehicles and reduce inconveniences at Sorchen. Buses will be facilitated with an escort service from Sorchen to the campus. Kindly contact Mr. Karma Tenzin, 4IT, Phone No: 17508502 for availing of bus service from Thimphu.

College of Science and Technology, Rinchending is pleased to announce the list of students selected during the second round of admission for the 2021 Cohort under Self Finance.

Click here to download the student list

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to inform the following candidates are shortlisted for the post of Assistant Lecturer:

Shortlisted Candidates for the Post of Asst. Lecturer: Architecture 
Sl. # CID No. Cell. No. Remarks Interview Date
1 10704001126 17304619 Shortlisted Date:
26th July 2021

Note: Time will be notified through email 
2 10907000792 17396958 Shortlisted
3 11811000364 17441788 Shortlisted
4 11809000489 17605440 Shortlisted
5 11811001092 17332050 Shortlisted
6 11410008620 77328039 Shortlisted
7 11509001172 17950586 Shortlisted
8 11805000970 17265055 Shortlisted
9 10811002072 17360921 Shortlisted
10 11306000037 77791696 / 17791696 Shortlisted


Shortlisted Candidates for the Post of Asst. Lecturer: ECED 
Sl. # CID No. Cell. No. Remarks Interview Date
1 10905001700 17425621 Shortlisted Date:
29th July 2021

Note: Time will be notified through email
2 11212000588 17676448 Shortlisted
3 11514001517 17481334 Shortlisted
4 11111000279 17316021 Shortlisted
5 11508002228 17352294 Shortlisted
6 11105004528 17471189 Shortlisted
7 11704001641 17977124 Shortlisted
8 11208000463 17801811 Shortlisted
9 10304000908 77321390 Shortlisted
10 11514004175 17371372 Shortlisted


For any clarification, contact – Tshering Wangmo –17160460 or Kinzang Namgyal – 17160538 during office hours.

The College of Science of Technology is pleased to announce the selection result for the following posts:


Result of Library Assistant Interview

Sl. #





Phone #

















Standby 1






Standby 2



Result for Technician Interview

Sl. #





Phone #











Stand by



The selected candidates for both the post (Library Assistant and Technician) are hereby requested to join the College on 1st August 2021.


If the selected candidates fail to confirm within 10 days from the date of declaration of the selection interview result, the candidates on standby will be considered.

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the vacancy for the following vacant slot as follows:



Position Title

No. of Slots

Qualification Requirement

Position Level

Employment Types



Assistant Exam and Student Record Officer

(Position Profile Download)


Bachelor Degree (General)

Position Level 8



Candidates must have a minimum aggregate of 60% in Degree, 60% in Cl. XII (English + Best 3 subjects) & 60% in CL X (English + Best 4 subjects)



  • The position are for immediate recruitment, so in-service candidates must ensure that the current employer is willing to relieve them from service immediately on selection. In the event a candidate is selected and does not join the College on time, their appointment shall be canceled.
  • Upon selection, the roles and responsibilities will not be limited to the position profile of individual positions, but will also be guided by Representative Work Activities (RWAs) for the position.
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be informed and the shortlisted results will be uploaded to the college’s website for information of all. 


A candidate must:

  1. Be a Bhutanese citizen
  2. Have attained at least 18 years of age, and not more than 45 years of age.
  3. Candidates must have an aggregate of 60% each in Class X (English + Best 4 subjects), Class XII (English + Best 3 subjects), and an aggregate of 60% in a Bachelor’s degree.

Eligible and interested candidates are required to register and apply via latest by 23rd July 2021. Applications in hard copies will not be accepted.

Documents Required:

  1. Bachelor degree mark sheets and certificates (Grade conversion of the mark sheets must also be submitted if the marks are awarded in CGPA or any other formats)
  2. Mark sheets of Class X and Class XII
  3. Valid Security Clearance Certificate (approved online)
  4. Valid Medical Fitness Certificate (valid for 6 months from the date of issue of certificate)
  5. Citizenship ID card copy
  6. Audit Clearance Certificate, if employed
  7. No Objection Certificate (clearly indicating that the candidate can contest for the position and upon selection, can start working in the new position with immediate effect, if employed)
  8. Experience Certificate(s)/documentary evidence(s) for current and previous employment records, if any


  • The two references in the application form should both be professional referees from two different organizations if employed. If there is only one or no past employment record, one or both referees can be from the College/University where the highest qualification was obtained.
  • Candidates are requested to submit only the aforementioned documents (and refrain from submitting any additional documents such as merit certificates, school leaving certificates, etc.). Only shortlisted candidates will be asked for additional documents if required by the college.
  • Applications with incomplete documents or incomplete information in the employment application form will be directly rejected during the time of scrutiny.
  • Please note that it is the sole responsibility of applicants to ensure that all mandatory documents as mentioned above are uploaded while applying online in the job portal.

 For any clarification, please call 17160538 during office hours.


In continuation with the previous announcement, it is to inform the shortlisted candidates for Library Assistant that the interview will be conducted through VIRTUAL on 12/7/20121. All the candidates will be sent LINK to your email provided in your application. You will also receive a
call from the Administration. The details of interview timing are given below.


Sl. No.

Citizenship     ID No

Cell. No.


Interview Date / Time

12th July 2021




This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

9.30 – 10 am




This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

10 – 10.30 am




This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

10.30 – 11 am




This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

11 – 11.30 am




This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 11. 30  - 12 noon




This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

12 – 12.30 pm




This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

12.30 – 1 pm




This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

1 – 1.30 pm




This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

1.30 – 2 pm




This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2  - 2.30 pm




This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2.30 – 3 pm




This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

3 – 3.30 pm


If any of the information provided is not correct, please do inform the number provided below for clarification.

Contact – Tshering Wangmo –17160460 or Kinzang Namgyal – 17160538

In continuation with the previous announcement, it is to inform the shortlisted candidates for Technician that the interview will be conducted through VIRTUAL on 13th July 2021. All the candidates will be sent LINK to your email provided in your application. You will also receive a call from the Administration. The details of interview timings are given below.

Sl. No.

Citizenship ID No.

Cell. No.

Email Address


Interview Date/Time

13th July 2021




This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

9.30 – 10 am




This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

10 – 10.30 am




This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

10.30 – 11 am




This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

11 – 11.30 am




This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

11. 30  - 12 noon




This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

12 – 12.30 pm




This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

12.30 – 1 pm




This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

1 – 1.30 pm




This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

1.30 – 2 pm




This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2  - 2.30 pm


If any of the information provided is not correct, please do inform the number provided below for clarification.

Contact – Tshering Wangmo –17160460 or Kinzang Namgyal – 17160538

The College has tentatively arranged pickup services from the Sorchen checkpoint for the first-year cohort (2021).



The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the following vacancies on a contract basis as follows:




 Position Title

No. of Slots

Qualification Requirement

Position Level

Contract Duration





Assistant Lecturer/Associate Lecturer/Lecturer

(Position Profile Download)



B.Arch/ M.Arch/ M.Plan/ MUD/ PhD (Architecture, Urban Design, Urban Planning and Housing)

Position level 6/5/4

One year & extendable on conditions

Candidates must have a minimum aggregate of 55% in Degree, 60% in Cl. XII (English + best 3 subjects) & 60% in CL X (English + best 4 subjects)

For position level 6:

Pay scale: 28315-570-36865

HRA: 5,665/-

Teaching allowance: 15,575/-

 No Contract allowance will be paid


Electronics & Communication

Assistant Lecturer

(Position Profile Download)


Minimum education required is Bachelors in Electronics and Communication Engineering.

Position level 6

One year & extendable on conditions



  • The positions are for immediate recruitment, so in-service candidates must ensure that the current employer is willing to relieve them from service immediately on selection. In the event a candidate is selected and do not join the College on time, their appointment shall be cancelled.
  • Upon selection, the roles and responsibilities of Academic staff will not be limited to the position profile of individual positions, but will also be guided by Representative Work Activities (RWAs)for each position.
  • Actual intake number will depend on the performance(s) of candidates in the final selection interview and the college reserves the right to increase or decrease the slots based on the need of the college.
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be informed of the interview date and the shortlisted results would be uploaded in the college’s website for information of all.
  • Selected candidates shall be appointed for a period of 1 Year and extension shall be granted based on the need of the college and performance of the candidates shall be the basis for extension of service.


A candidate must:

  1. Be a Bhutanese citizen
  2. Have attained at least 18 years of age, and not more than 50 years of age.
  3. Benchmark criteria:
  • Candidates with relevant Master’s qualification must have minimum aggregate of 50% each in Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree
  • Candidates must have an aggregate of 60% each in Class X (English + best 4 subject) and Class XII (English + best 3 subjects),
  • Candidates with Bachelor’s degree must have an aggregate of 55% in Bachelor’s degree (honours) / Technical degree and 60% in Bachelor’s degree (general).

(Note: The benchmark criteria shall not apply for those with minimum of five years relevant experience)

  1. Meet experience and other requirements specified in the position profile of each position

Eligible and interested candidates are required to register and apply via latest by 14th July 2021. Applications in hard copies will not be accepted.


Documents Required:

  1. Bachelor degree and above qualifications mark sheets and certificates (Grade conversion of the mark sheets must also be submitted if the marks are awarded in CGPA or any other formats)
  2. Mark sheets of Class X and Class XII
  3. Valid Security Clearance Certificate (approved online)
  4. Valid Medical Fitness Certificate (valid for 6 months from the date of issue of certificate)
  5. Citizenship ID card copy
  6. Audit Clearance Certificate, if employed
  7. No Objection Certificate (clearly indicating that the candidate can contest for the position and upon selection, can start working in the new position with immediate effect, if employed)
  8. Experience Certificate(s)/documentary evidence(s) for current and previous employment records, if any


  • The two references in the application form should both be professional referees from two different organizations, if employed. If there is only one or no past employment record, one or both referees can be from the College/University where the highest qualification was obtained.
  • Candidates are requested to submit only the aforementioned documents (and refrain from submitting any additional documents such as merit certificates, school leaving certificates, etc.). Only shortlisted candidate will be asked for additional documents if required by the college.
  • Applications with incomplete documents or incomplete information in the employment application form will be directly rejected during the time of scrutiny.
  • Please note that it is the sole responsibility of applicants to ensure that all mandatory documents as mentioned above are uploaded while applying online in the job portal.

 For any clarification, please call 17160538 during office hour.

The College request the first-year architecture students joining the college to kindly go through the list of items they are required to bring when joining the college.

CLICK HERE to view the list


College of Science and Technology, Rinchending is pleased to announce the list of students selected for the 2021 Cohort under Self Finance.

  1. Bachelor of Architecture - Click Here to view
  2. Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering - Click Here to view
  3. Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering - Click Here to view
  4. Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Communication Engineering - Click Here to view
  5. Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology - Click Here to view
  6. Bachelor of Engineering in Engineering Geology - Click Here to view

This is to inform all the students selected for 2021 admission to the College of Science and Technology that they are required to report to the College on 27th & 28th July, 2021 for the registration and orientation programme.

For complete details on the tentative schedule and details for registration, orientation programme, and fee structures, PLEASE CLICK HERE



Fee Structure for New Students, 2021 Cohort


The fee details for Self-Financed students are given below:


Tuition (Nu.)

Hostel & Mess Fee (Nu.)

CDF Fee (Nu.)

Security Deposit (refundable)   (Nu.)

College T-shirt and Cap (Nu.)

Total (Nu.)

Mode of Payment







Demand Draft/MoB during registration

Note: In addition to the above amount, a separate amount of Nu.125/- needs to be paid in cash during registration as Student Welfare Fund.


The fee details for Government Scholarship students are given below:


CDF Fee (Nu.)

Security Deposit (Refundable) (Nu.)

College T-shirt and Cap (Nu.)

Total (Nu.)

Mode of Payment





Demand Draft/MoB during registration

Note: In addition to the above amount, a separate amount of Nu.125/- needs to be paid in cash during registration as Student Welfare Fund.


Fee details for students with other scholarship (other than RGoB, eg DAHE etc..)


Tuition (Nu.)

Hostel & Mess Fee (Nu.)

CDF Fee (Nu.)

Security Deposit (Refundable) (Nu.)

College T-shirt and Cap (Nu.)

Total (Nu.)

Mode of Payment

Scholarship covers (Show proof during registration)






Demand Draft/MoB during registration

Note: In addition to the above amount, a separate amount of Nu.125/- needs to be paid in cash during registration as Student Welfare Fund.

Kindly address the DEMAND DRAFT to the “College of Science and technology” if you decide to pay in Demand Draft.

For those who wish to do online Transfer deposit in College of Science and technology account No. 100211871. When you transfer the money by MBoB, in the "remarks" column, please mention your "CID Number" clearly

Once payment is done, you are requested to attach the screenshot of the MBoB payment along with the Personal information and send it at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   




The College of Science of Technology is pleased to announce the selection result for the following post:

Post of Dean, Research & Industrial Linkages (DRIL)    
CID Number Remarks    
11504001114 Selected    
Post of Dean, Academic Affairs (DAA)      
CID Number Remarks    
10102001098 Selected


College of Science and Technology, Rinchending is pleased to announce the list of students selected for the 2021 Cohort under full RGoB scholarship.

  1. Bachelor of Architecture - Click Here to view
  2. Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering - Click Here to view
  3. Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering - Click Here to view
  4. Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Communication Engineering - Click Here to view
  5. Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology - Click Here to view
  6. Bachelor of Engineering in Engineering Geology - Click Here to view
  7. Bachelor of Engineering in Instrumentation and Control Engineering - Click Here to view


Due to the detection of COVID_19 positive cases recently from the college canteen, the college of Science & Technology(CST) will not be conducting the selection interview as per the announced schedule within this week for the posts Library Assistant & Technician.

Thursday & Friday's Interview selection is postponed for further notice, and the next date of the interview will be announced soon on the college website.

Therefore, you all are requested to check our college website often for the update.

Apologies for the trouble and inconvenience caused.

If you have any inquiry kindly contact – Tshering Wangmo –17160460 or Kinzang Namgyal – 17160538

The College of Science and Technology is glad to inform the following candidates that you are shortlisted for the VIVA Interview which will be conducted as per the date/time mentioned below. The interview will be conducted through VIRTUAL. All the candidates will be sent LINK to your email provided in your application. You will also receive a call from the Administration

Shortlist candidates for VIVA-VOCE (LAB Technician).


Citizenship     ID No.

Cell. No.

Email Address

 Interview Date/Time

4th June 2021




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9.30 – 10 am




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10 – 10.30 am




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10.30 – 11 am




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11 – 11.30 am




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11. 30  - 12 noon




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12 – 12.30 pm




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12.30 – 1 pm




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1 – 1.30 pm




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1.30 – 2 pm




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2  - 2.30 pm


Shortlisted Candidates (LIBRARY ASSISTANT) for VIVA-VOCE

Sl. #

Citizenship     ID No.

Cell. No.


 Interview Date /Time

3rd June 2021




This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

9.30 – 10 am




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10 – 10.30 am




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10.30 – 11 am




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11 – 11.30 am




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11. 30  - 12 noon




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12 – 12.30 pm




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12.30 – 1 pm




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1 – 1.30 pm




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1.30 – 2 pm




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2  - 2.30 pm





2.30 – 3 pm




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3 – 3.30 pm

If any of the information provided is not correct, please do inform the number provided below for clarification.

Contact – Tshering Wangmo –17160460 or Kinzang Namgyal – 17160538


The college would like to inform the interested bidders participating for the  1. PKG-01: Supply of IT Equipment and Accessories  as invited through Kuensel and college website dated 10th April 2021. Due to lockdown in border areas, the submission date of the tender had to postponed.
Due to prolonged lockdown, we would like to request all the bidders to scan and submit the bids through email to the Procurement Manager at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The scanned biding document must be locked/encrypted with a password.


Last date of submission of bids

27th May 2021 on or before 10:30 AM.

No bids will be accepted after 10:30 AM.

Submission of Password of bids

Date: 27th May 2021

Time 12:00 – 12:15 PM  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or SMS at 17160538

Date of Tender Opening

27th May 2021 at 01:30 PM at the Office of the Procurement Manager, College of Science & Technology, Rinchending


Please note the changes in items in the updated tender document. It can be downloaded from the link below:

1. PKG-01: Supply of IT Equipment and Accessories

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the following vacancies:

Sl. No. Post No. of Slot Position Level
Employment type Qualification



Library Assistant


(Position Profile Download)

02 13 Regular Class XII passed with a Certificate in
Computer Application/Office
Office/IT Applications
Candidates must have
aggregate of 50% in
Cl. XII (English + best
3 subjects) & 50% in
CL X (English + best 4




(Position Profile Download)

  01 10


Diploma in Civil

Candidates must have
aggregate of 60% in
Diploma, 50% in Cl.
XII (English + best 3
subjects) & 50% in CL
X (English + best 4

The college would like to inform the interested bidders who want to participate and submit the bids for the 1. PKG-01: Supply of IT Equipment and Accessories which was invited through Kuensel and college website dated 10th April 2021 and supposed to be opened today at 11 AM. However, due to lockdown from Saturday the submission date of the tender has been postponed and will be notified on the college website after the opening of the lockdown. All bidders are requested to visit the college website for the details when the lockdown opens.

The following students are selected for Five month fully paid scholarship for student exchange programme at University Politecnica De Valencia, Spain under Erasmus +KA107 Programme for semester A (September 2021 to January 2022).

CLick here for the selected list.

The College of Science and Technology, Royal University of Bhutan, Rinchending, would like to announce the result for the selection interview for scholarship program(degree): Library staff held on 13th April 2021.


















The College of Science and Technology, Royal University of Bhutan, Rinchending, would like to announce a vacancy for the following position for an immediate appointment.

 1. Dean, Research and Industrial Linkages

Interested national faculties of CST are requested to submit the application to the HR section of the College latest by 4 PM, 26th April 2021.

Please refer to terms of reference for the Dean Selection and Appointment for eligibility criteria and other formalities.

Dean RIL ToR

Faculties who are having obligations with studies are not eligible to apply

The corrigendum to the announcement regarding the following tender PKG-01: Supply of IT Equipment and Accessories made on the Kuensel dated 10th April 2021 should be read by the Suppliers as follows:

The date of submission is at 9:30 AM on 19th April 2021 instead of 19th May 2021.

Should there be any queries, kindly contact the Procurement Manager at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Sealed Bids are invited from the eligible suppliers having valid Trade License and dealership certificate/manufacturer's authorization to supply the following items to the College of Science and Technology (Rinchending), Phuentsholing: Bhutan. The tender package:

1. PKG-01: Supply of IT Equipment and Accessories

The submission of bids is at 9:30 AM on 19th April 2021 and will be publicly opened on the same day at 11.00 AM.



Sealed Bids are invited from the eligible suppliers having valid Trade License and dealership certificate/manufacturer's authorization to supply the following items to the College of Science and Technology (Rinchending), Phuentsholing: Bhutan. The tender package:

1. PKG-01: Supply of IT Equipment and Accessories

The submission of bids is at 9:30 AM on 19th April 2021 and will be publicly opened on the same day at 11.00 AM.

The 12 days long khuru tournament aimed at reviving Bhutanese culture and tradition through sports ended today. The tournament commenced on 9th March with a total of 12 registered teams comprising of student and the non teaching staff. The tournament was organized by the students. In the finals, three teams with the highest karey amongst the 12 teams competed. The winning team was JSS team followed by 1st and 2nd runners-up from 3 IT and 4 ECE respectively. The tournament ended successfully with awarding of the prizes.
Photo Courtesy: Tshering Wangchen, 2A
                        Divyash Chhetri, 1IT
                        Tashi Namgay, 2IT

The College of Science and Technology had a three-day, (1 st March-3 rd March 2021), a training programme on using Arduino Uno, A microcontroller board used for various applications. The programme was coordinated by the Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, ECED, resourced by Dr. Kazuhiro Muramatsu, a faculty in ECED. Twenty-five interested staff from various programmes signed up for the training.

Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P. The board is equipped with sets of digital and analog input/output (I/O) pins that may be interfaced to various expansion boards (shields) and other circuits. The Arduino Uno board contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; It can be simply connected to a computer with a USB cable or power with an AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. This makes it portable and easy to set up at any point for experimentation and measurement.

The training was offered keeping in mind the focus our education system is to give to STEM education. Designed around project-based learning, this kit is a practical, hands-on learning experience that helps learners develop key engineering skills, and learn core aspects of mechatronics and Matlab and Simulink programming. The Engineering Kit gives basic engineering concepts through projects that create a fun and collaborative learning environment. The programming and usage of the kit were also introduced to the staff as a tool for research because the kit connects what we learn with real-world industries and deepens knowledge through experimentation.

Arduino Education creates the next generation of STEM programs that empower students on their learning journey and help them thrive.

5 days of training on SketchUp and DiaLux training were conducted from 23rd to 27th Feb 2021. The training was conducted in collaboration with the Architecture and Electrical Engineering Department whereby it was facilitated by Mr. Jigme  Thinley and Mr. Sangay Penjor from the architecture department and Mr. Gom Dorji from the electrical engineering department. The training was attended by 27 members of teaching, non-teaching, and students.

Due to COVID-19 pandemic, we could not send student on exchange programme in 2020. Despite the impact that Covid-19 is having around the world, let us hope that in a few months the situation will improve and we can restart the activities that for now are paralyzed.

In this context, we are ready to receive the application from interested students for Semester A of the next academic year (pre enrolment for semester A, will end on 10th May 2021). In this case the formal nomination needs to reach UPV before April 30th 2021.

Interested students from 2nd and 3rd year are asked to submit application for student exchange at UPV, Valencia, Spain, under Erasmus KA107 project between CST and UPV. Application addressed to the President along with motivational letter and other supporting documents (obtained at CST only) should be submitted to Roshan Chhetri, Coordinator by 15th March 2020.

Applicants need to visit UPV website and mention the modules that you are planning to study while at UPV.

You can find useful information for applicants in the factsheet attached and through those links: 

Financial support provided from KA107 to student is 850€ x 5 months = 4000€ + travel aid according the distance

For details contact Asst. Prof. Roshan Chhetri, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 17605713.


To commemorate 41st Birth Anniversary of His Majesty the King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, the students and staff of College of Science and Technology joined Phuntsholing Thromde in the mass cleaning.

College of Science and Technology stands in pride as they host the National Flag to celebrate the 41st Birth Anniversary of His Majesty the King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck.

Click here for event photographs

On 18th February 2021, the new students in Masters in construction management were welcomed to the college with a small inauguration ceremony. The inauguration ceremony commenced with lighting of the butter lamp by President, DSA, DAA and DRIL in the college choesham. It was then followed by a small introductory session. The introductory session included a brief description of the new programme followed by introduction of the students.

The first batch of masters in construction management consists of 7 students and 4 in Masters in RE.

Click to view the event photographs

Result of Selection Interview for sweeper held on 16 Feb 2021.                                                                                   














Result of Selection Interview for Gardener held on 16 Feb 2021. 














Result of Selection Interview for Cook held on 17 Feb 2021.

















The selected candidates for the post of SWEEPER AND GARDENER are hereby requested to join the College on 1st March 2021.                                                                               

The selected candidates for the post of COOK are requested to join the College on 1st April 2021.

NOTE: - If the selected candidates fail to confirm within 10 days from the date of declaration of the selection interview result, the next candidates on standby will be considered.

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce that the following candidates are shortlisted for VIVA VOCE interview for the post of Cook, Gardener and Sweeper.



Sl. No.

Citizenship     ID No

Cell. No.

Date and Time for interview







9.30 am





10:00 AM





10.30 am





11:00 AM





11.30 am





12 noon





12.30 pm





1:00 PM





1.30 pm





2:00 PM



Sl. No.

Citizenship     ID No

Cell. No.

Date and Time for interview







2.30 pm










3:30 pm



Sl. No.

Citizenship     ID No

Cell. No.

Date and Time for interview







9.30 am





10:00 AM





10.30 am





11:00 AM





11.30 am





12 noon





12.30 pm





1:00 PM


The interview will be held as per the date and time mentioned against each. The above-mentioned candidates are advised to report to the College of Science and Technology (Academic Building) on the said date and time and should bring their original documents if not submitted earlier.

For enquiry if any, please contact 975 17160460


On 11th February 2021, a very amusing and delightful event was organized in our college. This event was Declamation. Declamation is a style of public speaking that is artistic. It is a dramatic oration intended to convey the full meaning of the text being transmitted through articulation, emphasis and gesture.

A total of 16th students from various department took part in it. They represented various motivational speakers, poets, actors, wrestlers and many more interesting characters. It was really tough to judge and point out the best one from them but not everyone can be a winner. The top three winners were:

  1. Yoezer Dema – 3 IT
  2. Salim Pradhan – 1 IT
  3. Sonam Lhamo- 3 IT

With a speech titled “Still standing,” Yoezer enacted Ramona J Smith, who is a high school teacher from Houston, Texas, won the Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking. Smith is only the fifth woman to capture the World Champion of Public Speaking title since the contest began in 1938.

We now had another Toastmasters World Championship speaker, Danajaya Hettriachchi. His motivational speech was presented to the crowd by Salim Pradhan who made it clear that everyone of us have something special in us and that we need to help ourselves to find it out.

Then Ms. Sonam Lhamo took up the challenge to present us the world’s most fascinating character, Charlie Chaplin. She delivers his speech, the call for peace which is presented at the  end the movie "the great dictator."

Students of CST thus enjoyed 2 long hours meeting with personalities from all around the world.

Source: Sabina Nepal 4C

PC: Karma Tenzin 3IT, Kelden Dorji Sherpa 1C, Yeshi Lhendup 4IT (CST Multimedia)


The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the vacancy for an Associate Lecturer/Lecturer/Asst. Professor for recruitment from July 2021 on a fixed term.


Position Title:

Associate Lecturer/Lecturer/Asst. Professor


Ph.D./Professional Doctorate in Engineering/Renewable Energy/Energy Science/Power Systems, Or MSc in Geology/Geophysics.

Service condition:

Fixed-term appointment for one semester and renewable for another year based on the need and performance. Salary will be commensurate to qualification and experience with allowances in accordance with the existing Rules and Regulations of the Royal University of Bhutan.

The candidate should be able to teach courses related to renewable energy/power systems and geology.

Interested candidates may apply to the Dean of Academic Affairs @ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. latest by 15th February 2021.


Applications are invited from Bhutanese nationals for the following post in the College of Science & Technology, Rinchending, Phuentsholing as detailed below.

Sl. No.


No. of Slot

Position Level



Student Service Officer cum Health Assistant



Certificate/Diploma in Community
Health Service (HA)

















Please CLICK HERE to view the position profile (Student Service Officer cum Health Assistant)

  1. Criteria :
  • Should be a Bhutanese National
  • Must have attained 18 years of age, and not more than 45 years of age.
  • Meet qualification, experience, and other requirements as specified in the position profile of the position.- for Students Service Officer cum Health Assistant position.

   2. Documents required

  • Employment Application Form (RUB) (Click Here to Download)
  • CV
  • Copy of citizenship ID Card
  • Academic Transcript (Class-10,12, Degree, Master) – for Student Service Officer cum Health Assistant position
  • Valid Security Clearance Certificate (approved online)
  • Valid Medical Fitness Certificate (valid for 6 months from the date of issue of certificate)
  • Work Experience Certificate if any
  • Audit Clearance Certificate (If presently employed)
  • No Objection Certificate (clearly indicating that the candidate can contest for the position and upon selection, can start working in the new position at any time) from the employer, if employed
  • Full Present Address and Tele/Mobile No. and email address if possible

Shortlisted candidates will be announced on the College website and intimated for an interview through call.

Interested candidates who have attained 18 years of age and not more than 45 years of age may apply to the College on or before 2nd February 2021.

For further details contact 17160460 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. during office hours

The College of Science and Technology is offering 20 seats each in BE Civil and Electrical Engineering, 5 seats each in BE Electronics & Communication Engineering and Information Technology for the 2020-2021 academic session to In-Service candidates with Diploma in Civil, Electrical, Electronics & Communication, and Information Technology respectively. The duration of the programme is 3 years full time. The tuition fees will be charged based on RUB directives. Accommodation will be provided as per College policy. Interested candidates from the government/corporate/private sector should send their application to the College along with a letter of recommendation from the employer. Selection will be based on the entrance examination.

Entrance Examination will be conducted online and will comprise of:

  1. Civil Engineering: - Mathematics, Engineering Science (Physics and Chemistry), Strength of Materials and Fluid Mechanics
  2. Electrical Engineering: - Mathematics, Engineering Science (Physics and Chemistry), Electrical Engineering Circuits and Electronics.
  3. Electronics and Communication Engineering: - Mathematics, Engineering Science (Physics and Chemistry), Electronics & Circuit Devices and Communication Engineering
  4. Information Technology: - Mathematics, Engineering Science (Physics and Chemistry), Programming Fundamental, Databases, and networking.

Applications will be received no later than 13th February 2021 along with a non-refundable entrance examination fee of Nu.1000/- which should be paid online.

The Applicants are requested to send the applications to this email address:

                        This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Examination Details:

  1. Issuance of user name and password: February 17, 2021
  2. Date of examination: February 19, 2021 (9:00 – 11:00 am)
  3. Mode of examination: Online
  4. Result Declaration: February 27, 2021

Registration of the selected candidates for the programme should be completed by April 9, 2021 (along with the payment of Nu 5000.00 as an advance tuition fee which is non-refundable if a candidate withdraws after registration).

Failure to register by April 9, 2021, the seat will be allocated to the other candidates.

With the rapid growth in the world’s population and unprecedented socio-economic growth has been changing our planet’s interacting physical, chemical, biological, and human processes, resulting in an extensive range of environmental issues including environmental pollution, water scarcity, food security, loss of biodiversity, etc. To respond to these global-scale problems, there is a need for an innovative solution to protect and enhance the natural environment. The future is likely to see more technological development, population growth, and a greater need for enough food for our growing population, housing, and amenities to cater to our growing needs. These are likely to see more areas needing management to avoid pollution or ecological damage; we will see new potential contaminants as well as a need to change conditions in some areas to cope with the changing climate. There will be an even greater need for environmental engineers to help us deal with the potential problems that this future will bring. Countries around the world including Bhutan, are showing a strong interest in protecting the environment which places new responsibilities on the engineers.

A seminar on environmental engineering was held on 14/11/2020, where second-year civil engineering students were targeted as the main audience. The seminar focused on the global environmental issue and the role of engineers to design different methods to handle large volumes of pollutants with the principles of optimization, socio-economic effects, and rapid treatment to convert any objectionable materials to less objectionable material. Also, familiarization with research/job opportunities, intrinsic skills, and expertise required by engineers who will play a critical role in achieving sustainable development with good coordination with other technocrats/engineers to make rapid advancement in cleaning up the environment with eco-friendly techniques. The need for advanced and continuing education and special training for engineers to cater to the emerging world problem is rather important and timely.


Resourced by: Yeshi Choden, Associate Lecturer, CEAD

Speaker: Leki Dorji, Lecturer in Civil Engineering Department

A study on environmental flows is a recent endeavor to ensure the sustainability of the aquatic ecosystem while meeting the increasing demands of off-stream water uses. The Brisbane Declaration defined the environmental flows as the quantity, timing, and quality of water flows required to sustain freshwater and estuarine ecosystems and the human livelihood and well-being that depend on these ecosystems.

Numerous studies on environmental flow assessment and frameworks have been developed in an effort to understand ecological impacts and to protect aquatic diversity in the face of rapid exploitation of freshwater ecosystems.

In Bhutan, while hydropower is becoming the primary economic driver of the country, the freshwater ecosystems supported by the network of fast-flowing rivers are dammed for hydropower generation. As per the power systems master plan 2003-2022, 76 projects were identified including 70 run-of-the-river and 6 reservoir schemes with a capacity of 23,760 MW.

The unchecked damming of the river systems poses serious implications for our effort to promote a holistic approach to development with environmental conservation. The freshwater ecosystems would be seriously impacted without proper regulations to safeguard these critical freshwater biodiversities.


This study would basically to set up minimum environmental flow requirements for every watercourse to ensure the conservation of the aquatic ecosystem in a dewatered stretched of hydropower Project.




Much anticipated Sa-Lang-Tendril for the Construction of Convention Hall took place on 30th October 2020 by Kharbandi Gompa’s Lam in the presence of Dr. Cheki Dorji, President and the Construction Team led by Leki Dorji (Construction Manager) which was being coordinated by the Proprietor of Galaxy Builders Pvt. Ltd, Mr. Thinley Wangchuk, along with his team members.




Some of the Members represented from CST are Dr.Tshewang Lhendup (DAA), Tshering Dendup (Civil site engineer), Reeta Gurung (Estate Manager), Gom Dorji (Electrical Site Engineer), and Kirtan Adhiakari (Site engineer).



A one-day seminar on Switchgear and Protection System was organized by the Electrical Engineering Department in collaboration with the Centre for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development of College of Science and Technology, Phuentsholing Bhutan on 14th October 2020.

Mr. Cheten Tshering, Sr. Divisional Manager, Substation Maintenance Division, Transmission Department, Bhutan Power Corporation Ltd, Phuentsholing, Chhukha was the guest speaker.

The lecture focused on substation overview, introduction to switchgear, and discussion on Gas Insulated Substation (GIS) and Air Insulated Substation (AIS). As the transformer is the most expensive component in power transmission and distribution, providing a good protection scheme for the transformer is of utmost importance. To rejuvenate the audience, he said, “Students can write and submit assignments without examining in college but in the field, such attitude of working personnel can jeopardize the system and would result in huge financial losses”. The importance of power system protection was discussed at length covering relay functions and relay coordination principle.

A practical demonstration along with calculations was organized to investigate the real-time working of relays and relay coordination principle. One of the students, Mr Phuntsho Dorji who is serving as a chief councilor of the college, expressed his gratitude for the immense benefitting knowledge shared by the guest lecturer and field knowledge embedded with practical demonstration.

Students are very grateful to the tutors of the Electrical Department for arranging the session and are looking forward to more of such learning programs related to our field. The takeaway message from the session dawned on something like this, “Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is mere intellectual play” by Immanuel Kant.

Brief Profile of the Speaker

Mr Cheten Tshering is currently serving as the Sr. Divisional Manager, Substation Maintenance Division, Transmission Department, Bhutan Power Corporation. He is an alumnus of CST, graduated in 2009, and has also served as the chief councilor of the college.

He has an experience of 12 years in the power transmission and distribution sector under BPC.

He specializes in Power System Planning, Designing, Control, and Protection.

Reported by:

1. Gopal Subba (BE4E)
2. Sonam Tshomo (BE4E)


Mr. Cheten delivering the lecture


Mr. Cheten with the Electrical Engineering Department

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce admission to Masters in Construction Management commencing from February 2021.

Aims of the programme

The Masters in Construction Management programme is designed to provide theoretical as well as practical knowledge and skills for managing the social, technological, financial, and environmental challenges facing the construction industry of today. Addressing the principal and emerging concepts and methodologies of construction project management it provides advanced educational opportunities for cognate students from a wide range of industries/background including engineering, architecture, and the real estate and construction sector.

The programme will kick start the student's career or further develop the expertise to advance their career in the construction industry.

Drawing references to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK), the international benchmark and framework upon which the practice of project management is based, the course will produce project managers capable of managing constraints in time, resource, and quality, as well as the social, environmental and regulatory challenges in the construction industry.

The programme targets both regular and in-service candidates. To accommodate and cater to the pressing time and work demand for in-service candidates, the programme offers flexibility for students to voluntarily exit after each semester.

Students will be awarded a Postgraduate Certificate in Construction Management ( CM) and Post Graduate Diploma in Construction Management (PgDip. in CM) after the successful completion of the semester I and II respectively. Option to continue the programme after a certain duration is also offered upon fulfilling the necessary entry requirement conditions.


Admission Process
A total of 10 candidates will be selected based on the following criteria. The college will offer a full scholarship to seven candidates based on merit.

5.1.1 Eligibility criteria - applicants should have an undergraduate degree in civil/electrical/mechanical engineering or architecture or a four-year degree in construction engineering and management with a minimum score of 55%

5.2 Selection criteria – applicants will be selected on merit based on the following

5.3 Documents required

  • All applicants must submit copies of academic transcripts duly attested by an authorized person/agency.
  • Applicants who have graduated from the Royal University of Bhutan need not attest to their documents.
  • The selected applicants will have to produce original transcripts during registration.
  • International applicants from non-native English speaking countries will need to provide evidence of having taken the bachelors programme in English medium.


Interested candidates (both pre & in-service) fulfilling the above criteria may directly apply to the college. The last date to submit an application is 30th November 2020 and oral interview will be conducted between 1st and 5th December 2020.

Selection results will be declared on 10th December 2020. The selected candidates for the programme should register by 1st February and classes will commence from 8th February 2021.


Interested candidates may contact/submit your application to Mr. Tshewang Nidup, Course coordinator @This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or call @ 1711 3252


For complete details, please click here.

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce admission to Master of Engineering in Renewable Energy commencing from February 2021.

Aims of the Programme:

The Master of Engineering in Renewable Energy aims to provide meaningful education on the design, analysis, and implementation of renewable energy systems and energy management. It will enhance the technical and analytical competency of engineers who are working or intend to work in renewable energy and associated fields.

Admission Process
A total of 10 candidates will be selected based on the following criteria. The college will offer a full scholarship to seven candidates based on merit.     

  • Eligibility criteria - Applicants should have a minimum of 55% in a four year/honors degree in either a Bachelor of Engineering/ Bachelor of Technology/or a Bachelor of Science in Engineering.
  • Selection criteria – Applicants will be selected on merit based on the following criteria:
    i. An interview – 60%
    ii. Academic performance based on the degree results – 20%
    iii. Letter of motivation – 10%
    iv. Recommendation letter from a professor/supervisor – 10%
  • Documents required
    i. All applicants must submit copies of academic transcripts duly attested by an authorized person.
    ii. Applicants who have graduated from the Royal University of Bhutan need not attest their documents.
    iii. The selected applicants will have to produce original transcripts during registration.

Interested candidates (both pre & in-service) fulfilling the above criteria may directly apply to the college. The last date to submit an application is 30th November 2020 and an oral interview will be conducted between 1st and 5th December 2020.

Selection results will be declared on 10th December 2020. The selected candidates for the programme should register by 1st February and classes will commence from 8th February 2021.

Interested candidates may contact/submit your application to Mr Cheku Dorji, Course coordinator @This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call @ 1786 2007

For complete details, please click here.


A seminar was held on 7th October 2020 for Architect and Civil Engineering students.

Mr. Roshan Chhetri, Asst. Professor in Electrical Engineering Department gave a talk on "Basic Integration of Electrical Engineering Provision in Architecture or Civil Engineering During Design Phase". The aim was to gain comprehensive knowledge on integrating electrical engineering design concepts in any architect and civil project works. He also covered on different types of electrical design and drawing and layout of fixtures.

The students felt such lectures should be organized every year.


The IEEE R10 Bhutan Subsection organized a webcast on 10th October, 2020. The theme of the webcast was - “Challenges in Teaching and Learning in Engineering College (CST) during COVID-19”.

The main aim for conducting the webcast was to share the various challenges faced in teaching learning activities by the faculties of the College being one of the engineering college In Bhutan. The session had three Presenters: Dr. Cheki Dorji, Mr. Tsheten Dorji and Ms. Karma Kelzang Eudon. The presentations on the given theme was followed by a panel discussion and experience sharing by some of the participants from the audience as well as the presenters.

The audience participating in the event was a mixture of both staff and students of the college.

The IEEE R10 Bhutan Subsection has similar plans to organize such events in future.



Sealed bids are invited from the eligible suppliers holding valid Trade License, issued by the MTI for the supply of the following items to the College of Science and Technology (Rinchending), Phuentsholing: Bhutan.

The bidder may participate in the supply of following packages through the website w.e.f. from 1st October 2020.


        PKG-01: Supply of Lab Equipment

        PKG-02: Supply of Library Books

        PKG-03: Supply of Office Equipment

        PKG-04: Supply of Furniture and Misc.


The bidders are encouraged to visit the EGP website regularly for any additional information or changes made in connection with this bidding process.

Corrigendum II

The college of Science and Technology would like to inform the prospective bidders that the bid submission deadline and opening date for the tender “Construction of Convention Hall at College of Science and Technology, Rinchending”, tender ID 5612, scheduled for 10th September 2020 shall stand null and void in the view of the imposition of national lockdown w.e.f 11th August 2020.

Therefore, the new deadline for the submission and opening of the bid is on 24th September 2020

The College of Science and Technology would like to inform the following group of students to report to the College as per the following dates:
Sl. # Programme/Group Reporting Date Remarks
1 All First Year new students 26 & 27th September Click Here for details
2 All first year REPEATERS 27th September Click Here for details
3 Second Year Civil Engg Students 27th September Click Here for details
4 Second Year Civil Engg Repeaters Students 27th September Click Here for details
5 Third Year B.Arch Students 27th September Click Here for details
The details on the registration schedule and fee structure (for first year students) are reflected in the attachment under remarks:
Please contact Mr Bharat K Humagai, Dean, Student Affairs at 17161040 for any further queries.

College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the selection result (online) for the post of Assistant Lecturer for the Architecture and ECE Department (Contract).

Result of Selection Interview for Assistant Lecturer for Architecture Department held on 29/8/2020 (Online)
Sl.# ID No Contact # Remark
1 10102000724 17308804 Selected
2 10703000474 17947443 Selected
3 11501003089 17471748/ 77353451 Selected
4 11803000841 17599165 Standby


Result of Selection Interview for Assistant Lecturer for ECE Department held on 31/8/2020(Online)
Sl.# ID No Contact # Remark
1 11805003915 17363767 Selected
2 11515002010 17876436 Selected
3 10903000930 17480189 Standby

The selected candidates are advised to submit the joining letter online to the College on 1st September 2020 during office hours and requested to contact the respective Program Leaders. 


The college notified earlier that the shortlisting of candidates who applied for the post of lecturer (contract) will be done only after the opening of the lockdown. However, based upon the decisions from the Deans and PLs meeting (online), the urgency was found for the recruitment of the contract lecturers for online teaching. 
The college has shortlisted the following candidates and the interviews will be conducted online. The shortlisted candidates will require to have a laptop with a webcam as well as good internet connectivity for the interview. There will be no written test.

Shortlisted for Asst.Lecturer -Architecture


Sl. No.

Name of Candidates

Citizenship     ID No

For Interview

Cell. No.

Online Interview Date & Time



Neelam Mongar




Date: 29th Saturday 2020.

Time: 9am - 9:30 am



Sonam Choden




Date: 29th Saturday 2020.

Time: 9:35am - 10:05 am



Tshering Penjor




Date: 29th Saturday 2020.

Time: 10:10am - 10:40 am



Sonam Dorji



17471748/ 77353451

Date: 29th Saturday 2020.

Time: 10:50am - 11:20 am



Anjulie Das




Date: 29th Saturday 2020.

Time: 11:25am - 11:55 am



Jigme Wangmo



17346474/ 77485914

Date: 29th Saturday 2020.

Time: 12:00 - 12:30 pm



Shortlisted for Asst. Lecturer -ECED


Sl. No.

Name of Candidates

Citizenship     ID No

For Interview

Cell. No.

Online Interview Date & Time



Duk Bahadur Powdyel



77321390/ 17991632

Date: 31st Monday 2020.

Time: 9am - 9:30 am



Pema Choden




Date: 31st Monday 2020.

Time: 9:35am - 10:05 am



Norbu Wangdi



17583436/ 77428611

Date: 31st Monday 2020.

Time: 10:10am - 10:40 am



Tshewang Dendup




Date: 31st Monday 2020.

Time: 10:50am - 11:20 am



Tshechi Wangmo




Date: 31st Monday 2020.

Time: 11:25am - 11:55 am



Thinley Yoezer




Date: 31st Monday 2020.

Time: 12:00 - 12:30 pm



Basudev Subedi




Date: 31st Monday 2020.

Time: 12:35pm - 01:05 pm



Tshering Nidup




Date: 31st Monday 2020.

Time: 02:00pm - 02:30 pm



Kinley Dorji




Date: 31st Monday 2020.

Time: 02:35pm - 03:05 pm



Sonam Tobgay




Date: 31st Monday 2020.

Time: 03:10pm - 03:40 pm

If you have any further queries please contact the Administrative Officer at +975 17 16 05 38 during office hours.

The 3-day Annual Student Research Meet which is scheduled from 24th to 25th August 2020 kicked off today with the program introduced by the organizer and opening remarks by the president. The main objectives of organizing such an event are to provide a platform for the students to share their research work and to build a healthy student research eco-system and to engage the students meaningfully during this nationwide pandemic lockdown.

The research work presented in the SRM is the best ones selected from the various programmes in the college competing for the best student research work award of the college. All the research papers presented in the SRM will be published in the college Technical Journal – Zorig Melong 2020.


Today, on the first day of the SRM, 4 different research groups from 4 different programmes - Civil, Electrical, Electronics and communication and IT presented their research work in front of the panel members and the participants online. The participation is kept open to all the students and staff of the college. The following topics were presented today by the 4 groups;

  1. Biochemical Methane Potential Assessment and Enhancement of grass by anaerobic digestion
  2. Automated Greenhouse Using IoT
  3. Design and Estimation of Electrical Distribution Planning for Pekarzhing area
  4. The electronic voting system for the visually impaired person

The college would like to inform the candidates who applied for the post of contract lecturer announced on Kuensel and college website dated 22nd July 2020 that the shortlisting will be done and the results declared only after the opening of the lockdown. The shortlisted applicants will be intimated through phone calls and the college website.  All are requested to visit the college website for the details when the lockdown opens.

The College of Science and Technology would like to inform all the students selected for 2020 cohort that the reporting dates scheduled on 18 and 19 August 2020 have been postponed till further notice due to nation wide lockdown.

The College will announce the new reporting dates on the College website and Facebook page as per the governments directives.
For any query ,please contact Dean Student Affairs at 17161040.

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the following vacancies on a contract basis as follows:

Sl. #


 Position Title

No. of Slots

Qualification Requirement

Position Level

Contract Duration

Position Profile



Assistant Lecturer/Associate Lecturer


B.Arch/ M.Arch/ M.Plan/ MUD/ (Architecture, Urban Design, Urban Planning and Housing)


Position Level 6/5


One semester and extendable on conditions


Click Here


Electronics & Communication

Assistant Lecturer


The minimum qualification required is a Bachelor's in Electronics and Communication Engineering.

 Position Level 6

One semester and extendable on conditions

Click Here

Interested candidates meeting the criteria may apply to the college on or before 18th August 2020.


  1. Should be a Bhutanese National
  2. Must have attained 18 years of age, and not more than 50 years of age.
  3. Documents required
    • Employment Application Form (RUB)
    • All Academic Transcript and mark sheets (Class X, XII, Degree/Master)
    • CV
    • Copy of citizenship ID Card
    • Security Clearance Certificate
    • Medical Fitness Certificate
    • Work Experience Certificate if any
    • Audit Clearance Certificate (If presently employed)
    • No Objection Certificate (from your employer if presently working)
    • Full Present Address and Tele/Mobile No. and email address if possible

Shortlisted candidates will be announced on the College website and intimated for the interview through call.

For further details contact Admin/HR Officer at 17160538/17977363 during office hours.



The details for fee structure for old students for Autumn Semester, 2020 can be downloaded from the link below:


This is to inform all the students selected for 2020 admission to the College of Science and Technology that they are required to report to the College on 18 and 19 August 2020 for registration and induction programme.

CLICK HERE to download the details on the tentative schedule for registration, fee structures, and orientation programmes.

The College of Science and Technology would like to request the first-year architecture students joining the college to kindly go through the list of items they are required to bring when joining the college.

CLICK HERE to download the list.

On 7th July, 2020, the CST staff and final year students participated in Zero dengue mosquito cleaning campaign within the college premises led by Dean of student Affair. The cleaners distorted all mosquitoes breeding sites by cleaning stagnant pools, gutters and logged areas using safety gears.These places were further disinfected using dimline issued by the infirmary. The perilous objects such as scrap tyres, bottles, flower pots and empty cans were disposed properly in the garbage.




Sub: Change in the format of Bill of Quantity

Construction of Convention Hall

Date: 25th June 2020

This is to inform all bidders that the format of the Bill of Quantity for construction of Convention Hall at CST is changed. All bidders are requested to kindly take note of this and use the current format in their bids accordingly. The new format can be downloaded from the link below:

Sl. No.  Name of Work Class  Last Date of
Opening Date

Construction  of
Convention Hall

(Click Here to Download)

(2:00 PM)
(2:30 PM)
Twenty Four
(24) months

In view of this addendum, the submission date for the bid is extended by 7 days. The new submission date for the bid is 2:00 pm, 6th July 2020 at the same venue as reflected in the original bid.

The Royal University of Bhutan is pleased to announce the following vacancies for July (Autumn Semester) 2020 round of recruitment:


Sl. No.

Place of Posting


Position Title

No. of Slots

Qualification Requirement

Position Level

Position Profile


College of Science & Technology, Rinchending


Associate Lecturer /Assistant Lecturer


ME/MTech./M.Sc. in Geology or BE/BTech in Geology/Civil Engineering or Engineering Geology

Position Level 5 or 6

Click Here



Associate Lecturer


ME/MTech in Power System/Power and Energy Systems/Renewable Energy with BE/BTech in Electrical/Electrical and Electronics/Power Engineering

Position Level 5

Click Here



Associate Lecturer /Assistant Lecturer


Master of Architecture or Bachelor of Architecture

Position Level 5 or 6

Click Here


Finance & Management

Assistant Lecturer


MBA Finance or Bachelor of Business Administration (Major in Finance)

Position Level 5 or 6

Click Here

Eligible candidates may apply to the Human Resource Division, Office of the Vice-Chancellor, Royal University of Bhutan, Motithang latest by 24 June 2020 along with ALL the documents. For detailed information, kindly visit the following link 



Sealed bids are invited from the eligible suppliers holding valid Trade License, issued by the MTI for the supply of following items to the College of Science and Technology (Rinchending), Phuntsholing : Bhutan. The following tender packages are on sales:-


The Tender documents will be available on CST website from 8th June to 8th July 2020. The submission of bids is at 1.30 PM on 8th July 2020 and will be publicly opened on the same day at 2.00 PM.


Details of the Tender packages can be viewed on CST Website:


College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the list of selected students during the 2nd round of selection under self-finance funding.



The list can be downloaded from the following link as well.



Sealed  item  rates  are  invited  from  the  eligible  Contractors  registered  with  the  Construction Development Board (CDB) and holding Valid Trade and CDB License for the following work:

Sl. No.  Name of Work Class  Last Date of
Opening Date

Construction  of
Convention Hall

(Click Here to Download)

(2:00 PM)
(2:30 PM)
Twenty Four
(24) months

Earnest Money must be in the form of Demand Draft/ Bank Guarantee/ Cash warrant and in favor of the President, CST, Post Box:450, Rinchending, Phuentsholing: Bhutan.

The tender shall be opened in the Enterprise Hall, on the above-mentioned date and time in the presence of the bidders’ representatives who choose to attend.

For further information, please contact at 17760620 / 17325981 during office hours.

College of Science and Technology, Rinchending is pleased to announce the list of students selected for the 2020 Cohort under self-finance funding.

  1. Bachelor of Architecture - Click Here to view
  2. Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering - Click Here to view
  3. Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering - Click Here to view
  4. Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology - Click Here to view


Sealed bids are invited from the eligible suppliers holding valid Trade License and dealership certificate/manufacturer's authorization to supply of following items to the College of Science and Technology (Rinchending), Phuntsholing: Bhutan. The following tender packages are on sales:

1.PKG-02 Supply and Installation of IT Equipment and Accessories

The submission of bids is at 9:30 AM on 15th April 2020 and will be publicly opened on the same day at 11:00 AM.

Please note the following:

" Distributor Dealership must accompany Manufacturer Authorization Letter" 

"Also the Custom Clearance Form/certificate on those items on supply will have to be produced along with the items supplied" 
In case of any queries, kindly contact the Procurement Manager at 1716 0538 during office hours. 

Uppsala University hereby announces a new call for applications for staff and teacher exchanges within Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM). Our partner universities do not have to nominate researchers/staff; we encourage our partners to spread the Call as widely as possible.

The application period is March 15 – April 15, 2020.

Please follow the instructions at

There you´ll find more information as well as an application link and an application form.


Applications with invitation letters, and applicants who have never participated in the Erasmus programme before, will be prioritized in the selection.

For more information about the Erasmus+ ICM, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Due to less no. of the applicant, the submission date is extended to 9th March 2020 (12:00 pm) without any criteria.

Interested students from 2nd and 3rd year are asked to submit an application for student exchange at UPV, Valencia, Spain, under Erasmus KA107 project between CST and UPV. Application address to President along with the motivational letter and other supporting documents (obtained at CST only) should be submitted to Roshan Chhetri, Coordinator by 9th March 2020.

For details contact Roshan Chhetri, 17605713.


Happiness and Well-being Center for College of Science and Technology was inaugurated by the college president along with the DSA, HoD(s) and student leaders.

College of Science and Technology’s Happiness and Well-being Center will be a safe place for the students to seek refuge, to provide opportunities for the interested students to build skills, enhance insight, and grow resilience, which will all go a long way in preparing them for life, and their roles as a future responsible citizen.

The happiness and well-being center at CST campus will serve as the hub for counseling; well-being education, training, innovation, and research. It will be connected through the digital platform with the other RUB colleges for the proper functioning of the Center. The center will also cater services related to happiness, well-being, and counseling to CST staff, local community, government agencies, and NGOs. Some of the services that the center will cater are mindfulness, one-to-one counseling, group counseling, programmer on insight, innovation, and skill enhancement. The center will also initiate tailor-made group courses on need-based themes such as ‘Being Bhutanese’ ‘Leadership of Self’, Working with life challenges and other Technical.


The 1st year master Students (MERE) are asked to submit an application for student exchange at "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Romania under the Erasmus KA107 project between CST and the University of Iasi. you may submit your application address to President( CST) along with the following documents to Mr. Cheku Dorji, Coordinator of this Project by 30th March 2020.

List of documents required:

  1. Motivational Letter
  2. CV
  3. Acceptance letter from the University of Iasi ( with whom you are going to work or study with)

For details contact Cheku Dorji, Lecturer at 17862007.

As the spring semester begins, the College of Science and Technology observed its first cleaning campaign of the year 2020. All the students and staff joined together to clean the campus.

The event is organized annually on the campus for promoting a healthy environment. 


Interested students from 2nd and 3rd year are asked to submit application for student exchange at UPV, Valencia, Spain, under Erasmus KA107 project between CST and UPV. Application address to President along with motivational letter and other supporting documents (obtained at CST only) should be submitted to Roshan Chhetri, Coordinator by 6th March 2020.

Applicant should have:

  1. Clear pass in all semester at first attempt
  2. Find out and mention the modules you are going to learn at UPV

For details contact Roshan Chhetri at 17605713.

College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the selection result (VIVA) for the post of Assistant Lecturer for the IT Department (Contract) held on 18th February 2020.

Sl. No.

Citizenship ID No.







Not Selected





Stand by






To join the College with effect from 1st March 2020



The selected candidate is advised to join the College from 1st March 2020.

If the selected candidate fails to confirm within 10 days from the date of declaration of the selection interview result, the next candidates on standby will be considered.

Sealed item rates are invited from the eligible Contractors registered with the Construction Development Board (CDB) and holding Valid Trade and CDB License for the following work: 

Sl. #

Name of Work


Last Date of Submission

Tender Opening Date



Construction  of Prefabricated Water Tank

(Click Here to Download)

“Small” (W1)


(2:00 PM)


(2:30 PM)

Two(2) months


Earnest Money must be in the form of Demand Draft/ Bank Guarantee / Cash Warrant in favor of the President, CST, Post Box: 450, Rinchending, Phuentsholing: Bhutan

The tender shall be opened in the Enterprise Hall, on the above-mentioned date and time in the presence of the bidders’ representatives who choose to attend.

For further information, please contact the Construction Manager at 1778 5193 / 17161226 during office hours.

Based on the written test for recruitment of Assistant Lecturer for IT Department of the College on 11th February 2020, the College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce that the following candidates are shortlisted for VIVA Interview.

  ID No

Phone Number







 The candidates are advised to report to the College as mentioned under. 

  1. Venue – Integrity Hall – Administration Building
  2. Time – 1.00PM
  3. Date – 18/02/2020

The candidates are also advised to bring all the original documents during interview.

Further to Request to notice inviting tender for PKG-02 Supply and Installation of IT Equipment and Accessories to College of Science and Technology, Rinchending, Phuenstholing published on   on the official college website, and Bidders are advised of the changes to the Tender Documents. 


A. PKG-02 Supply and Installation of IT Equipment and Accessories

1. Network Switch (Item No. 3) - Specification has been updated

2. Projector (Item No. 9) - Specification has been updated

Please note the following:

" Distributor Dealership must accompany Manufacturer Authorization Letter" 

"Also the Custom Clearance Form/certificate on those items on supply will have to be produced along with the items supplied" 


The updated tender document can be downloaded from this link:

1. PKG-02 Supply and Installation of IT Equipment and Accessories (Click Here to Download)

All other terms and conditions remain unchanged.

The submission of bids is at 9:30 AM on 7th March 2020 and will be publicly opened on the same day at 11:00 AM.

Staff related to Electrical Engineering Program and Civil and Architecture Programme are asked to
submit application for staff exchange at UPV, Valencia, Spain, under Erasmus KA107 project between
CST and UPV. Application address to President along with acceptance documents (by faculty from UPV)
should be submitted to Roshan Chhetri, Coordinator by 2 nd March 2020.
Applicant should have:
1. Minimum master qualification
2. Minimum 3 years at CST
3. Not availed any staff exchange in the past 5 years
4. Not travelled outside (other than India) for more than 1 week in last 2 years

For training, technician from EED can apply. Selection will be based on experience and training availed in
the past.

For details contact Roshan Chhetri, 17605713.

Sealed bids are invited from the eligible suppliers holding valid Trade License and dealership certificate/manufacturer's authorization to supply of following items to the College of Science and Technology (Rinchending), Phuntsholing : Bhutan. The following tender packages are on sales:

1.PKG-01 Supply and Installation of Office Furniture for TIC

2.PKG-02 Supply and Installation of IT Equipment and Accessories

The submission of bids is at 9:30 AM on 7th March 2020 and will be publicly opened on the same day at 11:00 AM.

As per vacancy announcement made via Kuensel on 26th December 2019, the College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce that the following candidates are shortlisted for Written Test for Assistant/Associate Lecturer for IT Department on contract basis of One year

Sl. No.

ID No,

Phone Number













The Written Test will be conducted on 11th February 2020 at 9.30 am.

The above mentioned candidates are advised to report to the College of Science and Technology (Academic Building) on the said date and time.


The College of Science and Technology has the following training schedules for the financial year 2019-2020.


Click Here to download the full calendar.

Uppsala University hereby announces a new call for applications for staff and teacher exchanges within Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM).

The application period is January 1 – January 31, 2020.

Please follow the instructions at

Applications with invitation letters from UU will be prioritized in the selection.


For students nomination, please click here to download the criteria.

The College of Science and Technology is offering 20 seats each in BE Civil and Electrical Engineering, 5 seats each in BE Electronics & Communication Engineering and Information Technology for 2020-2021 academic sessions to In-Service candidates with Diploma in Civil, Electrical, Electronics & Communication, and Information Technology respectively. The duration of the programme is 3 years full time. The tuition fee will be charged based on RUB directives. Accommodation will be provided as per College policy. Interested candidates from government/corporate/private sector should send their application to the College along with a letter of recommendation from the employer. Selection will be based on the entrance examination.

Entrance Examination will be of three hours duration and will comprise of:
1. Civil Engineering:
- Mathematics, Engineering Science (Physics and Chemistry), Strength of Materials and Fluid Mechanics
2. Electrical Engineering:
- Mathematics, Engineering Science (Physics and Chemistry), Electrical Engineering Circuits and Electronics.
3. Electronics and Communication Engineering:
- Mathematics, Engineering Science (Physics and Chemistry), Electronics & Circuit Devices and Communication
4. Information Technology:
- Mathematics, Engineering Science (Physics and Chemistry), Programming Fundamental, Databases and networking.

Applications will be received no later than 3rd February 2020 along with 2 passports sized photographs and non-refundable entrance examination fee of Nu.2000/- in the form of Demand Draft payable to President, College of Science and Technology, Phuentsholing, Bhutan.

Examination Details:

  1. Issuance of Examination Card: February 10, 2020 (9:00 am to 11:00 am)
  2. Date of examination: February 11, 2020 (9:00 am – 12:00 noon)
  3. Venue: College of Science and Technology, Phuentsholing
  4. Result Declaration: February 17, 2020

Registration of the selected candidates for the programme should be completed by March 17, 2020 (along with the payment of Nu 5000.00 as an advance tuition fee which is non-refundable if a candidate withdraws after registration).

Failure to register by March 17, 2020, the seat will be allocated to the other candidates.

Applications are invited from Bhutanese Nationals having B.Tech/B.E (CSE/IT)/Master qualification (IT/CS/MCA) as mentioned under:



Job Specification

Contract Duration

Area of specialization:


Assistant Lecturer/Associate Lecturer

One year

To be able to teach the following modules:

  C/Java Programming

  Human Computer Interaction

  Computer Communication


  Cloud Computing


Please CLICK HERE to view the position profile (Assistant Lecturer/Associate Lecturer)

Interested candidates meeting the criteria may apply to the College on or before 5th January 2020.


  1. Should be a Bhutanese National
  2. Must have attained 18 years of age, and not more than 45 years of age.
  3. Documents required
    • Employment Application Form (RUB)
    • Academic Transcript (Class-10,12, Degree, Master)
    • CV
    • Copy of citizenship ID Card
    • Security Clearance Certificate
    • Medical Fitness Certificate
    • Work Experience Certificate if any
    • Audit Clearance Certificate (If presently employed)
    • No Objection Certificate (from your employer if presently working)
    • Full Present Address and Tele/Mobile No. and email address if possible

 Shortlisted candidates will be announced on the College website and intimated for an interview through call.

For further details contact 17160460 during office hours

Sealed item rates are invited from the eligible Contractors registered with the Construction Development Board (CDB) and holding Valid Trade and CDB License for the following work:

Sl. #

Name of Work


Last Date of Submission

Tender Opening Date



Construction  of Students Hostel

“Large” (W3)


(2:00 PM)


(2:30 PM)

Twenty Four (24) months

Please CLICK HERE to download the Tender bidding documents.

For further information, please contact us at 1778 5193 / 17325981 during office hours.

Earnest Money must be in the form of Demand Draft in favor of the President, CST, Post Box: 450, Rinchending, Phuentsholing: Bhutan

The tender shall be opened in the Enterprise Hall, on the above-mentioned date and time in the presence of the bidders’ representatives who choose to attend.

Click the link below to download the Autumn Semester Result 2019 (AS2019).

  1. BE - Civil Engineering YEAR 1 SEMESTER 1 (Click Here)
  2. BE - Civil Engineering In-Service YEAR 1 SEMESTER 1 (Click Here)
  3. BE - Civil Engineering YEAR 2 SEMESTER 1 (Click Here)
  4. BE - Civil Engineering In-Service YEAR 2 SEMESTER 1 (Click Here)
  5. BE - Civil Engineering YEAR 3 SEMESTER 1 (Click Here)
  6. BE - Civil Engineering In-Service YEAR 3 SEMESTER 1 (Click Here)
  7. BE - Civil Engineering YEAR 4 SEMESTER 1 (Click Here)
  8. BE - Civil Engineering SPECIAL CASE (Click Here)
  9. BE - Electrical Engineering YEAR 1 SEMESTER 1 (Click Here)
  10. BE - Electrical Engineering In-Service YEAR 1 SEMESTER 1 (Click Here)
  11. BE - Electrical Engineering YEAR 2 SEMESTER 1 (Click Here)
  12. BE - Electrical Engineering In-Service YEAR 2 SEMESTER 1 (Click Here)
  13. BE - Electrical Engineering YEAR 3 SEMESTER 1 (Click Here)
  14. BE - Electrical Engineering In-Service YEAR 3 SEMESTER 1 (Click Here)
  15. BE - Electrical Engineering YEAR 4 SEMESTER 1 (Click Here)
  16. BE - Electrical Engineering SPECIAL CASE (Click Here)
  17. BE - Electronics and Communication Engineering YEAR 1 SEMESTER 1 (Click Here)
  18. BE - Electronics and Communication Engineering YEAR 2 SEMESTER 1 (Click Here)
  19. BE - Electronics and Communication Engineering In-Service YEAR 2 SEMESTER 1 (Click Here)
  20. BE - Electronics and Communication Engineering YEAR 3 SEMESTER 1 (Click Here)
  21. BE - Electronics and Communication Engineering YEAR 4 SEMESTER 1 (Click Here)
  22. BE - Electronics and Communication Engineering SPECIAL CASE (Click Here)
  23. BE - Information Technology YEAR 1 SEMESTER 1 (Click Here)
  24. BE - Information Technology In-Service YEAR 1 SEMESTER 1 (Click Here)
  25. BE - Information Technology YEAR 2 SEMESTER 1 (Click Here)
  26. BE - Information Technology YEAR 3 SEMESTER 1 (Click Here)
  27. BE - Information Technology YEAR 4 SEMESTER 1 (Click Here)
  28. B - Architecture YEAR 1 SEMESTER 1 (Click Here)
  29. B - Architecture YEAR 2 SEMESTER 1 (Click Here)
  30. B - Architecture YEAR 3 SEMESTER 1 (Click Here)
  31. B - Architecture YEAR 4 SEMESTER 1 (Click Here)
  32. B - Architecture YEAR 5 SEMESTER 1 (Click Here)
  33. BE - Engineering Geology YEAR 1 SEMESTER 1 (Click Here)
  34. BE - Instrumentation and Control Engineering YEAR 1 SEMESTER 1 (Click Here)


A 3-day satellite development training was conducted for the students from 3rd-5th December 2019 in the college. The participants had hands-on exercises using HEPTA Sat.  HEPTA Sat is a training kit developed by Professor Yamazaki from Nihon University, Japan for hands-on training on satellite development.


In keeping with His Majesty’s vision of promoting interest in space, science, and astronomy, Bhutan is participating in the NameExoWorlds project being carried out by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in celebration of 100 years of IAU. This global project offers an opportunity for each country, including Bhutan, to name an exoplanet and its host star. An exoplanet is a planet outside the solar system. Thousands of exoplanets have been discovered orbiting other stars over the past three decades. Bhutan has been assigned the sun-like star and exoplanet.

A National Committee for selecting the name of the exoplanet has been set up, and together with the Department of Information Technology & Telecom, Ministry of Information & Communications (DITT/MOIC) is organizing a national campaign on the NameExoWorlds project. We would like to extend an invitation to all Bhutanese nationals, especially students, to participate in naming one planetary system, comprising an exoplanet and its host star. 

The national campaign will be conducted in two phases:

● The first phase will be conducted from 16 to 20 November 2019 for the submission of names to the National Committee. As per IAU, the proposed names should be of things, people, or places of long-standing cultural, historical, or geographical significance, worthy of being assigned to a celestial object. You are encouraged to read the full official naming rules on the IAU's website (

● The second phase will be conducted from 21 to 24 November 2019 where ten names shortlisted by the National Committee from those submitted, will be put to public voting. The winning names will be announced by IAU in December 2019 and will be used as official names in parallel with the existing scientific nomenclature.




The general naming rules, as shared by IAU, are as follows:

● The IAU is seeking proposals for proper names of exoplanets and the stars they orbit through the IAU100 NameExoWorlds naming campaign. The proposed names should be of things, people, or places of long-standing cultural, historical, or geographical significance, worthy of being memorialized through naming of a celestial object.

Although not necessary, the names may be drawn from themes related to the sky and astronomy, or related in some way to the constellation that the exoplanetary system lies in. Two names should be proposed - one for the exoplanet and one for the star it orbits. The two names should follow a common naming theme. The naming theme describing how the names are related in some logical way should be summarized in a sentence or two, and be broad enough that additional names could be drawn from the literature to name additional objects in that exoplanetary system in the future (e.g. additional planets which might be discovered, additional stellar companions). Example: Rivers of country XYZ. Fictional lands in 19th-century stories from country XYZ, etc.


1. Proposed names (after translation) should be:
○ Between 4 and 16 characters in length in Latin alphabets (including spaces or punctuation);○ Preferably one word;
○ Pronounceable (in some language);
○ Non-offensive;
○ Not identical to, or too similar to an existing name of an astronomical object. Names already assigned to astronomical objects can be checked using these links:
    i. IAU names for asteroids in the Minor Planet Center (MPC) database;
    ii. Names of galactic and extragalactic objects in the Sesame name resolver;
    iii. IAU names for planets, dwarf planets, and satellites:;
    iv. IAU names for stars;
    v. IAU names for exoplanets
○ In addition, it is not allowed to propose:
    i. Names of a purely or principally commercial nature.
    ii. Names of individuals, places or events principally known for political, military or religious activities. Names of individuals that died less than a century ago (1919).
    iii. Names of living individuals

    iv. Names of organizations related to the selection.

    v. Names of pet animals.
    vi. Contrived names (i.e. new, invented).
    vii. Acronyms.
    viii. Names that include numbers or punctuation marks (diacritics are acceptable)

2. Only names that are not protected by trademarks or other forms of intellectual property claims may be proposed.
3. All the proposal names should come with a citation of not more than 100 words in English after translation.
4. It is understood that the selected public names, will not replace the scientific alphanumeric designations, but will be recognized by the IAU as the appropriate publicly used name for the object(s), and be published as such, along with due credit to the proposer that proposed it. This public name may then be used internationally along with, or instead of, the scientific designation, permanently and without restrictions.

B. Submission & Deadline

The proposals are to be submitted vide the google form linked below:

The last date for the submission of the proposal(s) is 20/11/2019.

Public Voting on the top ten (10) entries will be open from 21 till 24 November 2019

Sealed bids are invited from the eligible suppliers holding valid Trade License, issued by the MTI for the supply of following items to the College of Science and Technology (Rinchending), Phuntsholing : Bhutan. The following tender packages are on sales:

  1. PKG-02 Supply of Lab Equipment ( ECED) Retender
  2. PKG -07 Supply of Library Books.
  3. PKG -08 Supply of Estate Items.
  4. PKG-09 Supply of ICT and Others Items 
  5. PKG-10 Supply of Furniture.

The submission of bids is at 1.30 PM on 25th November 2019 and will be publicly opened on the same day at 2.00 PM.

In case of any queries, kindly contact the Procurement Manager at 1716 0538 during office hours. 

The Minutes of meeting for “The Project for Promotion of Technology Education and Diffusion through Digital Fabrication Laboratory (Fab-Lab)” was signed today between the Team Leader of Detailed Planning Survey Team JICA and the President of the College of Science and Technology, the Royal University of Bhutan at JICA Bhutan Office today. The detailed planning survey team was in the country this week, where they discussed the framework and contents of the Project with the concerned agencies of the Royal Government of Bhutan.

College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the selection result for the post of Assistant Administrative Officer, Laboratory Assistant and Gardener.

Sl. No.

Citizenship ID No,




 Assistant Administrative Officer





To join the College from 1st October 2019




Stand by


 Laboratory Assistant





To join the College from 1st October 2019




Stand by







To join the College from 16th September 2019




Stand by



The selected candidates are advised to join the College from the date mentioned against each.

If the selected candidate fails to confirm within 10 days from the date of declaration of the selection interview result, the next candidates on standby will be considered.


The College of Science and Technology successfully conducted training on Trnsys Software for Department of Renewable Energy (DRE) officials, Ministry of Economic Affairs (MoEA) from 2-6th September 2019.


As per the vacancy announcement made in media on 27th July 2019 for the post of Lab Technician, the College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce that the following candidates are shortlisted for VIVA Interview which will be held on 10/9/2019

Citizenship     ID No

Cell. No.



























The candidates are advised to report to the College as mentioned under.

  1. Venue – Integrity Hall – Administration Building
  2. Time – As mentioned against each
  3. Date – 10/9/2019

The candidate is also advised to bring all the original documents during interview.

The President and a faculty member from College of Science and Technology, RUB attended the 12-day long 10th CanSat Leader Training Program (CLTP-10) from 19th to 30th August 2019 at the College of Science and Technology, Nihon University, Chiba, Japan. The training was co-organized by Nihon University and UNISEC (University Space Engineering Consortium) Japan.

Before attending the training in Japan, the two participants had to undertake an online test and subsequent online lectures and quizzes for a month. During the training, participants learnt the basic subsystems of satellite viz. power supply, command and data handling, sensors, communication, structure and ground station as well as integration of subsystems to create a working satellite. Topics included space engineering methods and their implementation. Space engineering methods were learnt and practiced during the training by teaching 20 Japanese professionals from various backgrounds.

The CanSat Leader Training Program was initiated in 2010 to provide training for researchers and educators as capacity development in space technology. UNISEC and UNISEC member universities jointly organized the CLTP trainings. In the CLTP, participants are taught the entire life cycle of satellite development apart from the lectures on space engineering and nano-satellite development. Participants are expected to learn satellite development education methods through hands-on exercises using CanSat up until CLTP-7 and from CLTP-8, HEPTA Sat was used as the training kit.  HEPTA Sat is a training kit developed by Professor Yamazaki from Nihon University, Japan for hands-on training on satellite development.

As a part of the outcome of this training, workshops on space engineering and satellite development for students, faculties and other stakeholders will be conducted at CST. These activities are all a direct result of the Royal vision of His Majesty the King to harness space resources and technologies for the benefit of our country, and to use space related activities to create a greater sense of interest and passion in our youth for Science, Technology and Innovation."



Based on the written test for recruitment of Assistant Administrative Officer on 26th August 2019, the

College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce that the following candidates are shortlisted for

 VIVA VOCE Interview which will be held on 9/9/2019

  ID No

Phone Number




















The candidates are advised to report to the College as mentioned under.


  1. Venue – Integrity Hall – Administration Building
  2. Time –  as mentioned against each.
  3. Date – 9/9/2019


The candidates are also advised to bring all the original documents during the interview.

As the nation observes zero waste hour on every second day of the month, CST joins in making the surrounding clean & waste-free.

Students along with many staff joined the event, where papers, plastics, and other waste were properly collected, stagnant water drained out, swampy and lush green weeds were cleared: making our campus a zero waste area.

The event was initiated by the college administration to observe Zero waste hour.


College of Science and Technology emerged as the champion of the Chhukha Open Tournament beating the team from Gaeddu College of Business Studies 2-0 in the final. The month-long tournament came to a close on September 1, 2019.

The tourney champion will be given an opportunity to take part in the upcoming National League representing Chhukha Dzongkhag.


The college of Science and Technology successfully conducted a refresher course (module II) for Large, Medium and Small Contractors from 26-28th Aug 2019.


Large and Medium Contractors


Small Contractors


College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce that the following candidates are shortlisted for Written Test for Assistant Administrative Officer.


Sl. #

Citizenship ID #

Phone Number






























































The Written Test will be conducted on 26th August 2019  on the following papers.

  1.  Dzongkha
  2. English
  3. Management
  4. Procurement


Venue  - Enterprise Hall (Administrative Building)

Time – 9.30 am (reporting)

 The above-mentioned candidates are advised to report to the College of Science and Technology on the said date and time.

The Bhutanese IT students are among the most attentive we ever have met. This is my conclusion, as well as the conclusion of my colleague Kristina von Hausswolff, after having been teaching students at the Bachelor of Engineering programme in Information Technology at the College of Science and Technology (CST) at Royal University of Bhutan (RUB) for approximately two weeks in April 2019. The college is situated in Phuentsholing, in the south-west, about 5 km from the Indian border. We were there as a part of an EU sponsored (Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility, ICM) programme between the IT department of CST and our home department, Uppsala Computing Education Research Group (UpCERG), Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University.

Our teaching concerned research methodology within IT and computer science, as well as IT ethics and professional ethics. Kristina and I had a great time and immediately felt like a part of the CST family. We also believe, right or wrong, that the students enjoyed our teaching. Working with the Bhutanese students is very similar to teaching our Uppsala students (who are, in fact, a blend of students from all over the world), at the same time, a completely different experience. The Bhutanese students are certainly shy, but are very attentive and were listening to the very end of our lectures. We had been told that they probably would be too shy to discuss. During the first lectures, this was true. But already during the third lecture, we had discussions on different ethical systems, where contributions from the students formed the basis for what was said in the classroom. But in general, the Uppsala students are more used to discussing and are more out-going. The classroom was also very calm: No computers, no telephones, very little small talk between the students.

This, of course, contributed to a good learning environment for lectures like ours. In other situations, I would say that this could be a disadvantage, as it could encourage the students to become more passive listeners.
As the basis for our teaching was IT/computer science, much of what we talked about in the classroom demanded a good understanding of these topics. Here, it was clear that they were good students; and that they had learnt the computer science that was expected at their level.

Socially we also had a great time in the CST family. We explored some of the good restaurants of Phuentsholing, were taken on guided tours in the local area, both by the students and by our colleagues, and were invited to one of the students yearly entertainment activities, a dance show, called “Bes of CST”. There are great talents among the students. While Kristina had to return to Sweden earlier than me, I also went to Sherubtse College, a college under RUB outside Trashigang in eastern Bhutan. This visit was also very productive and the students were equally inspiring to meet.

The exchange is a part of a wider exchange programme between CST and IT at UU, aiming for mutual learning. One more colleague from Uppsala, Ulrika Jaresund, will visit CST next spring, while two enthusiastic lecturers from CST, Karma Wangchuk and Yeshi Wangchuk, spent a week with us in Uppsala in May, and two more, Tsheten Dorji and Tandin Wangchuk, will come this autumn. Student exchange is also a part of the collaboration. Four CST students, Kinga Seldon, Tshering Yangchen, Tshering Gyeltshen and Tshering Penjor, will go to UU and one UU student, Jonathan Lindroth, is going to CST during the coming semesters. We have applied for EU funding to extend the collaboration, but the outcome of our application is still not ready. Given this success, we are planning to apply for future joint development and research projects of the kind where the different competencies of the two institutions contribute to the whole. 

We are certainly happy and feel enriched by our teaching period, during which we learned a lot. We also believe that the students enjoyed our guest teaching. However, this is hard to say for us, as the students always show polite and friendly faces. Both Kristina and I are planning to go back to Bhutan and particularly to CST, as we hope and believe
that this collaboration will intensify.

This article was initially published in Swedish in a similar version in Druk Yul, the magazine of the Swedish-Bhutan Society,


Anders Berglund
Uppsala University
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the selection result for the post of Assistant Lecturer for Architecture.


Sl. #

Citizenship ID No:






Selected for 5 months contract




Selected for 2 years contract


The selected candidates are hereby advised to join the College with effect from 5th August 2019. Inform the College Administration if encase you are not able to join the College.

Based on the written test for recruitment of Assistant Lecturer in Architecture (fixed term) on 1/8/2019, the College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce that the following candidates are shortlisted for
VIVA Interview.

  Sl. # Citizenship ID Card No.
  1 11705000905
  2 10714000295

The candidates are advised to report to the College as mentioned under.

  1. Venue – Integrity Hall – Administration Building
  2. Time – 9 AM
  3. Date – 2nd August 2019

The candidate is also advised to bring all the original documents during the interview.

July 27th, 2019, was a busy day for the CST family. All the staff, supporting faculties and students, gathered and observed a thorough cleaning campaign of the college campus.

The event was observed every semester, and it plays a significant role in making the college campus clean and pristine. Stagnant water was being drained out, hedges and bushes cleared, waste accumulated and all the surroundings were been properly cleaned.

The event was a major intervention at a critical moment of high dengue cases projection.

College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce that the following candidates are shortlisted for Written Test for Assistant Lecturer for Architecture (Fixed Term).

1. Citizenship Card No. - 11705000905
2. –do- - 10714000295

The Written Test will be conducted on 1 st August 2019 at 9.00 am. The above-mentioned candidates are advised to report to the College of Science and Technology (Academic Building) on the said date and time.

Under the Eyantra initiative and as a follow up of the Eyantra training on introduction to Robotics, the workshop on Innovation for Disaster Management is underway from 24th July - 26th July with participants from Sherubtse College and Faculty and Students from CST. In the first stage in Bhutan, four faculty members each from the College of Science and Technology, The Royal Academy, Jigme Namgyel Engineering College, and Sherubtse college were trained in "Introduction to Robotics using Firebird Kit". After which a task-based training will help set up a robotics lab in the colleges.

The workshop is led by the President Dr. Cheki Dorji and resourced by Prof.Kavi Arya (Professor IIT Bombay) Prof V. Menon (Disaster Management Expert), Sumit Sen (Geospatial Infrastructure Expert), Kiran Despandey (Co-founder Mojo Networks), Mr. Thinley Norbu, Chief of Disaster Risk Reduction and Prevention, Department of Disaster Management, Royal Government of Bhutan where the participants use Design thinking to find a solution to Disasters in Bhutan.

Under the eYantra initiative Prof. Kavi Arya of CSE Department, IIT Bombay has established 350 eYantra Labs in Engineering colleges in India. More than 700 faculty members have been trained at IIT Bombay and over 100,000 students exposed to the design thinking using Artificial Intelligence, Robotics. 


Applications are invited from Bhutanese nationals for the following post in the College of Science & Technology, Rinchending, Phuentsholing as detailed below.

Sl. No.


No. of Slot

Position Level



Assistant Administrative Officer



Bachelors (General)


Laboratory Technician



Class 12 with diploma ECE (2 years or








Please CLICK HERE to view the position profile (Assistant Administrative Officer)

Please CLICK HERE to view the position profile (Laboratory Technician)

  1. Criteria :
  • Should be a Bhutanese National
  • Must have attained 18 years of age, and not more than 45 years of age.

   2. Documents required

  • Employment Application Form (RUB) (Click Here to Download)
  • CV
  • Copy of citizenship ID Card
  • All-Academic Transcripts and mark sheets (60% in Class X, XII, and Degree) - Assistant Administrative Officer
  • All-Academic Transcripts and mark sheets (50% in Class X, XII, and 60% in Diploma) - Laboratory Technician
  • Security Clearance Certificate
  • Medical Fitness Certificate
  • Work Experience Certificate if any
  • Audit Clearance Certificate (If presently employed)
  • No Objection Certificate ( from your employer if presently working)
  • Full Present Address and Tele/Mobile No. and email address if possible


Shortlisted candidates will be announced on the College website and intimated for an interview through call.

Interested candidates meeting the criteria may apply to the College on or before 9th August 2019.



Applications are invited from International/National having B.Arch/ M.Arch/ M.Plan/ MUD/Ph.D. (Architecture, Urban Design, Urban Planning, and Housing) for the post of Associate Lecturer or Lecturer on a contract basis as follows.


Sl.No  Job Specification Contract Duration
1 Lecturer/Associate Lecturer   2 years and extendable on conditions
2 Lecturer/Associate Lecturer   One semester/5 month and extendable on conditions


Interested candidates meeting the criteria may apply to the College on or before 26th July 2019.



  1. Should be a Bhutanese National
  2. Must have attained 18 years of age, and not more than 45 years of age.
  3. Documents required
     Employment Application Form (RUB) - Click Here to Download
     CV
     Copy of citizenship ID Card
     Security Clearance Certificate
     Medical Fitness Certificate
     Work Experience Certificate if any
     Audit Clearance Certificate (If presently employed)
     No Objection Certificate (from your employer if presently working)
     Full Present Address and Tele/Mobile No. and email address if possible

For more details on the position profile, Please Click Here to Download.

Shortlisted candidates will be announced on the College website and intimated for an interview through call.

For further details contact to 17160460, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Based on the written test for recruitment of Assistant Lecturer in Chemistry (fixed term) on 15/7/2019, the College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce that the following candidate is shortlisted for VIVA Interview.

Citizenship ID Card No. – 10811002246

The candidate is advised to report to the College as mentioned under.

1. Venue – Integrity Hall – Administration Building

2. Time – 9.000 3.

Date – 19/7/2019

The candidateis also advised to bring all the original documents during interview

College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce that the following candidates are shortlisted for Assistant Lecturer in Chemistry (Fixed Term).

Sl. # Citizenship ID Card No.
1 10811002246
2 11312000191
3 11516001733
4 12001002156
5 10205007312
6 10906001575
7 11806000840


The written test will be conducted on 15th July 2019 at CST campus from 11 AM - 12:30 PM

Sealed bids are invited from the eligible suppliers holding valid Trade License, issued by the MTI for the supply of following items to the College of Science and Technology (Rinchending), Phuntsholing : Bhutan. The following tender packages are on sales:-

The submission of bids is at 1.30 PM on 10th July 2019 and will be publicly opened on the same day at 2.00 PM.

College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the final list of candidates selected for self financed program.

Click here to view the list.

  1. B.E. in Civil Engineering – Self Financed
  2. B.E. in Electrical Engineering – Self Financed
  3. B.E. in Electronics and Communication Engineering – Self Financed
  4. B Archictecture – Self Financed

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the result for the Library Assistant vacancy. The result is as follows:.


Rank Average Remarks
11515003891 1 72.64


For further details please contact Administartion section at 17160538 during office hours.

CST invites limited tender for printing work. The quotation should reach the office of Adm. Officer on or before 1st of May 2017 at 10 AM and shall be opened on the same day at 10:30 AM.

Click here for more details

This is to inform all the students selected for 2017 admission to College of Science and Technology that the reporting date to the college is 10th July 2017 at 9:00 A.M. for all the programmes, for registration and induction programme.

The fee details for self-financed students are given below:

Tuition (Nu.) Hostel & Mess Tuition            (Nu.) CDF Tuition (Nu.)  Caution Money Tuition (Nu.) Security Deposit (Refundable) Tuition         (Nu.) Total (Nu.)
43180 7500 500 50 1000 52230

All the self-financed students are asked to bring their tuition fees in DEMAND DRAFT during the registration. Kindly address the demand draft to “College of Science and technology”.

All the students are requested to bring the following documents for registration:

  1. Citizenship Identity Card (Photocopy):                                      
  2. Class X (BCSE) Mark Sheet (Original) or Equivalent
  3. Class XII (BCSE) Mark Sheet (Original) or Equivalent 
  4. School Leaving Certificate (Original):                                         
  5. Character Certificate (Original):                                                   
  6. Two Passport Size Photographs:  
  7. Undertaking Form (Completed (Click to Download))

All the students are required to bring the following things for personal use:

  1. Rachu/Kabney
  2. Mattress, pillow, blanket, curtain, bucket and plate.
  3. Sickle

Please contact the Dean, Student Affairs at 17118548 for any further query.

7th Green Technology Challenge on Design and Fabrication of Low-Cost Standby Power Generation System.

College of Science and Technology (CST) in collaboration with Tarayana Foundation (TF) has successfully implemented the project on low-cost standby
power generation system on 2nd June 2019.

This is the 7th year of collaboration between CST and TF. The past projects include:
1. Low-Cost Solar Dryer (the Year 2013)
2. Low-Cost Water Filter (the Year 2014)
3. Low-Cost Insulation Material (the Year 2015)
4. Low-Cost Solar Fencing (the Year 2016)
5. Low-Cost Solar Thermal Heating (the Year 2017)
6. Low-Cost Drip Irrigation (the Year 2018)

As in the past, the preference is given to prototype fabricated using locally available materials and low cost, so that it is affordable to rural communities.

For low-income people, it is important to find appropriate solutions taking into consideration the local economy of the people and local entrepreneurs, as well as the available skills, tools, materials and other resources to create affordable products for improved living conditions and livelihood. 

The purpose of this partnership is to work together to put forward a competition among the Engineering students in the CST to develop the models best suited to Bhutanese conditions. The selected models are replicated and distributed to rural communities for improving their livelihood and the dependence on fossil fuel.

This year, out of 27 proposals from student groups from various programs, only the best five were selected. In two months’ time, the selected groups had to optimize their design and fabricate it.

Two months of hard work finally ended today with groups presenting their design and demonstrating the working model to the jury members. The jury members included experts and engineers from Bhutan Power Corporation Limited, Druk Green Power Corporation Limited, Tarayana Foundation, and CST. Among the five participating groups best three were selected based on their originality, efficiency, affordability, marketability, and materials used. Certificates and cash prizes of Nu. 30,000/-, Nu. 20,000/-, and Nu. 10,000/- were awarded to winning team, 1st Runner-up team and 2nd Runner-up team.




Coordinator: Pravakar Pradhan and Purna B Samal.

The  Intercollegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) 2019 was the first ever Programming Contest conducted in the nation organized by RUB ACM Student Chapter on 18 May, 2019.
The participants were in teams, in members of three from the following colleges:
1. Gyelposhing College of IT (3 teams)
2. Jigme Namgyel Engineering College (1 team)
3. Royal Thimphu College (3 teams)
4. Sherubtse College (5 teams), and
5. College of Science and Technology (10 teams)
The event was graced by the Superintendent of Police, RBP, Phuentsholing as the Chief Guest, and guest speaker, Mr. Arpan Lepcha, Chief Technical Officer at SELISE Bhutan.
The event successfully ended with Team “No One” from CST winning the contest, followed by runner-up team “Code Assassin 2.0” again from CST. The second runner-up was team “Code Jedi” from Sherubtse College.
A rolling trophy was awarded to the winning college, along with cash prizes for the top three teams.
The ACM Chapter at CST aims to promote programming in the community with such events, and also, prepare the University Students to compete in Regional ICPCs, and ultimately at the global stage, the ACM-ICPC, in the coming years.
The final scoreboard standings of the contest can be accessed at:

Applications are invited from Bhutanese Nationals having BSc/MSc/Ph.D. (Chemistry) preferably Physical Chemistry for the post of Associate Lecturer or Lecturer in Chemistry on a fixed term basis. Interested candidates meeting the criteria may apply to the College on or before 10th July 2019.

Documents required

  • Employment Application Form (RUB) (Click Here to Download)
  • CV
  • Copy of citizenship ID Card
  • Security Clearance Certificate
  • Medical Fitness Certificate
  • Work Experience Certificate if any
  • Audit Clearance Certificate (If presently employed)
  • No Objection Certificate ( from your employer if presently working)
  • Full Present Address and Tele/Mobile No.

For more details on the position profile, Please Click Here to Download.

For any clarification, please call 17160538 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Administrative Officer)

This is to inform all the students selected for 2019 admission to the College of Science and Technology that the reporting dates to the college are given below, for registration and induction programme.




Please contact Mr. Bharat K Humagai, Dean, Student Affairs at 17161040 for any further queries.

This is to inform all the students selected for 2020 admission to the College of Science and Technology that they are required to report to the College on 18 and 19 August 2020 for  registration and induction programme. The  tentative  schedule for registration and orientation programmes are as follows

Sl. # Dates Time Programme
1 18th August 2020 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. B.E. in Civil Engineering
2 12:00 P.M to 3:00 P.M. Bachelor of Architecture
3 2:00 P.M to 4:00 P.M. B.E. in Information Technology
4 19th August 2020 9:00 A.M. to 10:30 A.M B.E in Instrumentation and Control Engg.
5 10:30 A.M to 12:00 P.M  B.E. in Engineering Geology
6 1:00 PM to 2:30 P.M B.E. in Electrical Engineering
7 2:30 P.M to 4:00 P.M. B.E. in Electronics and Communication Engg.








All the students are requested to bring the following documents for registration:

  1. Citizenship Identity Card or Letter  received  from  Immigration/Census and Civil Registration (Original and Copy)
  2. Class X Mark sheet and Pass Certificate (Original and copy)
  3. Class XII Mark sheet and Pass Certificate (Original and copy)
  4. School Leaving Certificate/Transfer Certificate (Original and copy)
  5. Character Certificate (Original and copy)
  6. Information on House No. and Thram No.
  7. Recent Passport Size Photos (4 Nos.).

All the students are required to bring the following things for personal use:

  1. Face mask (3 pairs, washable)
  2. Gho/Kira
  3. Rachu/Kabney
  4. Big Size Sickle (1 each)
  5. Medium Size Bucket (1 each)
  6. Toilet brush/floor wiper
  7. Bed Clothes (Mattress, quilt/blanket, bed sheets, etc.)
  8. Plates, Cups, and Spoons
  9. Umbrella and Mosquito Nets
  10. 10 digits Scientific Calculator (1 No.)
  11. Window Curtain (2 Nos.)

The students selected for the Architecture programme are asked to check the college website for a list of things they need to buy while reporting.

Recommendation: The  College strongly recommends students to have their own bank account (preferably BoB) for the transaction of their stipend, whenever required.

Please contact Mr Bharat K Humagai, Dean, Student Affairs at 17161040 for any further queries.


The fee details for self-financed students (2020 Batch) are given below:


Tuition (Nu.)

Hostel & Mess Fee (Nu.)

CDF Fee (Nu.)

 Caution Money (Nu.)

Security Deposit (Refundable)      (Nu.)

College T-shirt and Cap (Nu.)

Total (Nu.)

Mode of Payment








Demand Draft

* Note: In addition to the above amount, a separate amount of Nu.125/-needs to be paid in cash during registration as Student Welfare Fund.


The fee details for government scholarship students are given below:


CDF Fee (Nu.)

Caution Money (Nu.)

Security Deposit (Refundable) (Nu.)

College T-shirt and Cap (Nu.)

Total (Nu.)

Mode of Payment






Demand Draft


* Note: In addition to the above amount, a separate amount of Nu.125/-needs to be paid in cash during registration as Student Welfare Fund.


Fee details for students with other scholarships (other than RGOB, eg DAHE, etc..)


Tuition (Nu.)

Hostel & Mess Fee (Nu.)

CDF Fee (Nu.)

 Caution Money (Nu.)

Security Deposit (Refundable)      (Nu.)

College T-shirt and Cap (Nu.)

Total (Nu.)

Mode of Payment

Scholarship covers







Demand Draft


* Note: In addition to the above amount, a separate amount of Nu.125/-needs to be paid in cash during registration as Student Welfare Fund.


Kindly address the DEMAND DRAFT to the“College of Science and Technology”. Please note that cash and cheques are not accepted.


The University seeks to admit all students to its tertiary education programmes that have a reasonable expectation of completing their programme of study successfully, subject to the proviso that the University has the necessary resources to support the number of students on the programme.



The Royal University of Bhutan carries out the admissions to the Colleges/Institutes of the University online. Admission to each of the programmes is based on merit ranking as per the ability rating as detailed in the admission criteria. The online application for both Government Scholarships as well as Self Financed students usually open in the month of February.

To apply online please visit RUB website,



Requirements for admission to RUB Programmes
All qualified students seeking admission will require the following documents:

  1. Citizenship Identity Card
  2. Class 10 Mark Sheet and Pass Certificate
  3. Class 12 Mark Sheet & Pass Certificate

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Class XII passed Science students with minimum of 50% each in Physics, Chemistry, Maths, and English and pass in Dzongkha
  2. Ability Rating Points for subjects are as follows:-
    • Maths – 5
    • Physics – 5
    • Chemistry – 4
    • English – 3
    • Other subjects – 1

Sealed bids are invited from the eligible bidders holding valid Trade License for the supply of following items to the College of Science and Technology (Rinchending), Phuntsholing: Bhutan.

  1. PKG-01 Supply of Lab Equipment (Engineering Geology and Civil Engineering)
  2. PKG-02 Supply of Lab Equipment (Instrumentation & Control Engineering, and ECE)
  3. PKG-03 Supply of Lab Equipment (Electrical Engineering)
  4. PKG-04 Supply of Computers
  5. PKG-05 Supply of Office Equipment
  6. PKG-06 Supply of Library Furniture

The deadline for the submission of Bids is 17th July, 2019 12:00 pm and shall be opened on the same date at 2:00 PM.

Dear Student of Architecture 2019 batch,
Congratulations and Tashi Delek for choosing to study Architecture Programme at the College of Science and Technology.

We look forward to welcome and meet you personally when you come to the College of Science and Technology in July 2019. In the meantime we would like to share you the list of things you need to buy and bring when you come to the College.

We would also like to request you to orient yourself to sketching and colouring techniques by interacting and learning from painters, sculptors, artists, friends
and by visiting/ joining organizations like the Voluntary Artist’s Studio (VAST) and Zorig Chusum institutes during your leisure hours.

Please Click Here to Download the List

The College of Science and Technology is conducting a training on Electronic Government Procurement (e-GP) System from 10-19th June 2019. The participants from various private sectors and other agencies.

The college conducted a training on basic engineering skill in construction works for gups from various Dzongkhags from 10-15th June 2019.



College of Science and Technology is conducting a training on Radio equipment of Community Radio stations for Technicians from various dzongkhags and offices from 27-5th June 2019. The training is supported by the Ministry of Information and Communication (MoIC).

Training on Plumbing & Electrical Safety and Awareness were conducted for the technicians from several dzongkhags at the College of Science and Technology from 27-31st May 2019.


Construction Management training for engineers from Samdrup Jongkhar was conducted in the College of Science and Technology from 27-31st May 2019.



Mr. Aneesh Puthiya Valappil, Partner Sales Account Manager – GLS from Red Hat India Pvt Ltd. visited the college on 29th May 2019. The faculty from the IT Department and ECE Department led by College President Dr. Cheki Dorji held a discussion on the possibility of partnering with Red Hat India as a training academy.

Mr. Aneesh presented a brief description of the history of Red Hat Pvt. Ltd. company and the benefits of being a partner as a training academy. It was followed by a Q&A session from each party.
The college and the representative from Red Hat India Pvt. Ltd. agreed to continue to work on this collaboration in the future.

The College of Science and Technology will be hosting the following upcoming training as scheduled below:

  1. Construction Management for Engineers, 27-31st May 2019, Venue: Simulation Lab, CST
  2. Training on Radio equipment of Community Radio stations for Technicians (DoIC), 27-5th June 2019, ECE Lab.
  3. Plumbing & Electrical Safety and Awareness for Technicians, 27-31st May 2019
  4. E-Government Procurement, 6-7th June 2019
  5. Transys Software for DRE Engineers (Training Postponed until further notice)
  6. Refresher course for Contractors, 18-22 June 2019
A team of Young Entrepreneurs, self-employed icons and a representative from the Department of Intellectual Property visited CST to orient staff and students of the college on Entrepreneurship, Self-Employment, and the Intellectual Property as a part of the Lead Alliance Project.
They were:
1. Zigyal Tshering and Rohit Upreti – One-Click Shop
2. Rikesh Gurung – The Green Roads
3. Tshering Yangdon(Pinky) – Singer and Composer
4. A representative from the Department of Intellectual Property, MOEA
5. Nima Tshering(Nala) -Rapper and Music Artist
The program was on the sharing of success stories by the young entrepreneurs and live performances by the two prominent Bhutanese singers.
There was also a panel discussion followed by Question and Answer session on the seminar topic, moderated by Mr. Leki Bumpa.
We had a popular artist and President of MStudio, Mr. Choeying Jatsho as an anchor of the session and LAVANYA Films and Photography to cover the event.
Article contributed by CST Media Club
The tournament was played for more than a month amongst 22 football clubs in the college. To mark the end of sports events for the semester, the final of the tournament was played on May 25th, 2019 between Sunday SunshineFC versus Battalion FC.
With a lone goal from Yonten Jamtsho of Sunday Sunshine during the extra time, Sunday Sunshine won the tournament with a 1-0 score.
For the photos visit CST Facebook link

Dzongkhag Engineers are attending a training Construction Management Software at College of Science and Technology. The training has been divided into two batch, 1st batch (9-20th May 2019) and 2nd batch (21st -30th May 2019).

The book launch for the novel Two Ends of the Sky by Ayeshwini Lama was done in collaboration with the literary club on the 9thof May, 2019.  The event was graced by Madam Chador Wangmo, who is a Bhutanese author and an active and important member of the literary society in Bhutan. She gave a brief talk regarding various social issues, most importantly the rights of women and the different aspects of the writing industry in Bhutan. She also shared a few poems out of her newest and only poetry book so far, Phases.

book launch

Ayeshwini Lama is a Civil engineering student in the college and is currently in her second year. She is a member of the literary club and a passionate writer. Two Ends of the Sky, which is her debut novel, is a young adult fiction centered on the life of two friends trying to build their individual lives while trying to stay in each other. The novel takes the characters on a journey, both physically and emotionally, as the two friends move for college and are faced with the many challenges and realities of adult life and adult relationships.
Ayeshwini, in her speech to the audience at the launch, said that the story is about one great love, which we often tend to dismiss in our lives in today’s time. She also shared that taking the first step was scary but that it was important and that she is happy she decided to get her novel published. She urged the young minds in the audience to not be afraid of sharing their creativity and talents with the world.

There was a Question and Answer session at the end and the event was closed with a book signing session by Ayeshwini.


book launch1

Construction Development Board (CDB) is conducting refresher course on professional development in Construction Industry at College of Science and Technology from 6-16th May 2019.

As per the vacancy announcement made in media on 19th March 2019, the College of Science and Technology is please to inform the following candidates that you are shortlisted for the post of Research Assistant.

Sl. #

Name of Candidates

Citizenship     ID No


Interview Time


Rinchen Dhendup



9.15 AM


Hari Ghalley



9.45 AM


Ashika Sunar





Tashi Phuntsho





Hemant Kumari Lama




The selection interview (viva voce) will be held in the College of Science and Technology as detailed below.  The interview time for individual is reflected above however, you can report earlier then the time mentioned to avoid last moment rush.

 Date   :  3/5/2019

Time  : 9.00 am ( reporting of panel members)

Venue : Integrity Hall

The candidates are required to produce your original documents during the time of interview.

Sealed bids are invited from the eligible bidders holding valid Trade License for the supply of following items to the College of Science and Technology (Rinchending), Phuntsholing: Bhutan.

  1. PKG-01 Supply of IT Lab Equipment (Click Here to download the tender document)

The submission of bids is at 12 PM on 27th May, 2019 and will be publicly opened on the same day at 2.00 PM

College of Science and Technology is conducting a training on Construction Management Training for Engineers from Samdrup Jongkhar from 22-26th April 2019.


CM Training

The College of Science and Technology would like to announce the reporting dates for the new students who will be joining the college for the academic year 2019-2020. The new students are requested to take note of the following dates:
12th July: BE in Civil, BE in Engineering Geology and Architecture
13th July: BE in Electrical, ECE, Instrumentation & Control, and Information Technology

College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the selection result for the post of Personal Assistant.

Please click here to view the selection result.

As per the vacancy announcement made in media on 19th March 2019, the College of Science and Technology is please to inform the following candidates that you are shortlisted for the post of personal Assistant.

Sl.  No.



Phone No.

Interview Time



Jangchuk Dorji



9.15 AM



Sunita Tamang



9.45 AM



Chador Wangmo



10.15 AM



Kunzang Dema



10.45 AM



Tshewang Choden



11.15 AM


The selection interview (viva voce) will be held in the College of Science and Technology as detail below.  The interview time for individual is reflected above however, you can report earlier then the time mentioned to avoid last moment rush.

Date   :  22/4/2019

Time  : 9.00 am ( reporting of panel members)

Venue : Integrity Hall

The candidates are required to produce your original documents during the time of interview.

The College of Science and Technology is conducting the following training in collaboration with the Ministries.

  1. Construction Management Training for Engineers (22-26th April 2019 & 27-31st April 2019)
  2. Professional Development in Construction Industry – Construction Development Board (CDB)  –  (6-17th May 2019)
  3. Rural Water Supply Scheme (RWSS)  –  (13-24th May 2019)


The College of Science and Technology successfully conducted the training for GIS (geographic information system) from 1-5 April 2019 for MoWHS Engineers.


The college successfully conducted the training on Human Settlement Plans, DCRs, Rules and Regulations for Building Inspectors and Human Settlement Plans, DCRs, Rules and Regulations for Municipal Engineers from 25-29 March 2019.

The college successfully conducted the training on etools and Cinet from 25-30th March 2019.



Sealed bids are invited from the eligible bidders holding valid Trade License for the supply of following items to the College of Science and Technology, Rinchending, Phuentsholing: Bhutan.


The submission of bids is at 12 PM on 26th April, 2019 and will be publicly opened on the same day at 2.00 PM.

As the country plans to introduce Electric Vehicle in the transport sector, the Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Development under College of Science and Technology is developing sufficient technical knowledge and experience in the field of electromobility.

Three final year undergraduate Electrical Engineering students are working on the modeling and fabrication of a prototype solar electric vehicle and a master’s student is studying the Impact of Electric Vehicles (EVs) on low voltage network stability due to EV charging.

A single motor configuration with a rating of 1000 watts is used in the rear axles of the vehicle to drive the load. The prototype vehicle has a battery bank capacity of 3.36 kWh and a range of 16 km could be achieved.
The concepts of low power drive Electric Vehicle can apply to the airports, high-end resorts, hotels, hospitals, sports stadiums, construction areas, etc.
Through such projects, the Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Development would like to enhance experimental learning, leadership development, built partnership with local industry and encourage creativity, innovation among students.

The JB Solar Solutions, a private enterprise in Phuentsholing supported the students’ works by providing the fabrication tools and workspace during their On the Job training period from December 2018 to January 2019.

Media coverage:

Kuensel – 23rd March 2019

Applications are invited from Bhutanese nationals for the under mentioned post the College of Science & Technology, Rinchending,  Phuentsholing  as detailed below:

Sl. No.

Post No. of Slot Position Employment type Qualification



Personal Assistant


(Click Here for Job Profile)

01 13 Regular Class XII with 3 months IT programme or Cl. X with 2 years Office Management Programme  


Preference will be given to experience



2. Assistant Research Officer


(Click Here for Job Profile)

01 Contract for 1 year. Subjected to extension depending on the progress of the project work.



 Refer Position Profile in website

Preference will be given to candidates with experience

  1. Criteria :
  • Should be a Bhutanese National
  • Must have attained 18 years of age, and not more than 45 years of age.

2. Documents required

  • Employment Application Form (RUB) (available in College website)
  • CV
  • Mark sheets and Transcripts
  • Copy of citizenship ID Card
  • Security Clearance Certificate
  • Medical Fitness Certificate
  • Work Experience Certificate if any
  • Audit Clearance Certificate (If presently employed)
  • No Objection Certificate ( from your employer if presently working)
  • Full Present Address and Tele/Mobile No.

For any clarification, Please call 17160538/17755313.

Interested candidates may apply to the College on or before 30th March 2019.

CLICK HERE to download the Employment Application Form

Construction Development Board (CDB) is conducting a training for Contractors (Large, Medium and Small) at College of Science and Technology from 11-19th March 2019.

The call for Erasmus+ KA107 is now OPEN.

Please CLICK HERE to visit the website link for mobility details and application process.

Training on Basic Engineering Skills is being conducted at College of Science and Technology from 4 to 10th March 2019 for the Budget Officers from Ministry of Finance. This is the second batch attending the workshop


Faculty Development Program cum Workshop on ‘Climate Across the Curriculum: Educational Resources for Teachers’ organised by Center for Disaster Risk Reduction and Community Development Studies (CDRR&CDS), College of Science and Technology, Royal University of Bhutan and Commission on Education and Outreach, International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior (IASPEI) in collaboration with TROP ICSU, a Climate Education Project funded by the International Science Council (ISC), on 14th – 15th February 2019 in Thimphu, Bhutan.




To download the workshop photos, please visit the following link:

Training on Basic Engineering Skills is being conducted at College of Science and Technology from 11 to 15 Feb 2019 for the Budget Officers from Ministry of Finance.

College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the selection result for the post of Associate/Assistant Lecturer.

Sl. #

Name of Candidate



Cell No.


Seema Powdel





The selected candidate is hereby advised to join the College with effect from 18 February 2019. If the selected candidate fails to confirm within 10 days from date of declaration of  the selection interview result, the next candidates will be considered.

CST will launch two new programmes from academic year 2019-20, Bachelor of Engineering in Engineering Geology (EG) and Bachelor of Engineering in Instrumentation & Control Engineering (ICE).

BE in EG is a four year program that aims to provide knowledge and skills in engineering geology that is vital to investigation, project planning and execution of construction projects. Graduates will develop the ability to assess and make recommendations on the geological factors regarding location, design, construction, operation and maintenance of engineering works for project implementation. The programme covers subject matter on interpretation of land forms, geophysical processes, and site conditions required for various development works, besides other essential content.

Graduates of the EG can find employment as engineering geologists and geotechnical engineers in the government, corporate and private sectors and in hydropower projects that engage in different construction projects which demands application of engineering geology and geotechnical engineering for proper site investigation and detailed study of the project site.

Apart from these organisations, graduates can also find employment in the private sector, be self-employed as consultants or work for international organisations that require the services of an engineering geologist.

BE in ICE is also a four year program that aims to produce graduates who can carry out modern automation of industrial systems existing in all engineering disciplines as well as in non-engineering disciplines. It emphasises the analysis, design, synthesis and optimization of control systems in order to provide the best means of controlling their dynamic behaviour to produce favourable or specified outputs. Graduates will be equipped with the technical knowledge and skills in their subject of specialisation as well as develop other transferable competencies.

Graduates of ICE will have a sound knowledge base and skill sets to develop and expand professional careers in fields related to instrumentation technologies, process control and industrial processes automation. In addition, graduates will be equipped with the ability to adapt to technological advancements and will be ready to take up challenges in industrial research.

Graduates of ICE can find employment in industries that require expertise in designing, developing, installing, managing and maintaining equipment which is used to monitor and control engineering systems, machinery and processes.


To download the programme documents CLICK HERE

The following candidates are shortlisted for selection interview for Assistant Lecturer.

Sl. #


Interview Time

Phone No



9:30 am




10:00 am




10:30 am


The VIVA interview will be held on 11th February 2019. The shortlisted candidates are advised to report to College Administration block (Integrity Hall) on the time mentioned against each.

Should there be any queries please contact ADM Office at 17160538 during office hours.

The following candidates have been shortlisted for the post of Associate/Assistant Lecturer at College of Science and Technology.


Sl. No.

Name of Candidates Citizenship         ID No

Cell. No.


Nikey Subba 11203004538 17390627


Jigme Lhaden 10904000180



Sangay Thinley 12001000357



Leki Yangzom 11507001870



Seema Powdel

A training on STAAD.Pro (a structural analysis and design software application) for engineers is being held in College of Science and Technology from 28th of January to 1st of February 2019

Sealed bids are invited from the eligible bidders holding valid Trade License for the supply of following items to the College of Science and Technology , Rinchending, Phuentsholing: Bhutan.


The submission of bids is at 12 PM on 11 th February, 2019 and will be publicly opened on the same day at 2.00 PM.

Application are invited from Bhutanese Nationals for the following post for Fixed term appointment in the College of Science & Technology, Rinchending, Phuentsholing as detailed below.

Sl. No.


No. of Slot

Position Level


Associate Lecturer



Notification for Accommodation Booking in College of Science & Technology
To those evaluators who would like to avail the facility of Hostel accommodation in College of Science and Technology during the upcoming marking camp should follow the following procedures:-
1. The registration of Hostel Booking will start from 9:00 AM morning of 6th December 2018.
2. The accommodation booking requires paying all the accommodation charges in advance.
3. The charges for the accommodation will begin from the day of booking.
4. Following are the available Hostels for booking:

  1. NK Hostel: – All booked by BCSEA officials
  2. RK Hostel: – (Available)
    i. Rent: Nu. 200 per room per night
    ii. Utility Charges (Electricity, water, sewerage, etc): Nu. 250
    iii. Security Deposit: Nu. 1000
    iv. Maximum number of individuals in a room: – 3 persons
  3. B and C Hostel: – (2-Hostels Available)
    i. Rent: Nu. 150 per room per night
    ii. Utility Charges (Electricity, water, sewerage, etc): Nu. 250
    iii. Security Deposit: Nu. 1000
    iv. Maximum number of individuals in a room: – 2 persons
  4. Reldi Hostel: – (Available)
    i. Rent: Nu. 500 per room per night
    ii. Utility Charges (Electricity): Nu. 350 for first 15 days And Nu.500 for 30 days.
     Attached bathroom cum toilet
     Water shortage problem
    iii. Security Deposit: Nu. 1000
    iv. Maximum number of individuals in a room: – 4 persons
  5. The accommodation does not provide any sleeping materials, only bed will be provided.

Government Procurement & Property Management Division, DNP, Ministry of Finance is conducting a stakeholders training on Electronic Government procurement (e-GP) from 24-29 Dec 2018 at College of Science and Technology for the relevant officials from the ministries.

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to invite sealed bids from the eligible license holders for the supply of air tickets via the most direct routes from the following sector.

  1.  Type of Class: Economy (1 Pax)

21 st January, 2019 Paro to Bangkok

7 th February, 2019 Bangkok to Paro

22 nd January, 2019 Bangkok to Indonesia

6 th February, 2019 Indonesia to Bangkok

The College of Science and Technology is offering 20 seats each in BE Civil and Electrical Engineering, 5 seats each in BE Electronics & Communication Engineering and Information Technology for 2019-2020 academic sessions to In-Service candidates with Diploma in Civil, Electrical, Electronics and Communication, and Information Technology respectively. The duration of the programme is 3 years full time. Tuition fee will be charged based on RUB directives. Accommodation will be provided as per College policy. Interested candidates from government/corporate/private sector should send their application to the College along with letter of recommendation from the employer. Selection will be based on entrance examination.

Entrance Examination will be of three hours duration and will comprise of:
1. Civil Engineering:
– Mathematics, Engineering Science (Physics and Chemistry), Strength of Materials and Fluid Mechanics
2. Electrical Engineering:
– Mathematics, Engineering Science (Physics and Chemistry), Electrical Engineering Circuits and Electronics.

3. Electronics and Communication Engineering:
– Mathematics, Engineering Science (Physics and Chemistry), Electronics & Circuit Devices and Communication Engineering

4. Information Technology:
– Mathematics, Engineering Science (Physics and Chemistry), Programming Fundamental, Databases and networking.

Applications will be received no later than 4 th February, 2019 along with 2 passport sized photographs and non-refundable entrance examination fee of Nu.2000/- in the form of Demand Draft payable to President, College of Science and Technology, Phuentsholing, Bhutan.

Examination Details:
1. Issuance of Examination Card: February 11, 2019 (9:00 am to 11:00 am)
2. Date of examination: February 12, 2019 (9:00 am – 12:00 noon)
3. Venue: College of Science and Technology, Phuentsholing
4. Result Declaration: February 16, 2019

Registration of the selected candidates for the programme should be completed by March 15, 2019 (along with the payment of the full fee for one semester). Failure to register by March 15, 2019 the seat will be allocated to the other candidates.

The College of Science and Technology is offering 20 seats each in BE Civil and Electrical Engineering, 5 seats each in BE Electronics & Communication Engineering and Information Technology for 2019-2020 academic sessions to In-Service candidates with Diploma in Civil, Electrical, Electronics and Communication, and Information Technology respectively. The duration of the programme is 3 years full time. Tuition fee will be charged based on RUB directives. Accommodation will be provided as per College policy. Interested candidates from government/corporate/private sector should send their application to the College along with letter of recommendation from the employer. Selection will be based on entrance examination.

Entrance Examination will be of three hours duration and will comprise of:
1. Civil Engineering:
– Mathematics, Engineering Science (Physics and Chemistry), Strength of Materials and Fluid Mechanics
2. Electrical Engineering:
– Mathematics, Engineering Science (Physics and Chemistry), Electrical Engineering Circuits and Electronics.

3. Electronics and Communication Engineering:
– Mathematics, Engineering Science (Physics and Chemistry), Electronics & Circuit Devices and Communication Engineering

4. Information Technology:
– Mathematics, Engineering Science (Physics and Chemistry), Programming Fundamental, Databases and networking.

Applications will be received no later than 4 th February, 2019 along with 2 passport sized photographs and non-refundable entrance examination fee of Nu.2000/- in the form of Demand Draft payable to President, College of Science and Technology, Phuentsholing, Bhutan.

Examination Details:
1. Issuance of Examination Card: February 11, 2019 (9:00 am to 11:00 am)
2. Date of examination: February 12, 2019 (9:00 am – 12:00 noon)
3. Venue: College of Science and Technology, Phuentsholing
4. Result Declaration: February 16, 2019

Registration of the selected candidates for the programme should be completed by March 15, 2019 (along with the payment of the full fee for one semester). Failure to register by March 15, 2019 the seat will be allocated to the other candidates.

This is to inform the students that the registration for re-assessment (AS2018) is open from today. The last date for registration is on 8th January 2019.

Only the registered students will be allowed to write the re-assessment exam.

Once you complete the registration and if you don’t turn up to write the exam, you will be asked to pay fine of Nu. 1500/- per module.
The link to register is as follows:

Result for Library Assistant and Lab Assistant VIVA Interview held on 7/12/2018.

 Library Assistant  

Sl. No.


Cell. No.















Laboratory Assistant    

Sl. No.


Cell. No.
















The selected candidate is hereby advised to join the College with effect from 1st January If the selected candidate fails to confirm within 10 days from date of declaration of  the selection interview result, the next candidates on standby will be considered.

Notification for Accommodation Booking in College of Science & Technology

Click here for Detail.

Professor Widom from Stanford University, USA, conducted a workshop in design thinking and collaborative problem-solving on 16th November 2018. Participants (faculties and students) learned the basics of design thinking, including design processes, innovation methodologies, need finding, human factors, rapid prototyping, and team dynamics.

The workshops are participatory and interactive: Participants form collaborative teams to put their learning into practice solving real-world challenges, and teams share their challenges and creative successes.


Design Thinking is a popular new concept pioneered at Stanford’s Hasso Plattner Institute for Design, known as the It’s a new way of approaching complex problem-solving tasks, focused on finding creative, collaborative, human-centered solutions. Design thinking draws on methods from engineering and design, and combines them with ideas from the arts, tools from the social sciences, and insights from the business world. Students of design thinking frequently cite a significant boost in personal “creative confidence”, transforming how they approach a wide variety of studies and endeavors.

Two half days of seminar was conducted on 18 th and 19 th November, 2018. The seminar was organized by JICA Bhutan Office in collaboration with Fablab Bhutan and Field Ready. The fabbers shared their experience on fabricating the first 3D printer in Bhutan and Pi-top, a modular laptop. The fabbers at Fablab, Bhutan shared their experiences in “Learning by Doing”, their First Global Challenge (Robotics Competition) and development and
Application of drones. The fabbers included two ECE graduates from JNEC and an ECE graduate from CST.

The Field Ready team led by Mr. Andrew Lamb shared explicitly on transforming Mobility Through Technology for Disaster Response and demonstrated 3D printing for disaster response. They reminded us beautifully about technology accessible to all and to change the world for better.
Mr. Wakabayashi, JICA concluded by gathering the learnings from the seminar and for building a stronger understanding of Fablab for the benefit of the community around us.

Professor Jennifer Widom, Dean, from Standford University, USA is conducting a 3 day workshop on Big Data from 13 – 15th November 2018 and 1 day workshop on Design Thinking on 16th November 2018.

Training of Effective Communication (Dzongkha) is currently ongoing at College of Science and Technology. The training is scheduled from 5-8th November 2018 and organized by Royal University of Bhutan.

The following candidates are shortlisted for selection interview for Library Assistant and Laboratory Assistant.

The VIVA interview will be held on 7th December 2018. The shortlisted candidates are advised to report to College Administration block (Integrity Hall) on the time mentioned.

Please click here to view the shortlisted candidate list

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce admission to Master of Engineering in Renewable Energy commencing from February 2019.

Admission Process
A total of 10 candidates will be selected based on the following criteria.

  • Eligibility criteria – applicants should have a minimum of 55% in a four year/honours degree in either a Bachelor of Engineering/ Bachelor of Technology/
    or a Bachelor of Science in Engineering.
  • Selection criteria – applicants will be selected on merit based on the following
    i. An interview – 60%
    ii. Academic performance based on the degree results – 20%
    iii. Letter of motivation – 10%
    iv. Recommendation letter from a professor/supervisor – 10%
  • Documents required
    i. All applicants must submit copies of academic transcripts duly attested
    by an authorised person.
    ii. Applicants who have graduated from the Royal University of Bhutan
    need not attest their documents.
    iii. The selected applicants will have to produce original transcripts during

Sealed bids are invited from the eligible Bhutanese Nationals holding valid Trade License for operating the Wet Canteen inside College of Science and Technology campus.

The last date of submission of the bid is at 10.00AM on 5 th November, 2018 and will be opened on the same date at 10: 30 AM.

Click Here to download the Tender Document

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the following vacancies:

Sl. No. Post No. of Slot Position Employment type Qualification



Library Assistant


(Position Profile Download)

01 13 Regular Class-XII (aggregate – 50 % in Class XII and   Class-X)


Lab Assistant


(Position Profile Download)

  01       13


Class-XII with science background.

3 Driver (Position Profile Download) 01 17 Regular Minimum Class VIII with professional driving (PD) license for light regular vehicle and Bus.  

Sealed bids are invited from the eligible bidders holding valid Trade License for the supply of following items to the College of Science and Technology (Rinchending), Phuntsholing: Bhutan. The tender document can be downloaded from the link below:

  1. PKG-01 Supply of College T-Shirts and Caps

The submission of bids is at 10:00 Am on 12th October, 2018 and will be publicly opened on the same day at 10.30 AM.

Result for selection interview for sweeper post held on 21st September 2018.

ID No.








The above selected candidate is requested to report to the Administration of the College on 1st October 2018 for appointment

Uppsala University hereby announces a new call for applications for staff and teacher exchanges within Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM). Please disseminate these opportunities widely at your university.

 The application period is September 15 – October 15, 2018.

 Please follow the instructions at

There you´ll find more information as well as an application link and an application form.

College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the selection result for the post of Residence Coordinator and Research Officer.

Click Here for Details.

The selected candidates are required to report to the Administration of the College on 10th September 2018 for the Appointment.


Application are invited from Bhutanese Nationals for the following post for appointment in the College of Science & Technology, Rinchending,  Phuentsholing as detailed below.

Sl. No. Post No. of Slot Position Qualification POSITION PROFILE
1 Driver 01 17 Class VIII with professional driving (PD) license for light regular vehicle and Bus. Preference will be given to experience holders.  Click Here














The following candidates are shortlisted for selection interview for Assistant Research Officer’s position:


Sl. No


Score in Written Exam

Interview Date and Time

 Assistant Research Officer




11: 20 Am




11:40 Am




12 Noon

Sealed bids are invited from the eligible bidders holding valid Trade License for the supply of following items to the College of Science and Technology (Rinchending), Phuntsholing: Bhutan. The following tender documents are available as follows:

  1. PKG-01 Supply of Library Books –  Click Here to download
  2. PKG-02 Supply of Furniture – Click Here to download 
  3. PKG-03 Supply of Office Equipment – Click Here to download
  4. PKG- 04 Supply of Lab Equipment – Click Here to download

The submission of bids is at 12 PM on 24th September, 2018 and will be publicly opened on the same day at 2.00 PM.

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to invite sealed bids from the eligible license holders for the supply of air tickets from the following sector.

Click Here for more details

The following candidates are shortlisted for selection interview for Assistant Research Officer’s position.





Assistant Research Officer





























































 A mass campus cleaning programme was coordinated by the faculties of CST on 4th of August 2018. All CST family  joined the three & half hour campaign.

The trend is observed occasionally in the college for healthier and clean environment.

The sports body of the college organized an interdepartmental football tournament which kicked off on 5th August 2018. 26 boys’ and 4 girls’ teams are registered for this tournament. Total of 500 students are participating in this event including a team from staff.

“The aim for such event is to have healthy life through games and sports. Moreover, students get the platform to showcase their talents…” as told by Sagar Basnet (Games Councillor).

 A mass campus cleaning programme was coordinated by the faculties of CST on 4th of August 2018. All CST family  joined the three & half hour campaign.

The trend is observed occasionally in the college for healthier and clean environment.

College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the result of interview for the post of Assistant Lecturer held on 31st July 2018.

Please click here to view the result.

The selected candidates are required to report Administration CST on 1st August 2018.

The following candidates are shortlisted for selection interview for Assistant Residence Coordinator’s position






Assistant Residence Coordinator




9:20 am




9: 40 am




10: 00 am




10:20 am




10:40 am

College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the following shortlist of candidates for the post of Associate/Assistant Lecturer.






Associate/Assistant Lecturer


116070000 77


9 am




9:20 am




9:40 am




10  am




10:20 am




10:40 am




11 am




11:20 am




11:40 am




12 noon



  1. Final selection will depend fully on the performance of candidates in the viva voice interview.
  2. The date, time and venue for the selection interview will be on 31st July, 2018 and it will start from 9 Am in the Integrity hall (Administration Block) at CST.
  3. The candidate should report for the interview at the above mentioned timing against each candidate.

Suppliers are requested to note the following corrigendum to the Tender package: PKG-01 Supply of Furniture (2018-2019) .

Name of the Items with specifications Qty Unit Rate Amount Remarks  
3 Study Table with single drawer,                              SIZE:-1200x600x750mm  as per drawing.             Materials : RUBBER WOOD complete finish with wood polish



180 Nos     College will procure any one of them.
Study Table with single drawer,                              SIZE:-1200x600x750mm  as per drawing.             Materials : Blue Pinecomplete finish with wood polish

This is to inform all the old students that the re-registration dates for Autumn Semester AS2018 are as follows:

1. BArch & 2nd Year Civil on 19th July from 9 A.M. to 12:00 A.M.
2. 3rd and 4th Year Civil on 19th July from 1P.M. to 4P.M.
3. ECE on 20th July from 9 A.M. to 12:00 A.M.
4. IT on 20th July from 1P.M. to 4P.M.
5. EE on 21 st July from 9 A.M. to 12:00 A.M.

The fee details are given below:


Tuition Fees for Self Financed Students as per the year of study is given below:

Year of Study

Tuition Fees

Hostel & Mess Fees


 Caution Money


Any year of study for students admitted from 2015 onwards






For 2014 admitted self financed students, the fee structure is as given below as per your admission announcement:

Year of Study

Tuition Fees

Hostel & Mess Fees


Caution Money


Any year of study







Tuition Fees for Repeating Students is given below:

Year of Study

Tuition Fees per module

Total Fees

Any year of study


(Tuition Fees per module) X (Number of repeat modules)

P.S. This is a gentle reminder that no hostel accommodation is available for repeating students.


All the self financed students are asked to bring their TOTAL FEES in DEMAND DRAFT during the registration. Kindly address the demand draft to “College of Science and technology”.


Also find two additional attachments which include the tuition fees order from OVC for all the students admitted from 2015 and later; and the fees for the 2014 admitted students for reference.

  1. Tuition Fees Order for 2015 admission and later
  2. Tuition Fees for 2014 admission

Sealed bids are invited from the eligible bidders holding valid Trade License for the supply of following items to the College of Science and Technology (Rinchending), Phuntsholing: Bhutan. The following tender documents are available on our website

1. PKG-01 Supply of Furniture (2018-2019)    Click here for tender documents

The submission of bids is at 12 PM on 10th August, 2018 and will be publicly opened on the same day at 2.00 PM.

Application are invited from Bhutanese Nationals for the following post for appointment in the College of Science & Technology, Rinchending,  Phuentsholing  as detailed below.

Sl. No. Post No. of Slot Position Level  POSITION PROFILE
1 Assistant Research Officer 01 8  Click Here
2 Associate Lecturer/Assistant Lecturer 01 5/6  Click Here
3 Assistant Residence Coordinator 01 8  Click Here
4 Gardener 01 GSS  


Interested candidates meeting the criteria may apply to the College on or before 23rd July, 2018.

CLICK HERE to download the Employment Application Form.

Sealed bids are invited from the eligible bidders holding valid Trade License for the supply of following items to the College of Science and Technology (Rinchending), Phuentsholing: Bhutan. The following tender documents are available:
1. PKG-01 Supply of Lab Equipment and Consumable (Click here to download)
2. PKG-02 Supply of Projector (Click here to download)

The submission of bids is at 12 PM on 6th August, 2018 and will be publicly opened on the same day at 2.00 PM.

Sealed bids are invited from the eligible suppliers holding valid Trade License, issued by the MTI for the supply of following items to the College of Science and Technology (Rinchending), Phuentsholing: Bhutan. The following tender packages are on sale:

  1. CST/Store/Stationeries/2018-2019 (Framework Tendering) Click Here to download
  2. CST/Store/Printer Cartridge & accessories/2018-2019 (Framework Tendering) Click Here to download
  3. CST/Store/Electrical items/2018-2019 (Framework Tendering) Click Here to download
  4. CST/Store/Plumbing & Misc. items/2018-2019 (Framework Tendering) Click Here to download

The submission of bids is at 1:30 PM on 30th July 2018 and will be publicly opened on the same day at 2:00 PM. The payment for the bid documents should be made during the time of submission of bids.

This is to inform all the students selected for 2018 admission to College of Science and Technology that the reporting dates to the college are given below, for registration and induction programme.


Date Time Programme


10th July 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. Architecture and Civil Engg.


1:00 P.M to 2:00 P.M.

Electronics & Communication Engg.

3 11th July 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.

Electrical Engg.

4 1:00 P.M to 2:00 P.M.

Information Technology


The fee details for self-financed students are given below:


Tuition (Nu.)

Hostel & Mess Fee          (Nu.) CDF Fee (Nu.)  Caution Money (Nu.) Security Deposit (Refundable)        (Nu.) College T-shirt and Cap (Nu.) Total (Nu.)
42334 7500 500 50 1000 1000



The fee details for regular students are given below:


CDF Fee     (Nu.)

 Caution Money  (Nu.) Security Deposit (Refundable)  (Nu.) College T-shirt and Cap (Nu.)

Total (Nu.)

500 50 1000 1000



All the self-financed students are asked to bring their tuition fees in DEMAND DRAFT during the registration. Kindly address the demand draft to the “College of Science and technology”.

All the students are requested to bring the following documents for registration:

  1. Citizenship Identity Card (Photocopy):
  2. Class X (BCSE) Mark Sheet (Original) or Equivalent
  3. Class XII (BCSE) Mark Sheet (Original) or Equivalent
  4. School Leaving Certificate (Original)
  5. Character Certificate (Original)
  6. Two Passport Size Photographs:
  7. Undertaking Form (Completed). Click Here to download.

All the students are required to bring the following things for personal use:

  1. Rachu/Kabney
  2. Mattress, pillow, blanket, curtain, bucket and plate.
  3. Sickle

The students selected for Architecture programme are asked to check the college website for list of things they need to buy while reporting.

Please contact the undersigned at 17118548 for any further query.

College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the selection result for the post Library Assistant.

Click Here for details.

The selected candidates are required to report to the Administration, CST on 1st July 2018.

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to invite sealed bids from the eligible license holders for the supply of air tickets.

Click here for more.

As per the vacancy announcement for Library Assistant on 28th April 2018, the College of Science and Technology is pleased to inform that the following candidates are shortlisted:

Please click here to view the shortlisted list.

Coinciding with teachers day BTO (Bhutan toilet organization) held a competition to create smart toilet which is portable and economic. Total of 22 group participated in the competition in which 10 were selected to showcase their model. Total of Nu.50000 were awarded to the winner.

You can read more on Kuensel (Click Here)

College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the tender package for the following items:

  1. PKG-01 : Supply of Desktop (Click Here)
  2. PKG-02: Supply of ICT  Accessories (Click Here)

For any further details if required please contact Procurement manager at 17160538 during office hours.

College of Science and Technology is please to announce the vacancies for the following posts:

  1. Lecturer Click Here
  2. Associate Lecturer or Lecturer Click Here
  3. Library Assistant Click Here

CLICK HERE to download the Employment Application Form

 For any further details if required please contact Administration office at 17160538 during office hours.

College of Science and Technology regrets to inform that the quotation for supply of Air Ticket (24042018) has been cancelled.

Inconvenience caused is highly regretted. 

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to invite sealed bids from the eligible license holders for the supply of air tickets.

Click here for more.

Staff mobility for teaching from the Royal University of Bhutan (RUB), Bhutan to the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (UGOE), Germany. For details Click here.

College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the Entrance Examination result for the In-service candidates.

Click here for the result.

This is a reminder to inform all the old students once again that the re-registration dates for all the departments are on 6th February for SS2018 with the following timings:
1. All first and second years from 9:00 A.M to 12:00 P.M on 6 th February
2. All third and fourth year from 1:00P.M to 4:00 P.M. on 6 th February

Please click here to for more details

BCSEA: 2017 Marking Camp (Class XII) of Council Examination

Notification of Accommodation Booking in College of Science & Technology

To those evaluators who would like to avail the facility of Hostel accommodation in College of Science and Technology during the upcoming marking camp should follow the following procedures:-

  1. The registration of Hostel Booking will start from 8:00 AM morning of 7th January 2018.
  2. The accommodation booking requires paying all the accommodation charges in advance.
  3. The charges for the accommodation will begin from the day of booking.
  4. Following are the available Hostels for booking


  1. NK Hostel: – All booked by BCSEA officials
  1. RK Hostel:- (Available)
    1. Rent: Nu. 200 per room per night
    2. Utility Charges (Electricity, water, sewerage, etc): Nu. 250
    3. Security Deposit: Nu. 1000
    4. Maximum number of individuals in a room:- 3 persons
  1. A, B, C and D Hostel:- (4-Hostels Available)
    1. Rent: Nu. 150 per room per night
    2. Utility Charges (Electricity, water, sewerage, etc): Nu. 250
    3. Security Deposit: Nu. 1000
    4. Maximum number of individuals in a room:- 2 persons
  1. The accommodation does not provide any sleeping materials, only bed will be provided.

Important Notice: – The accommodation does not allow cooking and accommodation of families. If cooking is  found during the stay, penalty cooking charge of Nu. 500 will be deducted from the security deposit.

For any queries kindly contact the accommodation coordinator Mr. Jashman Gurung, HA/Residential Coordinator at 17623675 and Camp Coordinator, Purna B. Samal, Lecturer @17325366

The College of Science and Technology is offering 20 seats each in BE Civil and Electrical Engineering, 5 seats each in BE Electronics & Communication Engineering and Information Technology for 2018-2019 academic sessions to In-Service candidates with Diploma in Civil, Electrical, Electronics & Communication, and Information Technology respectively. The duration of the programme is 3 years full time. The tuition fee will be charged based on RUB directives. Accommodation will be provided as per College policy. Interested candidates from the government/corporate/private sector should send their application to the College along with a letter of recommendation from the employer. Selection will be based on the entrance examination.

Please Click here for more details.

Sealed bids are invited from the eligible Bhutanese bidders having valid trade license and dealership certificate/manufacturer’s authorization to supply the following items to the College of Science and Technology (Rinchending), Phuentsholing: Bhutan. The following tender packages are:
1. PKG-RE06: Supply of Solar PV System (2017-2018)
2. PKG-RE02: Supply of Furniture (2017-2018)

The submission of bids is at 12 PM on 14 th November 2017 and will be publicly opened on the same day at 2.00 PM.

College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the tender for the following items:

  1. Supply of Library Books
  2. Supply of Air Conditioner

The deadline for submission is at 12:00 PM on 13th November 2017 and shall be opened on the same date at 2:00 PM.

College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the tender package for the following items:

  1. PKG-01 Supply of Electrical Lab Equipment and Accessories
  2. PKG-02 Supply of Door Access Control System
  3. PKG-03 Supply of Print Management
  4. PKG-04 Supply of Furniture
  5. PKG-05 Supply of IT Accessories
  6. PKG-06 Supply of Solar PV System

The deadline for Bid submission is on 12:00 pm (Bhutan time) on 6th October 2017 and shall be opened on the same date at 2:00 pm.

College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce that the following candidates have been shortlisted for the post of Asst. Lecturer.

Sl. #

Name of Candidates Citizenship     ID No

Cell. No.


Chundu Gyem Tamang 10304002098 17363240
2 Shirjana Chhetri 10205006692



Durga Devi Sharma 21216000720 176000720
4 Manju Gurung 11803001370



Ugyen Wangchuk 11306000882 77215918
6 Bhawani Shankar Nirola 11310000010



Sangay Dema 11410008861



Januka Sanyasi 11807002477


9 Sangay Tenzin 10104000709


10 Subash Pakural 11809000508


11 Arun Gurung 11212001519


They are requested to report to College of Science and Technology to attend selection interview on 22nd July 2017
Time – 9 AM
Venue – Integrity Hall, Administration Building

The candidates are required to bring all the original documents during interview time

College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the Framework tender for the following list of packages.

All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Bond in the form of Demand Draft or bank guarantee for the lump sum amount of Nu.10000.00 (Ten Thousand) for the Printer Cartridge & Accessories package and lump sum amount of Nu. 5000.00 (Five Thousand) for the other Packages only in the currency of the bid and must be delivered along with the bid at the office of the President, College of Science and Technology, Rinchending Bhutan, on or before 1.30PM on 15th August2017 and will be publicly opened on the same day at 2.00 PM.

Please find the bidding document for the download here.

  1. Electrical Items
  2. Plumbing & Misc. Items
  3. Printer Cartridge & Accessories
  4. Stationary

College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the tender for operation of canteen.

All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Bond in the form of Demand Draft or bank guarantee for the lump sum amount of Nu.5000.00 (Five Thousand) only in the currency of the bid and must be delivered along with the bid at the office of the President, College of Science and Technology, Rinchending Bhutan, on or before 12.00 PM on 1st August 2017 and will be publicly opened on the same day at 2.00 PM.

Please click here to download the bidding document.

The College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce admission to Master of Engineering in Renewable Energy commencing from August 2017.

Aims of the programme:

The Master of Engineering in Renewable Energy aims to provide meaningful education on the design, analysis and implementation of renewable energy systems and energy management. It will enhance the technical and analytical competency of engineers who are working or intend to work in renewable energy and associated fields.

Click here for complete details

This is to inform all the old students that the re-registration for Autumn Semester 2017 is scheduled on 19th July at 9:00 A.M. for all the programmes.

The fee details are given below:


Tuition Fees for Self Financed Students as per the year of study is given below:


Tuition Hostel & Mess CDF  Caution Money Security Deposit (Refundable) Total


43180 7500 500 50 1000 52,230


44476 7500 500 50 0


Third 45810 7500 500 50 0


Fourth 43447 7500 500 50 0


For 2012 admitted self financed students, the fee structure is as given below:

Any year of study

35536 7500 500 50 0


Tuition Fees for Repeating Students as per the year of study is given below:
Year of Study Tuition Fees per module

Total Fees


8636/- (Tuition Fees per module) X (Number of repeat modules)


P.S. This is a gentle reminder that no hostel accommodation is available for repeating students.







All the self-financed students and repeating students (semester/module) are asked to bring their tuition fees in DEMAND DRAFT during the registration. Kindly address the demand draft to “College of Science and technology”.

Please contact the undersigned at 17118548 for any further query.

Dear Student of Architecture 2017 batch,

Congratulations and Tashi Delek for selecting to study Architecture at the College of Science and Technology.

 We look forward to welcome and meet you personally when you come to the College of Science and Technology in July 2017.

 In the meantime we would like to share you the list of things you need to buy and bring when you come to the College.

We would also like to request you to orient yourself to sketching and colouring techniques by interacting and learning from painters, sculptors, artists, friends and by visiting/ joining organizations like the Voluntary Artist’s Studio (VAST) during your free time.

These skills are expected to help you in your foundation subjects for the Architecture course.

Please click here to view the item list

College of Science and Technology (CST) in collaboration with Tarayana Foundation (TF) has successfully implemented project on low cost solar water heating system on 2nd June 2017.

This is the 5th year of collaboration between CST and TF. The past projects includes:

  1. Low Cost Solar Dryer (year 2013)
  2. Low Cost Water Filter (year 2014)
  3. Low Cost Insulation Material (year 2015)
  4. Low Cost Solar Fencing ( year 2016)

As in the past, the preference is given to prototype fabricated using locally available materials and be low cost, so that it is affordable to rural communities. For low-income people, it is important to find appropriate solutions taking into consideration the local economy of the people and local entrepreneurs, as well as the available skills, tools, materials and other resources to create affordable products for an improved living conditions and livelihood.

College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the list of Shortlisted candidates for Library Assistant’s post. They are requested to report to the college during mention time below:

Venue: Integrity Hall (Administration Building,CST)
Time: 9 AM
Date: 15th April, 2017 (Saturday)

Click here for the Shortlisted candidates.

College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the list of students selected for the academic year 2017.

  1. B.E. Civil Engineering
  2. B.E. Civil Engineering – Self Financed
  3. B. Architecture 
  4. B.E. Electrical Engineering
  5. B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering
  6. B.E. Information Technology

The selection list for self financed candidates in other programmes will be announced on 14th April 2017.

Go International Plus 2016

within the programme
“Erasmus+ Key Action 107 (Mobility with Partner Countries)”

The Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (UGOE) offers 2 Bachelor student mobilities for studies (incoming) in the field of Agriculture, Forestry or Information and Communication Technologies with a duration of months each.

For more details please click here.

Application are invited from Bhutanese nationals for the following post of Library Assistant for appointment in the College of Science & Technology, Rinchending,  Phuentsholing  as detailed below.

Sl. No. Post No. of Slot Position Qualification
1 Library Assistant-III. 01 S5 Class XII passed with certificate or diploma in computer application

Interested candidates meeting the above below may apply to the College on or before 25th March 2017 with the following documents:

  1. Criteria :
  • Should be a Bhutanese National
  • Must be less than 40 years of age

2. Documents required : 

  • CV
  • Copy of citizenship ID Card
  • Security Clearance Certificate
  • Medical Fitness Certificate
  • Work Experience Certificate if any
  • Audit Clearance Certificate (If presently/previously employed)
  • No Objection Certificate ( from your employer if presently working)
  • Full Present Address and Tele/Mobile No.

Shortlisted candidates will be announced on the College website and intimated for interview through call.

For any clarification, please call 17160538 

The students are requested to go through the following document to view the fee structures for 2017.

Click here to download

BCSEA: 2017 Marking Camp (Class XII) of Council Examination

Notification of Accommodation Booking in College of Science & Technology

To those evaluators who would like to avail the facility of Hostel accommodation in College of Science and Technology during the upcoming marking camp should follow the following procedures:-

  1. The registration of Hostel Booking will start from 8:00 AM morning of 7th January 2018.
  2. The accommodation booking requires paying all the accommodation charges in advance.
  3. The charges for the accommodation will begin from the day of booking.
  4. Following are the available Hostels for booking
  1. NK Hostel: – All booked by BCSEA officials
  1. RK Hostel:- (Available)
    1. Rent: Nu. 200 per room per night
    2. Utility Charges (Electricity, water, sewerage, etc): Nu. 250
  • Security Deposit: Nu. 1000
  1. Maximum number of individuals in a room:- 3 persons
  1. A, B, C and D Hostel:- (4-Hostels Available)
    1. Rent: Nu. 150 per room per night
    2. Utility Charges (Electricity, water, sewerage, etc): Nu. 250


  • Security Deposit: Nu. 1000
  1. Maximum number of individuals in a room:- 2 persons
  1. The accommodation does not provide any sleeping materials, only bed will be provided.

Important Notice: – The accommodation does not allow cooking and accommodation of families. If cooking is  found during the stay, penalty cooking charge of Nu. 500 will be deducted from the security deposit.

For any queries kindly contact the accommodation coordinator Mr. Jashman Gurung, HA/Residential Coordinator at 17623675 and Camp Coordinator, Purna B. Samal, Lecturer @17325366

The College of Science and Technology is offering 20 seats each in BE Civil and Electrical Engineering Programme for 2017-2018 academic sessions to In-Service candidates with Diploma in Civil/Electrical Engineering respectively. The duration of the programme is 3 years full time. Tuition fee will be charged based on RUB directives. Accommodation will be provided as per College policy. Interested candidates from government/corporate/private sector should send their application to the College along with letter of recommendation from the employer. Selection will be based on entrance examination.

Click here for more details

Please click here to download the information on availing accommodation for BHSEC, LCSCE and BCSE marking activities to be held in CST, 2016.

The College of Science and Technology, in collaboration with Karuna Foundation and Bhutan Foundation, is organizing a three-day conference on Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development and Design on April 3-5, 2017 at the Convention Hall, Royal University of Bhutan, Motithang, Thimphu.

 The Conference is being organized with the aim to bring together academicians, researchers, engineers and students from different parts of the world to share their research ideas and findings which would further help in promoting a research culture at the Royal University of Bhutan. Experts from USA, Netherlands, Spain, Japan, Thailand, India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan will present papers and engage in discussions on themes such as sustainable development, solar thermal energy, green marketing, biomass electrification, biogas​, ​societal ​benefits of ​efficiency, energy-efficient ​​construction and ​design​, case​ study on ​high ​p​performance ​​building in Bhutan​ among a host of others.

 For more information, click here…

Please click here to download the brochure 

The Royal University of Bhutan (RUB) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee (IITR) for academic cooperation and exchange on 19 th September, 2016.

The MoU will promote in particular the following activities: 

  • Exchange of academic publications
  • Academic exchange of staff and students on a reciprocal basis
  • Joint research and development in disciplines of mutual interest
  • Organisation and participation of joint seminars and conferences, and
  • Capacity building of RUB faculty by IITR

Please click here to read the press release

Sealed bids are invited from the eligible suppliers holding a valid Trade License for the supply of following items to the College of Science and Technology (Rinchending), Phuentsholing: Bhutan.

The following tender package is: 

  1. PKG-01 Supply of Library Books (2016-2017)
  2. PKG-02 Supply of Office Equipment (2016-2017)
  3. PKG-03 Supply of Renewable Energy Lab Equipment (2016-2017)
  4. PKG-04 Supply of Electrical & Electronic  Lab Equipment (2016-2017)
  5. PKG-05 Supply of Civil & Science Lab Equipment (2016-2017)
  6. PKG-06 Supply of Furniture (2016-2017)

Bid Submission date for Package 1, 2 and 6 is 19th September, 12 P.M and bid opening on the same day at 2 P.M.

Bid Submission date for Package 3, 4 and 5 is 4th October, 12 P.M and bid opening on the same day at 2 P.M.

The integrity pact is attached herein for submission along with the tender documents.

Please click here to download it.

College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the result for the following vacancy:

  1. Assistant Research Officer/Assistant Lecturer
  2. Assistant Lecturer

Please click here to view the result.

Dear Students,
The RBP, Head quarters have announced that the Thimphu-Phuentsholing highway will be closed for around 3 days. The college management would like to remind our students to be extra cautious while travelling when the road opens and is safe to travel.

The re-registration date is extended till 30th July, 12:00 P.M.

The students are requested to go through the following document to view the fee structures for 2016.

Click here to download

Please note that the reassessment examinations will be starting from 20th to 22nd July 2016.

The dates for Re-registration of students (registration of old students) are as follows:
B. Architecture & ECE: 24th July,
IT & EE:25th July,
Civil: 26th July.

Incoming students (2016) to please take note of the list of activities.

Click here to view

The College of Science and Technology, is pleased to announce the list of Self Finance candidates selected for admission under various departments for the year 2016.

  1. Bachelor of Architecture (Self Finance)
  2. Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology(Self Finance)

This is to inform all the students selected for 2016 admission to College of Science and Technology that the reporting date to the college is changed to 16th July 2016(Architecture, Civil and ECE) and 17th July 2016(IT and Electrical) .

The incoming students for the year 2016 are requested to go through the following documents: 

  1. Admission Policy
  2. Undertaking Form
  3. New Admission Registration and Necessities 

College of Science and Technology is pleased to announce the vacancy for the following post:

  1. Assistant Research Officer/Assistant Lecturer         –      1 Slot.
  2. Assistant Lecturer    –     1 Slot.

Eligible candidates may apply to the Administrative Officer, College of Science and Technology, Rinchending latest by 9 July 2016. Click here to view further details.


The College of Science & Technology (CST), Royal University of Bhutan (RUB) is pleased to announce the 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development from 10th -12th November 2016. The conference is organized to bring together the Academicians, researchers, engineers and students from different parts of the world to share their research ideas and findings, and would help in promoting research culture at the Royal University of Bhutan.  The conference is dedicated to the birth of His Royal Highness The Druk Gyalsey Jigme Namgyel Wangchuck.


For further detail, please click here to download the brochure.

The 11th Convocation Ceremony of Royal University of Bhutan will be held on 7th June, 2016 at RIM, Thimphu. Graduates of 2015 from College of Science and Technology are required to register online to participate in the Convocation Ceremony.

The last date for registration is 2nd June 2016.

Click here to register.

For further information please contact Dean, Academic Affairs @ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or +975-16553720.


For technical/IT assistance please contact ICT Office @This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or +975-16553812/17331551.

The College of Science and Technology, is pleased to announce the list of candidates selected for admission under various departments for the year 2016.

1. Bachelor of Architecture

2. Bachelor of Engineering in Civil

3. Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical

4. Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics & Communication

5. Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology

6. Self Financed (Bachelor of Engineering in Civil)

We would like to share the list of things the incoming B Architecture 2016 Batch need to buy and bring when you report to the College.

Please click here to view the list of items

Sealed bids are invited from the eligible suppliers holding valid Trade License, issued by the MTI for the supply of following items to the College of Science and Technology (Rinchending), Phuentsholing: Bhutan. The following tender package is on sale:-

PKG-01: Supply of Floor tiles (2015-2016)

The Tender documents will be available on the CST website from 21st April to 23rd May 2016. The submission of bids is at 12.00 PM on 23rd May  2016 and will be publicly opened on the same day at 2.00 PM. The payment for the bid documents should be made during the time of submission of bids.

The cost of each tender package is Nu.500/-.

Please click here to download the tender package.